In this article, we shall go over the perks and flaws of Assassin’s Creed Origins to help you decide if the game is worth playing in 2025.

Assassin’s Creed Origins is an interesting point in the long-running Assassin’s Creed series, marking a stark shift from the smaller, more parkour-focused games to bigger, RPG-lite experiences. The game effectively split the Assassin’s Creed fanbase, diverging into two groups with different outlooks on what the series was, is, and can be. But what does this mean for the game in isolation, outside of this exceedingly toxic discourse?
Needless to say, regardless of what school of thought you fall into, it cannot be denied that AC Origins has its perks. The game has solid mechanics and fundamentals, backed by a gorgeous setting. It is not without its flaws, either. So, if you’re looking to play this title for the first time in 2025, you may wonder: Is it worth playing? Is it fun? We’re here to answer that question.
4 Reasons You Should Play Assassin’s Creed Origins in 2025
1) A Gorgeous Open World

Despite the criticisms lodged at the game, one thing everyone unanimously agreed upon was that AC Origins’ Egypt is absolutely mesmerizing. A lot of us grew up enamored by ancient Egypt, courtesy of Brendan Fraser. AC Origins throws you into this fascinating civilization and era at the peak of its glory. The map is faithfully recreated, so much so that Ubisoft added a Discovery Tour mode that acts as a virtual museum tour, letting you soak in the beauty of the era.
2) More Engaging Side Quests

Coming hot on the trails of The Witcher 3, AC Origins expanded upon its side quests to add greater stories to them. While the previous AC games had side quests, they were, quite frankly, barebones and were simple fetch quests. Now, AC Origins’ side quests are also fetch quests, but they do a better job of expanding upon the world, its characters, its rituals and practices, and so much more. These are far more engaging and make the world feel lived in.
3) Bayek of Siwa, a Charming Protagonist

A complaint often tied to AC games after the Ezio trilogy was the lack of a relatable and charismatic protagonist. AC Origins tackles this complaint head-on by introducing Bayek of Siwa, a charismatic enigma who is just as charming with a smile as he is lethal with a blade. Bayek is multidimensional, shielding his trauma with a smile, pushing on to hunt those who wronged him. Bayek is the best protagonist the series has seen since Ezio and one you’ll absolutely love.
4) Where It All Started

Perhaps the biggest reason you should play AC Origins is that, as its name suggests, it details the origins of the Assassins Brotherhood. The Hidden Ones, as they were known for centuries, find their roots in ancient Egypt. The game’s story expands upon the brotherhood and how it ties to Bayek and the war with the Order of the Ancients. If you’re a fan of the series or looking in at the fascinating lore from the outside, AC Origins is a must-play.
3 Reasons You Should Not Play Assassin’s Creed Origins in 2025
While the game is a good time, it is not without its flaws, some of which may make you reconsider playing it. These flaws and faults are listed below:
1) Level-gated Quests

The biggest change you’ll notice coming into Origins is that it introduces levels for its quests. The problem arises when a story quest is at Level 5, and you’re at Level 3, and now suddenly, you have to grind up to meet the requirements. What this does is that it artificially pads the game time, which can also lead to burnout. There are only so many camps you can raid before you give up on the game entirely.
2) Stats, Stats, and Stats

This one comes down to purely preference, but AC Origins requires you to constantly keep your gear up to par with your level and the enemies you face. If you don’t, you suffer for it in combat, and especially in stealth. While previous games allowed you to one-hit-kill enemies in stealth, you cannot do so in Origins if your stats and level don’t match up with the enemy. This, once again, reinforces the grind for better gear and levels and artificially pads playtime.
3) Rudimentary Parkour

Perhaps the biggest offender in AC Origins is its dumbed-down parkour. Parkour, a longstanding staple of the series, is barely featured in a good chunk of Origins. The locales are spread out, offering minimal chances to parkour. While the locale layouts make sense, considering the time period, they do hurt the parkour in the game. Thankfully, you can parkour in the bigger cities, but we would’ve loved to have greater location variety for parkour than what the game offered.
Final Verdict: Should You Play Assassin’s Creed Origins in 2025?
Yes, Assassin’s Creed Origins is absolutely worth your time in 2025. The game, for all its flaws, throws you into a gorgeous setting with a story led by a charismatic protagonist. The gameplay loop is addicting, and while the grind may be overbearing, it is worth powering through to experience the origins of the Assassins in ancient Egypt. We highly recommend picking up Assassin’s Creed Origins in 2025.
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