How To Reverse in WWE 2K25

In this guide, we shall go over how to reverse in WWE 2K25 and will also take a look at the combo breaker system.

How To Reverse in WWE 2K25 (Source: 2K Games)
How To Reverse in WWE 2K25 (Source: 2K Games)

We all remember the despair and hopelessness when the Authority stooge Seth Rollins lined up the fan-favorite Randy Orton for a stomp at Wrestlemania 31. As all hope seemed lost, Orton countered the stomp, launching Rollins into the air and reversing his finisher into an RKO. WWE 2K25 lets you recreate such epic moments and make your own highlight reel by pulling off cool moves and reversing others. 

WWE 2K25 features an in-depth reversal system that you absolutely must master if you wish to emerge the victor. There are finishers you can reverse, grapple holds, combos, and strike attacks. Finishers, especially, are attacks you want to reverse, as they can dictate the end of the match if hit.

While it may seem like there’s a lot to reverse and the whole mechanic is pretty complicated, it is fairly simple. If you’re confused about the reversal mechanics in WWE 2K25, we’re here to help you out. In this guide, we shall go over how to reverse in WWE 2K25.

Related: How to Download Custom Superstar in WWE 2K25

How To Reverse

5 things we want to see in WWE 2K25
A well-timed reversal is the difference between win or loss (Source: EA Sports)

Reversing in WWE 2K25 is as simple as pressing a button. You reverse by pressing the triangle button on PlayStation and Y on Xbox. But as easy as it may seem, you have to time the reversal correctly. All moves in the game have different reversal timings.

For instance, the reversal prompt for a standard hook shows up right as the punch is about to land. But a German Suplex can only be reversed once you’re locked and about to be picked up. Or, for instance, Seth Rollins’ stomp can only be reversed before his foot gets off the mat. There are different timings for different moves, and you can only master them by practicing against the AI. 

While finishers and grapple moves are the main ones you must reverse, it doesn’t mean you take combos lightly. You reverse a combo the same way you reverse other attacks. But if you fail to do so, you’re then locked in the combo and have to use a combo breaker to break out.

Combo breakers are a guessing game where you have to guess and press the exact same button the other player will press in their combo. If the other player’s combo is (X, X, B), then you have to press one of those buttons the moment the other player presses them during the combo to break out.

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