Monster Hunter Wilds: How To Get Coma Sac

If you’re wondering how to get a Coma Sac in Monster Hunter Wilds, this quick guide covers which monsters drop this material.

Monster Hunter Wilds How To Get Coma Sac
Here is how you can get Coma Sacs in Monster Hunter WIlds. (Image via Capcom)

Coma Sac is Rarity 6 material in Monster Hunter Wilds that you can acquire from a creature after a hunt. You can use this material to craft a plethora of equipment in the game. However, this item is rare and only drops from high-ranking monsters. Make sure you are fully prepared before going on the hunt to collect this material.

Knowing which monsters to hunt down can reduce the time needed to grind for this material. Here is a guide on how to get Coma Sac in Monster Hunter Wilds and what its uses are.

Also Read: Ultimate Beginner Tips and Tricks for Monster Hunter Wilds

Where To Find Coma Sac in Monster Hunter Wilds?

Where To Find Coma Sac in Monster Hunter Wilds?
Nerscylla can drop Coma Sacs. (Image via Deltias Gaming, Capcom)

You can obtain a Coma Sac by hunting Nerscylla and Gravios in High Rank. Nerscylla has a 21% drop rate, while Gravios has a 13% chance of dropping the item. Alternatively, you can do quests that also target one of the two monsters.

  • Investigating the Frenzied Shadow (Assignment) – Nerscylla 
  • The Nerscylla’s Hunting Grounds (Optional) – Nerscylla 

The two quests mentioned are all Rank 4 Difficulty. Considering the drop rate, Nerscylla is the best monster to hunt to get Coma Sacs. However, you need to make preparations before initiating the hunt. Bring items like Nullberries and healing items like a well-made steak or rations to increase Health and Stamina. If you prefer to avoid quests, you can always go for a free-roam hunt for Nerscylla and Gravios.

How To Use Coma Sac in Monster Hunter Wilds

How To Use Coma Sac in Monster Hunter Wilds
Here is a list of the items you can forge using Coma Sacs. (Image via Capcom)

Coma Sacs are essential for forging and upgrading various weapons and armor pieces in Monster Hunter Wilds. However, keep in mind that you will need a lot of this material. Here is a list of equipment you can craft:


  • Immane Blade II (Forge)
  • Scylla Fist II (Upgrade)
  • Immane Blade II (Upgrade)
  • Cluster Hammer II (Upgrade)
  • Stealth Glaive II (Upgrade)
  • Scaly Sword II (Upgrade)
  • Arachnoscale II (Upgrade)
  • Shell Gunberd II (Upgrade)
  • Ner Bustergun II (Upgrade)
  • Blood Cry II (Upgrade)


  • Nerscylla Greaves α (Forge)
  • Gravios Greaves α (Forge)
  • Nerscylla Greaves β (Forge)
  • Gravios Greaves β (Forge)

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