Sniper Elite Resistance: All Classified Document Locations

Dive into Sniper Elite Resistance and uncover every classified document location! Our detailed guide will help you find them all.

Sniper Elite Resistance
Sniper Elite Resistance (Source: Rebellion Developments)

Sniper Elite Resistance offers an exciting adventure, involving stealth and long-distance sniping. However, each of its levels also presents several collectibles. Among these are Classified Documents. There are 35 Classified documents in total and finding them all can be a bit of a chore. But, if you are a completionist looking to read every document out there, this guide will point you to the locations for all Classified Documents.

All Classified Document Locations in Sniper Elite Resistance

We’ve divided the list into specific missions to make it easier for you to find the documents. Also, keep in mind that you’ll find these collectibles from the second mission onwards. Each mission will have five of these documents for you to collect.

  • Mission 2: Dead Drop
  • Mission 3: Sonderzüge Sabotage
  • Mission 4: Collision Course
  • Mission 5: Devil’s Cauldron
  • Mission 6: Assault on Fort Rouge
  • Mission 7: Lock, Stock and Barrels
  • Mission 8: End of the Line

Now, let’s see how you can locate and collect all the documents in all of these missions.

Mission 2: Dead Drop

The following are the classified documents located in Mission 2 of the game.

Classified Document 1

Document 1
Document 1 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

In the map, find the church and move to the right of this building. You will find a couple of tents. Here, you’ll discover some radio equipment on a table, and lying in front of it will be the first classified document.

Classified Document 2

Document 2
Document 2 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

Go to the location where you end up while searching for Vertigo’s office. At the bottom floor of the building, you will find a table with radio equipment and the next set of documents.

Classified Document 3

Document 3
Document 3 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

Go towards the eastern wall of the map and you will come upon a house with multiple stories. Inside, you can find a safe. Blow it open with a satchel charge or locate the key on the floor above and unlock the safe. In the safe will be the third document.

Classified Document 4

Document 4
Document 4 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

Smack dab in the middle of the map is a restaurant. Climb up to the upper floor to locate the next document lying on one of the tables there.

Classified Document 5

Document 5
Document 5 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

Next, head to the enclosed tent that you can find to the east of where the mission entrance lies. Use a crowbar or wire cutters to get access to the tent. The next document is waiting for you inside on a table.

Mission 3: Sonderzüge Sabotage

The following are the document locations in the third mission of Sniper Elite Resistance.

Classified Document 1

Document 1 Location
Document 1 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

This one is located inside the building where you search for clues regarding the superweapon. Get to the top floor of the building and use a satchel charge to blow open the room door there. The document lies on the war table in this room.

Classified Document 2

Document 2
Document 2 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

In that same building, go to the lower level and head to the reception desk. The document is waiting for you just near the cash register.

Classified Document 3

Document 3
Document 3 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

Reach the northernmost part of the map and find the archway that goes across the road. Climb the ladder to reach the top. There, look to the opposite side of the radio lying around to find the document.

Classified Document 4

Document 4
Document 4 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

From the start point of the mission, you can see a watch tower on the other end of the river. Go to the tower and climb up. The next classified document is right there inside the watchtower.

Classified Document 5

Document 5
Document 5 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

When you are in the train station, enter the building where you have to complete the objective. On the upper floor, you will run into the last document for this mission.

Mission 4: Collision Course

Here are some tips to locate the classified documents in mission 4 of Sniper Elite Resistance.

Classified Document 1

Document 1 Location
Document 1 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

Reach the train station on the left portion of the map. Climb up to the 2nd floor and the room beyond the bar is where you’ll find the first document.

Classified Document 2

Document 2 Location
Document 2 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

Locate the main bridge on the northernmost edge of the map and go to the right of that bridge. There, you will find a building where there is an optional objective as well. On the first floor of this building is the second document of the mission, sitting on a table.

Classified Document 3

Document 3 Location
Document 3 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

Following the main objective, you will reach a house on the right-hand side of the map. Go up the stairs in this house and locate a room with a fireplace. You can locate another document in this room.

Classified Document 4

Document 4 Location
Document 4 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

Head to the solitary house sitting on the farmstead at the southern portion of the map. Reach the upper floor to collect the next document.

Classified Document 5

Document 5 Location
Document 5 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

Reach the extreme northwestern portion of the map and you’ll see a house. Just behind it will be a few tents. The document will be on top of a table inside a tent.

Mission 5: Devil’s Cauldron

The following guide will help you collect all classified documents in mission 5 of Sniper Elite Resistance

Classified Document 1

Document 1 and 5 Location
Document 1 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

In the factory inside portion of the primary quest, go to the second main room. Before proceeding to the circular room where the objective marker points you, go up to the top floor and find the document lying on a table there.

Classified Document 2

Document 2 Location
Document 2 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

While pursuing the U-boat objective in the mission, you will enter a building that’s marked on your map. Inside the building, reach the offices to your left-hand side as you enter. Then go up the stairs to locate the second document.

Classified Document 3

Document 3 Location
Document 3 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

Head to the southernmost part of the map and you’ll find a house with Nazi banners on all sides. Go to the 2nd floor of this house to find the next document.

Classified Document 4

Document 4 Location
Document 4 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

Inside the railway depot, you have to find a small room just beside the secret entrance to the factory. That’s where another classified document lies.

Classified Document 5

Document 5 Location
Document 5 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

In the Underground Bunker section of the map that you reach while pursuing the main objective, you’ll find a safe inside the main room. You can locate the document inside the safe.

Mission 6: Assault on Fort Rouge

Here are the classified documents’ locations in the Assault on the Forge mission of Sniper Elite Resistance.

Classified Document 1

Document 1 Location
Document 1 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

Go to the building with the kill list objective. You will find the classified document on the second floor.

Classified Document 2

Document 2 Location
Document 2 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

In the middle portion of the map, you will find two greenhouses. Inside the right-side greenhouse, you will find the next document sitting on a table.

Classified Document 3

Document 3 Location
Document 3 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

When going up the hill on the map, you will discover an enemy fortress. Don’t go inside but up the stairs on the side and then turn right. The room you enter houses the next document.

Classified Document 4

Document 4 Location
Document 4 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

Inside the same Nazi fortress, you can find another document by reaching the radio tower. Just underneath it is a corridor with a room in the middle. Enter this room and blow up the safe inside with a satchel charge. The documents are waiting for you inside.

Classified Document 5

Document 5 Location
Document 5 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

In the underground bunker, you will need to crowbar a box to complete one of the mission’s objectives. Just beside this box lies the final document.

Mission 7: Lock, Stock and Barrels

These are the locations for the classified documents in Sniper Elite Resistance’s mission 7.

Classified Document 1

Document 1 Location
Document 1 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

In the main Nazi building at the center of the map, the first floor houses a bedroom at the back of the house. Inside the room, you will discover the first document.

Classified Document 2

Document 2 Location
Document 2 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

In the main Nazi building, go to the underground section and face towards the blast doors. To your right will be a small room where the next document lies.

Classified Document 3

Document 3 Location
Document 3 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

When you go to the V1 Rocket launchpad, find a safe in the area. You can try to locate the key to the safe or simply blow it up to reveal the document inside.

Classified Document 4

Document 4 Location
Document 4 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

From the main building at the center of the map, head west to find a bunker. Go inside and find another classified document.

Classified Document 5

Document 5 Location
Document 5 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

Once you open the blast doors in the main Nazi building, climb down the right-side stairs. The last document of the mission can be found here.

Mission 8: End of the Line

The following are the classified document locations in the final mission of Sniper Elite Resistance.

Classified Document 1

Document 1 Location
Document 1 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

At the center of the map, enter the factory and proceed up using the stairs in the middle. There, you will find a locked room. Either find the key or blow open the door. Inside will be the first document.

Classified Document 2

Document 2 Location
Document 2 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

Go to the western edge of the map where the train tracks converge. You will find a ladder just right of the tunnel entrance here. Go up and collect the second document from the room here.

Classified Document 3

Document 3 Location
Document 3 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

On the northwestern edge of the map, there are two buildings that you can access. The right building is where you need to go. Inside one of the smaller rooms, you will find the next document.

Classified Document 4

Document 4 Location
Document 4 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

In the No Man’s Land region, head to the bunker that’s located in the middle and nearest to the main objective marker. Search near the viewpoint in the bunker and you should be able to spot the document easily.

Classified Document 5

Document 5 Location
Document 5 Location (Source: Game Guides Channel/YouTube and Rebellion Developments)

On the northwestern edge of the map, there are two buildings that you can access. The left one is a warehouse and will have stairs leading to the upper floor. Climb up and collect the final document of the game.

So, there you go, all 35 classified document locations in the game. Also read our top tips for beginners in Sniper Elite Resistance.

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