Split Fiction has various side stories you can take to immerse yourself in. Here is a guide on the Farmlife Mission in Split Fiction.

Side stories are usually present as detours to the main story. Doing these missions lengthens your experience of the game. Farmlife is a very wacky side story that involves pigs and hot dogs.
Farmlife is one of the many side stories available in Split Fiction. It unlocks during Chapter 2 of the game, soon after you beat Mr. Hammerhead. This side story takes place in the story made by Zoe when she was a child. In it, Mio and Zoe are turned into pigs and have to collect apples to progress. Yeah, you read that right.
Here is a guide on the Farmlife Mission for Split Fiction.
How To Complete the Puzzles in Farmlife

Mio and Zoe have different powers in their pig forms. Mio can use her farts to propel herself and cover large distances. Meanwhile, Zoe can stretch like a spring to reach high places. To get past the first door, Mio will have to go up the path on the right and fart across the gap. Zoe can stretch to go up the path on the left.
First Puzzle
After this, you will reach the first puzzle. To open the door and go forward, you will need to find two apples. Mio can collect the first apple by climbing the hay on the right and flying over to the left. From there, go forward and then fly right to reach the apple.
Zoe can stretch up the hay on the left and then turn around to find the path to the apple. Bring both apples back to the door to open it.
Second Puzzle

To find the next apple, Mio will have to touch one of the bubbles to be launched up when it is near the platforms. From there, propel yourself across until you reach the first apple.
For Zoe, use the bubble to reach the top of the silo. From there, stretch upwards to reach the second apple.
Third Puzzle

To reach the next two apples, both players will have to coordinate their actions. Mio will have to stand on one side of the shovel seesaw. Zoe will stand on the other. Zoe will then have to stretch and fall from a height to launch Mio upwards. From here, Mio will fart her way to the pillar of hay with the apple on it.
Mio will have to fly to the bouncy paddle and then jump to reach the tomato basket. Zoe can then also get on the basket. After Mio gets off, Zoe can stretch to reach the apple.
Fourth Puzzle

The final puzzle can be reached after a platforming section, which culminates in Mio and Zoe being turned into sausages. The next step is to get on the grill and cook yourselves. Mio and Zoe will tell you when the cooking process is complete.
After this, stand in front of the ketchup bottle and have the other player jump on it to apply the sauce. Do the same with the mustard bottle. Once both players have been covered in sauce, get inside the bun to finish the mission.
That was the complete guide on how you can start and finish the Farmlife Mission in Split Fiction.
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