Check out the Mega Latios Raid Guide for Pokemon GO to learn about the best counters and weaknesses to have an easier time in-game.

Mega Latios in Pokemon GO raids can be countered with Bug-, Ghost-, Ice-, Dragon-, Dark-, and Fairy-types Pokemon and moves. The Dragon- and Psychic-type Legendary will have 84000 CP during the battle. Latios will have 2090-2178 CP or 2613-2723 CP (Windy weather boost) caught from this raid. You can input Dragon&@Dragon&cp2000- (substitute each instance of Dragon to any of the other aforementioned types) to find the best counters available in your caught Pokemon list.
Mega Latios cannot be solo’d in the Mega Raid. You will need at least five trainers alongside the best counters to take it down. Its current raid cycle runs from December 12 to December 19, 2024. Once defeated, you will have a chance to catch Latios which then can be mega evolved (more on that later).
Best Mega Latios counters
The top raid counters for Mega Latios are:
Rank | Pokemon | Fast Move | Charged Move |
1 | ![]() Mega Rayquaza / Shadow Rayquaza | Dragon Tail | Breaking Swipe |
2 | ![]() Dawn Wings Necrozma | Shadow Claw | Moongeist Beam |
3 | ![]() Mega Tyranitar | Bite | Brutal Swing |
4 | ![]() Mega Garchomp | Dragon Tail | Outrage |
5 | ![]() Origin Forme Dialga | Dragon breath | Roar of Time |
6 | ![]() Mega Salamence | Dragon Tail | Draco Meteor |
7 | ![]() Mega Gardevoir | Charm | Dazzling Gleam |
8 | ![]() Mega Latios | Dragon Breath | Dragon Claw |
9 | ![]() Mega Houndoom | Snarl | Foul Play |
10 | ![]() Mega Latias | Dragon Breath | Outrage |
Mega Latios weaknesses, stats, and moveset in Pokemon GO
Mega Latios is weak to Bug-, Ghost-, Ice-, Dragon-, Dark-, and Fairy-types (taking 1.6x damage) and resistant to Fighting-, Fire-, Water-, Grass-, Electric-, and Psychic-types (taking 0.63x damage). You can check our Pokemon GO type calculator to learn more.
Its max CP at level 50 is 5661, with ATK 335, DEF 241, and HP 190 stats.
Mega Latios current moveset in Pokemon GO is:
Fast Moves | Charged Moves |
Zen Headbutt (Psychic-type) Dragon Breath (Dragon-type) | Psychic (Psychic-type) Dragon Claw (Dragon-type) Solar Beam (Grass-type) Luster Purge (Dragon-type) [It is a Legacy Move available exclusively through Elite Charged TM] |
How to get Mega Latios in Pokemon GO?

Once you successfully complete the Mega Latios raid, you will have the chance to catch Latios. To get your hands on the mega evolved form, you will need 300 Mega Energy. The latter can be found by completing more Mega Latios raids.
Once you mega evolve the Pokemon once, the mechanic will go into a cooldown period after the timer expires. Post that, you will not need Mega Energy to mega evolve that particular Pokemon.
Can Latios be shiny from Pokemon GO raids?
Lucky trainers can encounter Shiny Latios, with a 1-in-20 or 5% chance. Keep in mind, Shiny Legendaries are guaranteed to be caught in-game.
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