Here are all the new Themed Collections and their rewards in the Pokemon TCG Pocket Mythical Island expansion.

The Mythical Island expansion in Pokemon TCG Pocket has introduced several new cards, and most players are already using these in the PvP battles. Apart from the new cards, the Mythical Island expansion has also brought in new Themed Collections, that will reward you with Emblem Tickets, playmats, icons, and a lot more.
In this article, we will explore all the Pokemon TCG Pocket Mythical Island Themed Collections , and list their rewards.
All Pokemon TCG Pocket Mythical Island Themed Collections and Rewards
There are 13 Themed Collections in the Pokemon TCG Pocket Mythical Island expansion. These collections and their rewards are:
Collection Name | Task | Reward |
Untouched Forest | Collect the following cards: -Alternate Artwork Exeggutor ex (1-star) x2 – Shiinotic (2-dia) x3 | -Mythical Island Emblem Ticket x5 -Untouched Forest cover |
Tranquil Lake | Collect the following cards: -Gyarados ex (4-dia) x2 -Drednaw (2-dia) x2 -Rapidash (2-dia) x3 | -Mythical Island Emblem Ticket x13 -Tranquil Lake cover |
Scorching Wilderness | Collect the following cards: -Artwork Salandit (1-star) x1 -Volcarona (3-dia) x2 -Weezing (2-dia) x5 -Magmar (2-dia) x2 | -Mythical Island Emblem Ticket x7 -Scorching Wilderness cover |
Forgotten Ruins | Collect the following cards: -Mythical Slab x1 -Alternate Artwork Serperior (1-star) x4 -Stonjourner (2-dia) x5 | -Mythical Island Emblem Ticket x15 -Forgotten Ruins cover |
Catching Bugs | Collect the following cards: -Larvesta x1 -Joltik x1 -Venipede x1 -Whirlipede x1 -Volcarona x1 | -Wonder Hourglass x12 -Mythical Island Emblem Ticket x2 -Shop Ticket x2 |
Pokemon That Fly | Collect the following cards: -Aerodactyl ex (4-dia) x1 -Pidgeot ex (4-dia) x1 -Gyarados ex (4-dia) x1 -Sigilyph (2-dia) x1 -Volcarona (3-dia) x1 | -Wonder Hourglass x12 -Mythical Island Emblem Ticket x2 -Shop Ticket x2 |
Attacks with 20 Damage | Collect the following cards: -Finneon x1 -Mew x1 -Swirlix x1 -Venipede x1 -Pidgey x1 | -Wonder Hourglass x12 -Mythical Island Emblem Ticket x2 -Shop Ticket x2 |
Small Pokemon | Collect the following cards: -Dedenne x1 -Chatot x1 -Pidgey x1 -Floette x1 -Chewtle x1 | -Wonder Hourglass x12 -Mythical Island Emblem Ticket x2 -Shop Ticket x2 |
Tree of Repose | Collect the following cards: -Mankey x1 -Pidgey x1 -Dedenne x1 -Chewtle x1 | -Tree of Repose cover |
Flower Travelers | Collect the following cards: -Flabebe x1 -Floette x1 -Florges x1 | -Wonder Hourglass x12 -Mythical Island Emblem Ticket x2 -Shop Ticket x2 |
– | Use pack stamina to open 60 Mythical Island booster packs | -Mythical Island Mew playmat -Mythical Island Mew card sleeve -Mew Pokemon coin -Mythical Island Mew cover |
– | Collect 3 Mew cards | -Mew icon |
– | Collect 3 Blue cards | -Blue icon |
How To Check Your Mythical Island Themed Collections Progress in Pokemon TCG Pocket?

Follow these steps to check your progress towards the Mythical Island Themed Collections in Pokemon TCG Pocket:
- Open Pokemon TCG Pocket and select the Missions tab on the bottom right of your screen.
- Select the Themed Collections option.
- Click on Expansions, and then select Mythical Island.
- Check all the collections and your progress towards them.
You will also be able to claim the rewards from the Themed Collections via this method.
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