How To Rescue Emperor Xian in Dynasty Warriors Origins

The Rescue of Emperor Xian mission in Dynasty Warriors Origins tasks you with escorting the Emperor’s carriage to a safe location.

How To Rescue Emperor Xian in Dynasty Warriors Origins
Rescuing Emperor Xian follows several stages (Image via Koei Tecmo Games)

Koei Tecmo’s action wargame Dynasty Warriors Origins is the latest installment in the popular musou franchise Dynasty Warriors. In addition to the large-scale battles to conquer bases, Dynasty Warriors Origins also features rescue missions, with one of the prominent one taking place in chapter 3.

In the Rescue of Emperor Xian mission, you join forces with Cao Cao and his forces to protect and secure Emperor Xian from Li Jue’s army. The time limit of 20 minutes adds an extra layer of challenge and intensity. Follow along as we guide you through the various stages of rescuing Emperor Xian and completing this mission in Dynasty Warriors Origins. 

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How to Unlock Rescue of Emperor Xian Mission in Dynasty Warriors Origins

Escort the Emperor Xian carriage to the escape location within specified time limit
Escort the Emperor Xian carriage to the escape location within specified time limit (Image via Koei Tecmo Games)

Progress further in chapter 3 until you reach the Sili province to unlock the ‘Second Battle of Puyang’ mission. Completing the ‘Second Battle of Puyang’ mission unlocks the Rescue of Emperor Xian mission.

The mission requires you to escort the carriage that carries Emperor Xian to the escape location within 20 minutes, ensuring the carriage maintains at least 70% health. If the carriage is destroyed or Cao Cao flees the battle, the mission will be lost. It follows several stages:

  • Clear enemy bases to free the ally forces
  • Escort the Emperor Xian carriage to Luoyang
  • Defeat Li Jue and Guo Si and their large forces

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How to Complete Rescue of Emperor Xian Mission in Dynasty Warriors Origins

Clear Enemy Bases

At the start of the mission, you will be placed at the center of the battlefield near the carriage. Clear the enemy forces surrounding you to make way for carriage. The carriage will only move if all allied forces have gathered at the spot. If they are engaged in battles at nearby bases, assist them in clearing all the enemy bases. 

Escort the Carriage

Clearing every base and securing the path allows the carriage to move. Throughout your way, waves of massive enemy forces attempt to surround and attack the carriage. The carriage stops moving if it is threatened by nearby enemies. Fend off the attackers and escort the carriage safely through Luoyang. 

Defeating Li Jue and Guo Si is the final part
Defeating Li Jue and Guo Si is the final part (Image via Koei Tecmo Games)

Defeat Li Jue and Guo Si

Handing over Emperor Xian’s carriage at the designated escape location changes the mission objective to defeat Li Jue and Guo Si. Li Jue rushes to the spot with his massive army of over 1000 enemies. Utilize all your tactics, special musou arts, and companion switching to eliminate the massive army of Li Jue’s forces. Successfully defeating Li Jue and Guo Si concludes the mission. 

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