Discover if the Pokemon GO December Community Day 2024 Special Research ticket is worth it with exclusive rewards and insights!

The Pokemon GO December Community Day is an event players eagerly look forward to. It’s packed with rare encounters, exciting challenges, and rewards that can enhance your experience. This year, there’s a paid Pokemon GO December Community Day 2024 Special Research ticket available. If you’re wondering whether it’s worth buying, let’s explore what it offers and who might benefit from it.
What Is the December Community Day Special Research
The Special Research is a limited-time, paid feature you can unlock during December Community Day. Furthermore, it costs $4.99 or the equivalent in your local currency. By purchasing it, you gain access to a series of tasks and rewards.
These tasks align with typical gameplay, like catching, transferring, or powering up Pokemon. Completing them grants you encounters with special Pokemon, in-game items, and other perks. The research spans both days of the event, scheduled for December 21 and December 22, from 2 PM to 5 PM local time.
Tasks and Rewards
Talk about cat-titude! 🔥
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) December 21, 2024
Share a #GOsnapshot with Litten for December #PokemonGOCommunityDay
📸: masarumonGO (X)
Step-by-Step Challenges
The Special Research is divided into five steps. The first few tasks, in the beginning, are straightforward, like catching a set number of Pokemon or making Nice Throws. However, as you move forward, the challenges require more effort, such as evolving multiple Pokemon or powering them up several times.
1st Step
- Transfer 15 Pokemon: Rowlet encounter
- Catch 25 Pokemon: Chansey encounter
- Make 10 Nice Throws: Litten encounter
You will get a Porygon, one Incense, and 2024 Stardust after finishing this step.
2nd Step
- Make 10 Great Curveball Throws: Bellsprout encounter
- Catch 30 Pokemon: Bounsweet encounter
- Evolve 5 Pokemon: Goomy encounter
You will get a Bagon, one Star Piece, and 2024 XP after finishing this step.
3rd Step
- Power up Pokemon 15 times: Tynamo encounter
- Catch 35 Pokemon: Popplio encounter
- Transfer 20 Pokemon: Ponyta encounter
You will get a Cyndaquil, one Lucky Egg, and 2024 Stardust after finishing this step.
4th Step
- Power up Pokemon 30 times: Galarian Ponyta encounter
- Catch 40 Pokemon: Sewaddle encounter
- Evolve 10 Pokemon: Mankey encounter
You will get a Beldum, one Lucky Incubator, and 2024 XP after finishing this step.
5th Step
Claim all the rewards here including a Rocket Radar, three Silver Pinap Berry, one Poffin, one Elite Charged TM, one Elite Fast TM, and three Rare Candy.
Should You Purchase December Community Day Special Research
Get ready to smile and deliver happiness with Chansey! 💕 #GOsnapshot #PokemonGOCommunityDay
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) December 21, 2024
📸: uuuuuone1 (X)
Well, whether you want to buy the Pokemon GO December Community Day 2024 Special Research or not, it’s your decision. Below, we have listed all the benefits you will get if you buy it. Have a look at them and choose wisely!
Access to Special Pokemon
The ticket grants encounters with rare Pokemon, some of which may feature exclusive event-themed backgrounds. This makes it a unique opportunity for collectors who enjoy adding one-of-a-kind Pokemon to their collection.
Valuable In-Game Rewards
Along with Pokemon encounters, you’ll earn high-value items like Stardust, Lucky Eggs, and Rare Candy. In addition, the ticket also includes Elite Charged TMs and Elite Fast TMs, which are highly sought after for improving Pokemon movesets. As a result, these items can significantly benefit competitive players.
A Fun Challenge
If you enjoy structured gameplay, Special Research offers tasks that integrate seamlessly with your event participation. Each step provides a clear objective and rewarding outcome, making it a satisfying experience.
Who Would Benefit from Buying the Ticket

Dedicated Players
If you regularly play Pokemon GO, the Special Research adds more depth to your event experience. The rewards can help you strengthen your Pokemon lineup and enhance your overall gameplay.
Collectors and Completionists
For those who enjoy collecting rare or event-specific Pokemon, this ticket is worth considering. The exclusive encounters can make your collection stand out.
Battle Enthusiasts
The inclusion of Elite TMs makes this research appealing to competitive players. These items allow you to modify Pokemon moves, giving you a strategic edge in battles.
Things to Keep in Mind
- Event Schedule: Ensure you’re free during the event hours (2 PM to 5 PM local time) on December 21 and 22, 2024. The tasks must be completed within this time frame.
- Budget Considerations: Spending $4.99 might not suit everyone’s budget, so consider whether the rewards justify the cost for you.
- Gameplay Goals: Think about your playing style. If you’re a casual player, the ticket might not feel as rewarding compared to someone more invested in the game.
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