How To Use Traps in Monster Hunter Wilds

Find out how you can use traps in Monster Hunter Wilds to capture monsters or have an easier time battling them during a hunt.

How to use traps in Monster Hunter WIlds?
Traps are effective and makes the hunt much easier (Image via Capcom || Deltia’s Gaming)

Traps, as the name suggests, are gimmicks that you can use to make your hunts easier in Monster Hunter Wilds. These mechanisms hold the monster in the same place for a while, which can greatly help you to get some massive combos on them. If you are out to capture monsters, traps are non-negotiable.

Using traps is fairly easy; however, you need to be extremely aware of your surroundings and the timing. In this article, we will explain how you can use traps in Monster Hunter Wilds. We will also go over the traps that exist in the game, and how their use cases differ for monsters.

Steps To Set Up Traps in Monster Hunter Wilds

Follow these steps to set up traps in Monster Hunter Wilds:

  • Create distance from the monster or use a Ghillie Mantle to get some space.
  • Select your desired trap from the Radial Wheel.
  • Place the trap on the ground.
  • Lure the monster towards the trap.

Here are detailed explanations for each step.

1) Create Distance From the Monster (or Use a Ghillie Mantle)

Shock Trap in Monster Hunter Wilds.
Wear a Ghillie Mantle and set up the trap (Image via Capcom || Deltia’s Gaming)

Before you select and place the trap, you need to decide on your approach. You can either use the Ghillie Mantle or create a distraction for the monster to get some space.

The Ghillie Mantle is a neat piece of equipment that causes monsters to lose track of you. Essentially, you become invisible to them unless you are hit by their attack or you attack them. Once you wear the Ghillie Mantle, put the trap right beside the monster.

If your Ghillie Mantle is in cooldown, you can also create a distraction to get some space. You can do this in many ways:

  • Place the trap when the monster is fighting your Palico.
  • Use Flashflies or Flash Pod to blind the monster and set up a trap.
  • Use Lure Pod to make the monster go in a different direction.

Once some distance has been created between you and the monster, you are ready to place the trap in Monster Hunter Wilds.

2) Select the Right Trap

After you have successfully found the right spot, select your desired trap from the radial wheel. There are two traps that you can use – the Shock Trap and the Pitfall Trap. However, you need to decide which trap to use based on the monster that you are fighting. Some monsters are immune to certain traps in Monster Hunter Wilds, which can make this difficult. 

Here are the monsters and the traps that they are immune to in Monster Hunter Wilds:

MonsterTrap Immunity
Rey DauImmune to Shock Traps
GypcerosImmune to Shock Traps
Jin DahaadImmune to Pitfall Traps
Zoh ShiaImmune to both Shock and Pitfall Traps

3) Place the Trap

While this might seem like an easy step, there are some minor complexities to keep in mind. Ideally, you should set up the trap in the direction the monster is likely going to attack. We also suggest using it on flat ground and not on raised terrain, since the monster might not track you to all places all the time. 

If you are using a Ghillie Mantle, you should place the trap right beside the monster to have it instantly take effect. In some cases, the monster might flee and relocate without activating your trap. In such a scenario, you can pick up any unused traps in Monster Hunter Wilds.

4) Lure the Monster Towards the Trap

How to capture monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds?
Once the monster comes near the trap, they will be immobilized and you can capture them (Image via Capcom || Deltia’s Gaming)

Once you have placed the trap in Monster Hunter Wilds, your next job is to ensure the monster activates it. You can either take the monster’s aggro and manually lure it towards the trap. Or, you can also use a Lure Pod to force the monster towards the trap. 

After the monster activates the trap, you can either capture it or use your combos to deal a massive amount of damage. Note that all traps only immobilize the monster for a few seconds only.

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