How To Revive Teammates in REPO

In this guide, we shall go over how to revive teammates in REPO so they can join back into the action right away.

Stay away from monster and loot (Source: semiwork)
How to revive teammates in REPO (Source: semiwork)

REPO is a new game out in Early Access that throws you in deep with supernatural horrors. Featuring 6-player co-op, this horror game sends you into haunted locations in search of valuable objects to extract. As you pass through the levels and encounter unimaginable horrors, you’re bound to die. If you’re dead, hope is not lost, however. REPO lets you revive your teammates so they can continue on the expedition. 

If you’re in the middle of the run and your teammate has died, your teammate will revive automatically for the next run. But experiencing the horrors with a friend is more exciting, and you’d rather revive them right away. REPO lets you do so, but it’s not as simple as it may seem. If you don’t want to wait till the next run to bring your friend back, we’re here to help. In this guide, we shall go over how to revive teammates in REPO. 

Related: REPO: How To Extract – Deltia’s Gaming

How To Revive Teammates 

Extract in REPO and complete the mission (Source: semiwork)
Revive your friends so they can join back in (Source: semiwork)

There are two methods you can use to revive your teammates in REPO. The first, as stated earlier, is the automatic revive that takes place at the end of the round. The second method is a more deliberate method that requires you to first find your teammate’s head. If your teammate died, they are deemed a “Broken One” and leave behind a head. You can interact with and pick up this head. 

Pick up your teammate’s head and head over to the Extraction point. This is the area where you drop off all collected objects and is marked by the bright lights with the emoji icon. Drop the head in the Extraction zone, and your teammate will revive after you’ve fulfilled the quota. The Extractor only works once you’ve fulfilled your quota, so you have to ensure that you’re collecting as many objects as you can. 

Once the quota is met, the Extractor will set off, so make sure to clear the area. After the process is complete, your teammate will be revived, but only with 1 HP. While 1 HP may make the whole thing seem like a waste of time, don’t worry. Head back into the ship nearby, and you will automatically regenerate up to 25 HP by simply standing inside the ship. Once your friend has moderate HP, they can join back into the action.

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