In this Sniper Elite Resistance Walkthrough, we shall go over the second mission, Dead Drop, and how to complete it.

The Sniper Elite games have always thrown you into world war espionage plots, and the series’ latest entry, Sniper Elite Resistance, follows the trend. Sniper Elite Resistance puts you into the shoes of Harry Hawker, in the midst of an evolving espionage plot, seeing you navigate a world-war-ridden France in 1944. The game’s second mission, Dead Drop, sees Hawker looking for Vertigo.
Vertigo is the Abwehr mole at the St. Raymond facility and is now forced into hiding after discovering a major plot. Now, it is up to you to find Vertigo and his intel before things go horribly wrong. The Dead Drop mission plays out like a spy thriller, filled with Nazis to kill and outposts to sneak by. Despite being only the second mission in the game, the spike in difficulty is fairly apparent, making the mission quite challenging. If you’re stuck on this mission, our guide has you covered. In this Sniper Elite Resistance walkthrough guide, we shall go over the Dead Drop mission and how to complete it.
Dead Drop Walkthrough
Approaching the Cathedral

The Dead Drop mission begins with Harry Hawker standing at the edge of the forest facing the St. Raymond facility. Walk across the edge of the forest and reach the fort rampart. At the roof of this fort-turned-Nazi facility, you will see guards patrolling and keeping watch on the entrance. Take aim and kill the guard atop the catwalk overlooking the entrance.
Next, head to the building on your right and climb the ladder above to find the Rat bombs. Head back out and make your way towards the fort. Drop down to the floor below the fort walkway, head left, and follow the guardrail to the stairs leading above. At the end of the staircase, climb up the vines, and atop the tower to enter the fort. Kill the guard in front and continue on to the building ahead using the parked truck and crates as cover.
Enter the building and take the first left. Ahead of you is a locked gate, and you will find a Propaganda Poster to the left of this gate. Collect the poster, shoot the lock on the gate, pass through, and do the same with the locked gate ahead. In front of you, there is a large cafe with a guard posted in the window. He is using binoculars, so take him out before he spots you. Use the sounds of the church bell to mask your shot if needed.
Finding Vertigo’s Dead Drop

Next, stick to the wall and follow the path along the left till you reach a dead end. Climb the vines and onto the roof of the building to get a better look at the facility itself. The cathedral is right in front of you, and the bells toll regularly. Use this opportunity to kill the sniper on the cathedral tower up above. Make sure to stay in cover as he will spot you if you’re exposed.
Drop down below, and follow the road on the right and towards the cathedral entrance. Climb the scaffolding along the cathedral walls to gain access to the open window and enter inside. A car routinely patrols this road, so waste no time entering the cathedral. Inside the cathedral, you will find a couple of guards bundled up together near the entrance. You can use a grenade to dispatch them quickly. Make sure to sync your grenade with the bell tolls. Then, take the path left to find the staircase and head to the upper levels of the cathedral.
Go all the way up and past the balcony where you killed the guard earlier. At the very end, towards the staircase landing, you will find a painting. Interact with the painting to reveal a recess with Vertigo’s Dead Drop hidden within. The Dead Drop reveals that Vertigo has gone into hiding near the Library Garden.
Towards Vertigo’s Apartment

Head all the way back down, follow the path straight from the stairs across the Cathedral hallway, and take the right just before the exit. This will lead you underground. The path through these tunnels is straightforward. Despite Harry remarking that he should be careful and sneaky, feel free to sprint across the tunnels as they are unguarded. The tunnels will exit near Vertigo’s apartment block. Take a right from the tunnel exit, and climb the vines ahead to reach the bridge above. Two guards patrol this bridge, so be wary. Use whistles to lure them one at a time and kill them.
Enter the pink building at the end of the bridge and go to the upper floor to find Vertigo’s apartment. The place has been ransacked, but the Nazis must have missed something. Head to the edge of the room by the mattress to find a squeaky floorboard. Interact with it to find a book and gain intel on Vertigo’s location. The clues hint at Vertigo seeking shelter in the tunnels beneath the Library Garden.
Finding Vertigo’s Document
Exit the building through the balcony and drop down to the road on the left below. Kill the guard stationed by the building. Follow the road along towards the boom barrier, and head past it till you reach the road blockers. Take the stairs on the right from the blockers, and climb up the vines once you reach the dead end. The vines will lead you to the fort catwalk. Lure the guard patrolling nearby with a whistle and toss him down below.
Follow the catwalk along the left and take the first right. Go on straight ahead, killing a guard along the way, to reach Vertigo’s office. Open the safe using the safe key, and recover the documents within to get Vertigo’s Intel.

Finding Vertigo
Head back out and back to the catwalk and follow the path along to the other end. The catwalk is guarded, so be sneaky and kill the guards along the way. At the very end of the catwalk is a staircase leading left and a window to the right. Peek out of the window to survey the Library Garden below and tag the guards.
Once you’ve surveyed the area, take the stairs to the left and follow along the rampart. Then, climb onto the vines on your right, and use them to head down below. Follow the path straight, down a flight of stairs, and take a right to head to the abandoned markets. Go past the market to reach the Library Garden. Head to the Gazebo at the center of the garden and past the tagged guards.
Interact with the door to reveal a path to the tunnels below. Go forth underground and enter the first room on the right to find Vertigo’s dead body. Vertigo killed himself out of fear of being caught and interrogated. Hence, he cannot be extracted anymore.
Killing Philo Beck

Exit the tunnels from the other end, and you will find yourself in a restaurant. Take the left from the landing and walk towards the cash register. Philo Beck is near the cash register and is a target to kill. While you can go all-out, guns blazing, we do not recommend doing so. Instead, we shall be using the Rat bombs we picked up earlier at the very start of the mission. Place the Rat bomb on the floor behind the cash register.
Then, exit the main hall, head back into the kitchen, and exit the restaurant through the other end of the kitchen. Philo Beck will then follow his scripted patrol routine and will inevitably head to the other side of the cash register and step on the Rat bomb. The explosion will help him, thereby completing the target objective. Once the target is eliminated, simply exit through the exfiltration point near the restaurant.
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