Let me take you through a simple walkthrough on how to complete the Chapter 3: Hopes Of Spring in Split Fiction.

The Hopes Of Spring is Zoe’s version of a fantasy story. Throughout the chapter, she reflects on various references from her childhood, such as her childhood friend Ella and their favorite tree or a cat they used to hate. Let us take a dive into her imagination and enjoy an interesting ride.
This chapter begins with the realization hitting Mio that she has turned into a monkey. After a brief conversation with Zoe, Mio comes to terms with her ability to shape-shift between her human form and various other animals. On the other hand, Zoe has the ability to now turn into a fairy and the form of a tree-beast. Let us dive straight into this epic fantasy adventure.
1) Reunite

These transformations are vital for passing through various obstacles, scattered across the map. Each transformation proves useful, be it for underwater swimming, flying, swinging through vines, or controlling elements of nature.
Both you and your buddy begin the mission from different areas, with the task of meeting up. You will use Mio to swing past the vines and swim through the water while your buddy flies past her path with her fairy transformation. After her flight, Zoe unlocks her tree-beast transformation, through which she has control over nature.

You will remove the obstacles in front of the cave entrance and enter. Mio reaches a dead-end in the woods, where you get to smash the loose debris under your path and drop down into the cave where Zoe awaits you.
With Zoe, you can grapple onto the green glowing spirals on the rock slabs. With Mio, you swim through the water till you reach a boulder blocking your path. You can use Zoe to lift the boulder, letting Mio pass through.
Mio’s monkey transformation will help destroy the trunk of the tree blocking the path, ahead of which you see a beautifully ornamented web of branches blocking your path. Zoe can use her tree-beast form to interact with the boulder, causing it to roll into the web and triggering the next cutscene.
2) The Underlands

Zoe immediately sets the tone of the chapter, by tasking us with defeating the Ice King to break the ‘Ice Curse’. The ‘Ice Curse’ had supposedly cursed the magical land with ice and breaking the curse would return harmony amongst the magical creatures.
You proceed to navigate your way through the magical land. Both of you will run straight under the line of mushrooms, where Mio will swing across the vines and swim under the water, white Zoe makes through with flight. Both you and your buddy will meet on the other side.

After crossing another set of vines and wall runs, you both reach the nest of the terror bird. After you have Mio stand on top of a water lily leaf, Zoe controls nature, lifting Mio in her monkey transformation.
Mio then swings across the vines above her till she reaches the nest. She then drops the nest down, setting up a string for the duo to make their way to the next part.

After ascending two sets of ropeways, a short distance away from each other, you both will slide down via a slippery path. Immediately after, jump to continue a wall-run in a quick sequence after which Mio swims in the water, and Zoe flies to the next section of land.
The next collaborative effort quickly approaches, where Zoe will raise the vines on which Mio hangs. Once Mio reaches, she smashes the ground, causing the branches underneath to shift around to Zoe’s benefit.

The next phase requires Mio to swim under the water and pull the wooden pole on which Zoe hangs tight. Through this ride, Zoe will have to use her nature power to open up paths for the swim to continue.
At the end of the path, both the characters reach the surface, riddled with two paths to continue. The path to the right is the ‘Train Heist’ side mission.
3) Journey to Lord Evergreen

To continue on this mission, you will have Zoe and Mio push from the left side, jump your way across floating wooden poles, grapple hook to reach the hanging vines, swing, and fly past to reach the next surface.

As Mio, you need to smash the blooming flower on the ground to help give Zoe a boost to fly across the huge pit.
Then as Mio, continue over the stepping stones to your left. Use Zoe’s tree formation to control the creepers, while Mio swings across, using the vines.

As Mio, use your monkey transformation to trigger the blooming flower. Zoe can use it to fly up to a mini opening between the cave. Now swing across the vines to your right and wait for Zoe to make her way to you.

Now, using Mio, grab the big bird inside the egg and place it on the nest, resting on the wooden plank. You can go and stand at the other side of the plank and wait for Zoe while she controls the huge log hanging atop.
The moment you jump on the plank, Have Zoe release the log and watch it shoot the egg straight into the webbed branches, blocking the cave entrance. A cutscene is triggered, in which Zoe introduces Mio to her childhood imaginary tree, Lord Evergreen. She assigns us the next task of entering the tree.
4) Lord Evergreen

You are immediately launched into a 2.5d perspective, which again switches to a platformer perspective. As you both hop onto some glowing mushrooms to your left, you grab the hanging branches and leap across. Then you both swing past with the help of grapple hooks till you reach the surface ahead.
Using Mio’s monkey transformation, break the sphere made of branches and wait for Zoe. Using Zoe, turn into the tree-beast and approach the glowing orbs orbiting over the area covered with branches. A cutscene triggers. Zoe gets sucked into the ground and now is in control of the environment.

Zoe is in control of the obstacles in the path, possessing the ability to extend and retract them, based on Mio’s requirements. Using Mio, run across the bridge. Use Zoe to retract the spikes.
The moment Mio crosses the bridge, extract them. A tongue will protrude from the pillar, using which Mio can begin to scale the structure. As Zoe and Mio, you must coordinate your retract/extracts and jumps, to effectively scale the pillar.

Once Mio reaches the top, jump and grab on to the vines and swing your way forward. As Zoe, you will retract the spikes to help Mio move forward, and safely land on the surface.
As Mio, run forward, swing through the next set of vines and jump on the huge log. You can use Zoe to rotate the log, helping Mio to maneuver her way through the obstacles in her path, till she reaches the other side.

Once on the other side, use Mio’s monkey transformation and stomp the stump. The game now transitions into a platformer perspective. Use Zoe to kill the bugs on the creepers and allow Mio to jump her way across.
Next in line is a cannon-ball sequence, whereas Mio you have to jump into the mouth of the flower. Use Zoe to launch Mio across to the next flower and repeat till Mio reaches the hanging creeper. Now jump into the water while transforming into the water beast and swim across. Using Zoe, aid Mio by shifting the slabs of rocks, to alter the water levels.
Now jump to the shore, navigate through the spikes, and jump back into the water. Now continue to swim as Zoe helps protect you from the sharks, either by blocking their path or camouflaging you behind bushes.

Swim patiently through the water, hiding from the sharks when needed. Once you reach the last portal, a shark will chase you as you swim upwards. Closer to the top, switch to the monkey and jump to catch the vines. Then, proceed and slide down the tree.
A cutscene triggers. Zoe separates herself from Lord Evergreen and turns back into a human. As Zoe, you will now continue the journey alongside Mio. Continue on the path to your right.
5) Through the Forest of Monkeys

Run straight, grapple hook on the ledges, and swing past the spiked log till you both reach the other side of the log. You will see the sphere ball of branches again. This time, upon breaking and interacting with it, a new function will come out. Zoe now has control over the entire log, as it lifts itself off the ground.

Now, use the log to navigate across the dense forest. The log has the power to shoot beams of light to break obstacles in its path. This part of the forest is infested with notorious monkeys who will repeatedly throw wooden spears to slow your march.
Use the beam to break through the wooden gates and the watchtowers filled with monkeys. While Zoe is busy engaging in the destruction, you will use Mio to knock out the monkeys climbing on the log, stopping them from reaching a defenseless Zoe.
After breaking the last wooden gate, you will see an open gate. Proceeding further initiates a cutscene in which the monkeys finally break the log, forcing the two of you to jump off into the forest.
6) Journey to the Monkey King

You are now approaching the frosty section of the chapter. The cutscene tasks you to first beat the Monkey King after which you will reach the final boss. Both of you need to jump across the stream towards your left and run forward.
Leap across the wooden poles sticking out of the water to the next shore. Jump across the shore once more. Now run towards your left side. You both will see an interactable grappling hook by the wall. Grapple onto it, dive mid-air, jump on the hanging log, and jump across to the next piece of land.
As you run up the slope, you will see the sphere of wood as before. Using Mio to break it will reveal a flower emitting yellow light.

Use Zoe to fly with the light till its end, where you need to fly and jump to the other side. Use Mio to swing across the set of vines to his left side. Zoe will see a pink flower on her side of the land. Use Zoe’s tree transformation to control the dam in the water and stop it from spinning.
Now, with Mio, jump off the vines into the stream of water. Mio can use the force of the water to jump off the dam to jump across to the other side. Now, use her monkey transformation to break the rock at the entrance. Wait for Zoe to enter into the cave with you. There are three wall runs, followed by a jump across the stream of water.

You both now have to grapple and run your way across the bed of flowers infested with spiky traps. After reaching the first piece of safe land, run towards your left side. Jump across and grapple your way to reach the last piece of land.
Both of you now face a long stretch of water. You will now use Mio to swim in the water and life shoots of bamboo, assisting Zoe to jump and grapple her way through the path to the mini island. From there, use Zoe to control the flower to your right side. Use Mio to swim across the water towards the water. With enough of a swim, jump out, quickly transform into the monkey, and grab onto the vines under it.
Zoe will control the level of the vines to help you swing to the end and jump on the flower. Zoe will fly and reach the flower as well. Using Zoe, raise the flower to the level of land above and jump across.
There are two piles of snowballs on your path. You can use these two to knock out the monkeys sitting on the tree if you like. Now, run across the fallen tree, acting as a bridge. The second bridge will be knocked down by a monkey. Quickly grapple on the interactable and make your way past. You both will see two pillars on your path.

Use Zoe to control the flower, giving her control of the pillars. Mio will have to knock these down in quick succession. When all three are in the knocked-down state at the same time, the eyes on the mask fire up, opening the gate. This will lead you to the gates. Interacting with the gate will trigger a trap, dropping you down and playing a cutscene.
7) Monkey King – Dance Battle

Monkey King will appear in front of you. You both are now tasked with the challenge of competing with the king in a dance battle. There are multiple stages to this Dance battle.
The first stage requires observation. You both will be on individual blocks and be surrounded by four blocks to your respective corners. Watch the Monkey King’s pattern of jumping from block to block. Mirror the sequence and perform the same. After four successful copies, you will move to stage 2.

Now, you both have to make a train of monkeys until all the monkeys are unlocked from their corners to follow you.
In the last and final stage, you will face a quick-time event. Follow the instructions to move your joysticks in the direction that he asks. Once this is done, the Monkey King will allow you through his cave, and you both can exit.
8) Journey to the Ice King

Once the Monkey King lets you through, a cutscene triggers, following which you both make your way toward the Ice Castle. Sprint forward till you reach the edge. Now grapple towards the interactable and climb up the rock slab. Another grapple is available to your left which continues over to a wall run and jump to the other side. Using Mio, break the sphere of branches to your right.
Zoe can use the glowing orb path over the flower to fly toward the gate of the Ice Castle. Now use Zoe’s tree form and interact with the flower above you. This will help control the bridge, which Mio can use to cross over. Once you avoid the spike by jumping over it, you can run toward the gate and interact with it.

Run up the flight of stairs and across the bridge. Some interactables are present for you to grapple your way across. The stairs leading up to the castle are demolished in the center. Use the interactable grapples to the sides and wall run across. Proceed further till you reach a tree to your left.
Right behind it rests another branch sphere. Use Mio to break it which will then reveal a flower with a sway of petals swaying around the tree. Now use Zoe’s fairy form and fly around the tree to get a boost enough to reach the keyhole in the door.

Zoe enters with a platformer perspective. Keep Mio’s monkey form ready and wait in front of the door. As Mio, keep an eye on the four round gold buttons at the bottom of the door. The moment Zoe pulls the lever, a timer starts, and the four buttons on the door push outwards.
Zoe will see four gold rods hanging from the top. The moment she pulls the lever, they drop down and are now interactable. Each rod Zoe interacts with, rotates an arrow behind a specific button, probing to be pushed first. Follow the process four times before the time runs out. Once done, the door will open.

A mini-puzzle greets you at the entrance itself. Here you will have to use Mio’s monkey strength to push the block around and Zoe’s tree form to help give direction. Plan your moves to help the block reach exactly in front of the door.
From there, have Zoe raise the last obstacle to stop the block in front of the misty green gate. Have Mio punch the block one last time, and watch it slide ahead to fit right inside a crater. The green gate opens, letting you enter using your smallest or shortest forms. Scurry your way through the mini-sized tunnel till you reach the other end, inside a corridor.

Use Mio’s water form and dive into the gap between the ice, straight into the water. Swim to the center and interact with the flower. The flower will shoot an object out of the ice. Keep Zoe’s tree form ready. Once the object shoots up, interact with it and throw it at the glass window.
The window will break revealing an interactable grapple. Spring forward and latch on to the hanging pillar outside. Scale up the pillar to the very top and jump on the ledge to your left. An ice spike will drop, breaking your path by a bit, without causing much trouble to your travel. Jump from your ledge to the other.
At the end of the other ledge, interact with the grapple to your left and spring to the next ledge. Proceed further, hopping from pillar to pillar till you reach the tower. Once you enter, look to the left and swing your way in.
Another interactable grapple awaits, aiding you to swing across the room to the other side. Run forward and take a left, sliding your way down to the hall.

Using Zoe’s tree form, pull down the sabertooth structure and break the floor of ice beneath it, revealing a flower under the water. Using Mio, dive into the water, and interact with the flower. This will cause a round projectile to shoot upwards. Use Zoe to grab it and hurl it towards the ice wall blocking the entrance while facing the entrance at all times.
A cutscene triggers showing you both running inside towards the next phase. During the cutscene, a cat is revealed to be the ice king. After being provoked, it shape-shifts into a sabertooth, initiating the final Boss fight.
9) Ice King – Boss Fight

The Ice King boss fight consists of three stages. The first stage is fairly simple, where we need to time our dodges to evade four strikes by the Ice King. Once he breaks the platform, we both fall to the next platform.
This is the second stage of the fight. The Ice King will Strike claw attacks and then thump the ground to send shock waves of ice. During his shock wave strikes, use Zoe to grab the Ice King when he is vulnerable and strike him down.
Now, use Mio and her monkey form to land strikes on the king. After repeating this sequence twice, the Ice King will destroy the ground we stand on, leading us to slide down a path of ice. During this slide, dodge occasional strikes by the Ice King and Ice Spike attacks. Once you reach down, run towards the Ice King to trigger the last stage.

In this stage, use Mio to trigger the projectile to shoot from the flower under the water and then have Zoe hurl the projectile towards the king. Use Mio to land some strong hits and deplete his health further.
The Ice King will get angry and seal the exposed section of the water with loose ice, and he starts causing a whirlwind of Ice. Run to the right side of your screen and doge the mini whirls of ice.
The Ice King will also launch mini fireballs which explode when close. Lead these to the center of the ice slab multiple times till it explodes. Once the ice shatters, repeat the Mio and Zoe collaborative move and launch the projectile at the Ice King.

This will stagger the Ice King one last time. Use Mio and land some attacks on the King to finally defeat him. The cutscene triggers showing the curse being lifted from the land of Underlands. A portal appears in thin air which you both will use to teleport back to the simulation.
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