Discover all about Pokemon GO’s Steeled Resolve event: spawns, bonuses, research tasks, and rewards. Maximize your gameplay now!

Trainers, it’s time to gear up for an exciting adventure in Pokemon GO! The Steeled Resolve event is packed with new Pokemon, thrilling raids, exclusive research, and a ton of bonuses to boost your gameplay. With so many opportunities to level up your collection and earn valuable rewards, Pokemon GO Steeled Resolve is an event you won’t want to miss. Let’s take a closer look at everything Steeled Resolve has in store!
When Is Pokemon GO Steeled Resolve Happening?
The Steeled Resolve event in Pokemon GO is here to offer Trainers exciting new Pokemon, unique rewards, and countless activities. From Tuesday, January 21, at 10:00 a.m. to Sunday, January 26, 2025, at 8:00 p.m. local time, the event promises something for everyone. Let’s break it all down!
Pokemon Debuts
Three brand-new Pokemon from the Galar region are making their first appearance in Pokemon GO:
- Rookidee
- Corvisquire (evolves from Rookidee with 25 Rookidee Candy)
- Corviknight (evolves from Corvisquire with 100 Rookidee Candy)
This event is your first chance to catch, evolve, and add these Steel and Flying-type Pokemon to your collection.
Dual Destiny Special Research
A fresh chapter in the Seasonal Special Research becomes available as the event begins. The best part? It’s free for all Trainers. Completing tasks will reward you with:
- Two Fast TMs
- Two Charged TMs
- One Lucky Egg
- Additional surprises
Make sure to claim this research before Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at 9:59 a.m. local time.
Event Bonuses

This event comes with several useful bonuses to enhance your gameplay:
- Use a Charged TM to remove the move Frustration from your Shadow Pokemon.
- Activate Magnetic Lure Modules to attract special Pokemon like Onix, Beldum, Shieldon, and Rookidee.
These bonuses can help you power up your Pokemon or catch new ones more easily.
Wild Pokemon Encounters
During the event, these Pokemon will appear more frequently in the wild:
- Clefairy
- Machop
- Totodile
- Marill
- Hoppip
- Paldean Wooper
- Shieldon
- Bunnelby
- Carbink
- Mareanie
If you’re lucky, you may encounter their Shiny versions!
Pokemon GO Steeled Resolve Raids

Challenge yourself in raids to encounter special Pokemon. Here’s the complete breakdown:
One-Star Raids
- Lickitung
- Skorupi
- Pancham
- Amaura
Five-Star Raids
- Deoxys (Attack Forme): Available until January 24 at 10:00 a.m.
- Deoxys (Defense Forme): Available until January 24 at 10:00 a.m.
- Dialga: Available starting January 24 at 10:00 a.m.
Mega Raids
- Mega Gallade: Available until January 24 at 10:00 a.m.
- Mega Medicham: Available starting January 24 at 10:00 a.m.
Most of these raid bosses, except Deoxys in both forms, can appear as Shiny.
Available Eggs in Steeled Resolve Event
Hatch Pokemon from 2 km Eggs collected during the event. These include:
- Shieldon
- Carbink
- Mareanie
- Rookidee
There’s also a chance of hatching Shiny Pokemon!
Featured Moves
During the event, certain evolutions grant exclusive moves to your Pokemon:
- Machamp: Knows the Fast Attack Karate Chop
- Feraligatr: Knows the Charged Attack Hydro Cannon
- Quagsire: Knows the Charged Attack Aqua Tail
- Lickilicky: Knows the Charged Attack Body Slam
- Corviknight: Knows the Charged Attack Iron Head
- Clodsire: Knows the Charged Attack Megahorn
Plan your evolutions to take full advantage of these powerful moves.
Timed Research

A Paid Timed Research is available for $5.00 USD (or the equivalent in your local currency). This ticket offers exclusive rewards, including:
- 20,000 Stardust
- 5,000 XP
- One Elite Charged TM
- Encounters with Pokemon like Galarian Weezing, Azumarill, Diggersby, Clodsire, and more
You can gift this ticket to friends at the Great Friends level or higher. Keep in mind that tasks and rewards expire after Sunday, January 26, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. local time.
GO Battle Week: Dual Destiny

From January 21 to January 26, Trainers can enjoy these bonuses in the GO Battle League:
- 4× Stardust for win rewards
- Daily battles increased to 100 matches
- Free battle-themed Timed Research offering exclusive avatar items
The featured leagues during the event include Great League, Ultra League, and Master League.
Pokemon GO Web Store
Take advantage of deals in the Pokemon GO Web Store. New Trainers can enjoy 15% off their first purchase of any item priced at $9.99 USD or more.
Tips for the Event
With so much happening, plan your time wisely:
- Focus on catching new Pokemon, especially Rookidee, to collect Candy for evolutions.
- Prioritize raids featuring rare bosses like Dialga or Mega Medicham.
- Use Magnetic Lure Modules to attract specific Pokemon.
- Complete Special and Timed Research to earn valuable rewards.
The Steeled Resolve event is packed with activities, bonuses, and opportunities to expand your collection. Make the most of it and have fun, Trainer!
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