In this Sniper Elite Resistance Walkthrough, we shall go over the first mission, Behind Enemy Lines, and how to complete it.

Sniper Elite Resistance sees you navigating a catastrophic world war in France, sneaking around large open levels and killing Nazis. The game’s first mission, Behind Enemy Lines, acts as an introduction to the mechanics of the game, putting you in the shoes of Harry Hawker. The mission starts with Lancaster bombers taken down by Nazi cannons, forcing Hawker to invade the outpost and destroy the cannons.
The mission is simple and serves to familiarize the player with what they’ll be doing for the next 10 hours. Simple, however, does not mean easy. The Nazi outpost is heavily guarded, and detection can lead to severe consequences. If you’re stuck on this mission and don’t know how to proceed, our guide has you covered. In this Sniper Elite Resistance walkthrough guide, we shall go over the first mission, Behind Enemy Lines, and how to complete it.
Behind Enemy Lines Walkthrough

Behind Enemy Lines starts with Hawker overlooking the Nazi outpost. This outpost is built atop a dam, which means that crippling the dam would render the Nazis inept. Take out your binoculars and survey the area to get a feel for the level.
The bridge atop the dam is heavily guarded and fortified by watchtowers bearing snipers. These snipers can prove to be a nuisance when approaching the dam, so you should take them out right away. First, take out the sniper on the left-most watchtower on the bridge. Next, follow the slope of the dam down below, and you’ll find multiple snipers patrolling the catwalk. Deal with them, too.
Approaching the Dam Phase 1
Once the snipers are dealt with, it is time to approach the dam. Climb down the ladder and then the vines to head to the lower levels of the tower. Here, you will find some rifle ammo for your troubles. Take the ammo, and then use the zipline ahead of you to begin your approach. Past the zipline is a small broken bridge. A guard patrols this area. Here, you will get to perform the first takedown of the game. Deal with the guard to complete the takedown tutorial, and then proceed ahead.

Approaching the Dam Phase 2
Head right and climb up the building adjacent to the bridge and begin your ascent upwards. Deal with the guard at the very top and continue on ahead. There is a shed right ahead of you. Go past the guards and into the shed. Retrieve the crowbar and dismantle the wooden planks ahead to reach the first workbench in the game.
Go to the upper levels of the shed and deal with the two guards. You can lure the first guard by whistling and then killing him with a pistol. Use the same tactic to deal with the second guard as well. Outside the shed, a guard rests atop a dilapidated structure. He will be facing you but will routinely switch positions, giving you small openings to approach. Use the opening to sneak up to his location and kill him.
Once that is done, kill the guard patrolling near the parked truck, head past the truck, and move forward toward the dam. At the top, there is a building ahead with a single guard patrolling outside and more inside. Kill the guard and sneak inside. Take the stairs and head up, but watch for the two guards on the balcony. You can either kill them or sneak past to the southern end of the building and take the ladder to the roof.
Destroy the Flak Batteries

The roof of the building will give you a direct view of the outpost. Use the suppressed sniper rifle to take out all the guards mounted on the upper levels and clear a pathway through the outpost. The outpost is littered with explosive barrels, and a truck full of them at the center. Deal with the outpost as you see fit. You can clear out the entire camp from this spot. After this, jump across the roof onto the bridge and into the outpost. Climb the first tower and fire the Flak to destroy the first set of Flak Batteries, and then use a satchel explosive to destroy the second.
Sabotage the Generator
Make your way through the outpost and enter the small building on the left. Interact with the pink carpet on the floor, and roll it over to reveal a secret ladder leading below. Take the ladder down below to reach the generator room. The generator is at the very bottom. Place a satchel explosive on the generator to sabotage it. This will pressurize the dam, completing one of your objectives.

Exit the generator room and head back up to the upper levels of the outpost. Cross the dam, but be wary of guards. If you hadn’t cleared all the guards from the roof earlier, you may run into some minor resistance. If you had, simply walk past the bridge and interact with the truck near the watchtower to exfiltrate and end the mission.
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