The Slicer Expert, Aila Bren, will grant Kay the slicer kit equipment, and she can have her ability tree unlocked early on in Star Wars Outlaws.

In Star Wars Outlaws, Kay Vess’s primary method of dealing with her problems is stealth and hacking terminals. The Slicer Expert, Aila Bren can help her improve on those abilities and also grant her the Slicing Kit. This piece of equipment allows Kay to hack certain objects that don’t normally have a terminal. This paired with the other abilities Kay can unlock by having access to Aila’s skill tree makes it a very important Expert tree to unlock as soon as possible. In this guide, we will walk you through all the steps on how to unlock the Slicer Expert in Star Wars Outlaws.
How to Unlock the Slicer
Kay first hears about the slicer after completing the main quest New Tricks from Danka in Juanta’s Hope. This will unlock the Expert Intel Chain, The Slicer. This is a fairly long intel chain with multiple parts that ends with a full-blown quest.
The Slicer Expert Intel Chain
- Intel Parts: Underworld Rumors -> Aila’s Contact
- Location: Jaunta’s Hope – Toshara
- Flavor Text: Someone on Toshara can help Kay get her hands on an advanced slicing kit.
Underworld Rumors Intel
- Description: Some of the criminals hanging around Makal’s are looking to hire the best slicer on Toshara.
- Location: Makal’s Gambling Parlor – Toshara
The map marker for this intel directs you to the main section of Makal’s Gambling Parlor. You can fast-travel there directly after you get the Intel Chain quest. Make sure to talk to the bartender at the Jaunta’s Hope diner before you do so to get the Speeder Mechanic Intel Chain moving before you do.
Once you enter the Parlor and work your way to the far side of the bar floor, you may hear two criminals mention a slicer. Use the Listen prompt to lean against the bar and listen in on their conversations. You will overhear the criminals talking about Aila Bren and how she has a contact inside the Crimson Dawn district. This will resolve the Underworld Rumors Intel and start the next Intel part in the chain.

Aila’s Contact Intel
- Description: Alia’s underworld contact is at the landing pad in the Crimson Dawn district of Mirogana.
- Location: Crimson Dawn District – Toshara
The next piece of intel points Kay towards the Crimson Dawn district in Mirogana. You will have to do some stealth to speak with Aila’s contact. If Kay is in good standing with the Crimson Dawn, you can avoid most of the sneaking around, but you will have to get into the restricted area either way.

Now while this Intel is active, several of the guards in the restricted area are not present, so you can use this opportunity to complete the Counterfeit Credits Intel Chain or look into the Crimson Dawn Vault Intel Chain. Once you speak with Aila’s contact he will contact her. She will ask you to get an Imperial Code Sequencer, which completes the Intel Chain and begins the quest in earnest.
The Slicer Expert Quest
After completing the two intel pieces above, this will start a multistage quest that will see Kay have to complete several steps to complete. This quest will require the use of almost every skill Kay learned so far. This is the final long process on how to unlock the Slicer Expert in Star Wars Outlaws.
- Location: Southern Falls – Toshara
- Flavor Text: The legendary slicer Aila Bren has some advanced tech that Kay could use, but it won’t come free. First, Kay has to do Aila a favor.
Steal the Code Sequencer
The first part of this quest requires Kay to go into Imperial Territory in the Southern Falls location. It will bring you to Treasure Location, Imperial Outpost 31. Acquiring the treasure isn’t required for this quest. All you need to do is get Nix to pickpocket the quest-marked technician.

When you do this just be careful because if someone sees you or Nix, it could lead to a full-blown firefight that is easy to get overwhelmed by. Once you have the Imperial Sequencer, you need to meet up with Aila.
Meet with Aila
The quest marker will point you to the Imperial Forward Base. You can drive right through the guard post, just don’t get too close or stop and they will quickly lose interest before you get a wanted level. Once you get close enough Kay will contact Aila, who will inform you that she is holed up in an Imperial garage and needs your help. You will have to sneak into the base or do a full frontal assault, and sneaking is preferable. There is a side entrance you can access on the northeast side of the base.

You will have to do some sneaking and stealth takedowns to reach the garage, but this should be easy to accomplish. Again, you can have a firefight if you want, but we recommend avoiding it at least for as long as you can. When you get inside just move to the right, activate the steam, then follow it to the climbable wall. Use Nix and stealth to take out the Stormtrooper, Scout Trooper, and the technician on the upper platform. After they are dealt with, you can use your data spike to enter the garage.
Aila will ask you to meet her in the back room. After speaking with her, she will ask you to attach a device to an antenna on the roof of the garage.
Attach the Device to the Rooftop Antenna
Open up the vent in the same room you met with Aila, then go up the ladder on your right once you exit the garage. Once on the roof, there is a Stormtrooper on the wall to the south that can see you so don’t just rush ahead blindly. Be as stealthy as possible and then attach the device to the quest-marked antenna.
Once that’s done, Aila will activate the Imperial turrets to turn on the Imperial forces of the base. Stay behind the antenna hidden while the turrets do their work or you may get a Wanted Level. If you do get a Wanted level, you may want to reload a previous auto-save and try again, as the troopers will just keep coming until you are dead. Once the turrets have done their job of clearing out the Imperials, wait until any remaining Imperials are no longer on alert and then start toward you next quest marker.
BUG NOTE: If somehow the turrets take out an Imperial and it is in sight of a camera, the camera will activate as if Kay killed the Imperial. This will result in an automatic level 3 wanted level which makes the mission very difficult to complete. To avoid this it’s best to clear out all of the enemies in the outside area and shut off any cameras you can. This will take a while but is better than losing all the credits from dying over and over again.
Disable the Anti-Air Defenses
It’s time to go back into stealth. If you end up having to go loud, just keep the Imperials from sounding an alarm so you don’t get a Wanted Level. You need to infiltrate the main tower.

There is an Imperial officer and a Storm Trooper inside the tower’s bottom level. There are a few ways to deal with them but since there are only two of them going loud isn’t a problem if that’s what you want to do. Access the computer to unlock the security door to the elevator to go up the tower.
Once you go up the elevator there are two more Imperials to deal with, but again they aren’t much of a challenge. You can ignore the R2 unit, it won’t bother you. Slice the computer terminal to deactivate the turbolasers so Aila can take the ship and escape. Once you do that, simply leave the compound, avoiding any remaining Imperials on your way out. If you end up getting a one-bar Wanted Level here, just wait a minute and it will fall off.
Once you leave the compound Aila will contact you and tell you to meet her contact at Makal’s Gambling Parlor to pick up your new slicing kit. Follow the quest marker (you can fast travel once you leave the Imperial Territory), and talk to the contact to complete the quest. This will unlock Kay’s Slicing Kit Equipment and the Slicer Expert Ability Tree for Kay to Use in Star Wars Outlaws.
The Slicer Expert Ability Tree

The Slicer Expert Tree has 6 new abilities for Kay, one of which is already unlocked and the rest Kay will have to unlock by getting various items and completing specific task. Here are the abilities that Aila, the slicer, gives Kay access to, what they do, and how to unlock them:
- Slicing Kit – Gadget able to connect to advanced, terminal-less devices. Interact with a device by pressing (use) to Slice it.
- Unlocks immediately on completion of the Slicer quest.
- Sneak Shot – Shooting an enemy unaware of Kay’s Position deals extra damage.
- Blast down 5 distracted enemies.
- Complete an Infiltration Contract.
- Concussive Smoke – Upgrades the smoke bomb with a concussion effect that leaves enemies in the area Staggerd for 2 seconds.
- Requires Smoke Bomb ability. More info to come.
- Sneaky Trap – Allows Nix to trap Alarm Panels.
- Command Nix to perform 7 different actions.
- Slice 3 devices in 3 attempts or fewer.
- Lightfooted – Reduces the notice Kay makes while Walking and Sprinting, halving the enemy detection distance.
- Complete a smuggler contract
- Perform a Takedown on an Imperial Officer
- Lockpick3 different locks
- Slicer Kit Upgrade – Increases the amount of Energy for the Slicing Kit by 2. Use Energy to activate Jokers during the slicing process.
- Acquire 1 Code Breaker Chip
- Acquire 8 Chalcopyrite
- Acquire 3 Direct-Energy Circuits.
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