How To Switch Between Low and High Rank in Monster Hunter Wilds

Everything you need to know about Low and High Rank in Monster Hunter Wilds, and how to easily switch between the two in-game.

Monster Hunter Wilds (Image via Capcom)
Monster Hunter Wilds (Image via Capcom)

If you’re new to Monster Hunter games, the concept of Low and High Rank can be a little confusing to you. Separate from the player’s Hunter Rank, Low and High Rank define the quest types in Monster Hunter titles, including the latest, Monster Hunter Wilds. You start MH Wilds with Low Rank quests, which dominate the majority of the game’s story campaign.

Once you complete the final main story quest in Low Rank, the game immediately takes you to High Rank. In High Rank (or HR), you get access to the final half of the main story, as well as Monster Hunter Wilds’ true “endgame.” However, once you step into High Rank, heading back to Low Rank can be a bit confusing.

Here’s everything you need to know about Low and High Rank in Monster Hunter Wilds, and how to easily switch between them.

What Is Low and High Rank in Monster Hunter Wilds?

High Rank chapters in Monster Hunter Wilds (Image via Capcom)
High Rank chapters in Monster Hunter Wilds (Image via Capcom)

Low Rank is essentially the tier of quests that you get access to when you first start playing Monster Hunter Wilds. The first three chapters of the game comprise the Low Rank. Once you finish the main story questMonster Hunter, you get access to the High Rank. Additionally the first quest of HR requires you to capture a Yian Kut-Ku. Once you complete that capture request, you get full access to High Rank.

The High Rank quests mark a substantial increase in terms of difficulty compared to the Low Rank. In addition to that, once you complete the quest – What Lies Ahead in High Rank, you get access to Monster Hunter Wilds’ endgame.

When you’re in Low Rank, you cannot go to High Rank until you’ve progressed past the Monster Hunter story quest. However, if you have reached HR, you can go to Low Rank, albeit the process isn’t straightforward.

How To Switch From High To Low Rank in MH Wilds?

To go from High Rank to Low Rank, you need to start a Low Rank Optional Quest. To do so, simply head to a Pop-up Camp or talk to Alma, and select Optional Quests. The quests that are marked with a Blue-colored Star are Low Rank quests.

Whereas, the quests marked with an Orange-colored Star are High Rank quests. Furthermore, once you reach High Rank, you won’t get enough Hunter Rank (HR) points from completing Low Rank quests. The only reason you might want to go to Low Rank is to farm resources like Mystery Bone, Earth Crystal, etc.

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