The First Berserker Khazan Achievements and Trophies for PC, Xbox, and PS

Everything you need to know about The First Berserker Khazan’s achievements and trophies, including their requirements.

The First Berserker Khazan (Image via Nexon)
The First Berserker Khazan (Image via Nexon)

The First Berserker Khazan has a total of 57 achievements and trophies; that’s excluding the Platinum, which you get for obtaining all the other trophies. As is the case with most souls-like games, the achievements/trophies in The First Berserker are a fairly standard affair.

Most of these achievements can be unlocked simply by progressing through the main story and defeating bosses. Save for a few optional bosses, there’s an achievement for every major boss in the game. However, there are also a few achievements that will require replaying levels. There are also achievements in The First Berserker Khazan that are tied to the game’s difficulty preset, as well as the true ending.

Here’s everything you need to know about the achievements and trophies in The First Berserker Khazan and their requirements.

All The First Berserker Khazan Achievements and Trophies

Gameplay screenshot from The First Berserker Khazan (Image via Nexon)
Screenshot from The First Berserker Khazan (Image via Nexon)

Here’s the full list of achievements and trophies in The First Berserker Khazan:

Ruler of the Frozen MountainDefeated Yetuga.
Combative Phantom of the NetherworldDefeated Blade Phantom.
Berserk Dragon’s GeneralDefeated Viper.
Fallen GuardianDefeated Volbino.
Tears of the SoulReceived Lacrima using the power of the ghost.
Remnants of the SoulHad Oksana extract Lacrima.
Upgrade StatsUpgrade a stat.
Resourceful MerchantPurchased an item from Duimuk.
Merchant’s WisdomSold an item to Duimuk.
Awakened GhostWoke a dormant ghost from its slumber.
Soulstone UnleashedUpgraded abilities by unleashing the power of Soulstones.
Skilled CombatantLearned a combat skill.
Combat EssentialsUsed a consumable for the first time.
Special ScrollObtained a Special Scroll.
Traces of a StrangerDiscovered a collection of items.
Wandering SoulSummoned the wandering Soul of the Rift.
Fully EquippedEquipped a piece of gear on every slot.
Finishing StrikeUsed a brutal attack.
AmbushDefeated an enemy using breakfall.
Piercing PowerUsed a Javelin.
Standing AloneReached the ending without summoning a Spirit of Advocacy.
The Challenger’s JourneyReached the ending.
The Expert’s JourneyReached the ending after a difficult journey.
Skilled BlacksmithHad Qazumaka craft gear.
Blacksmith’s ResolveHad Qazumaka dismantle gear.
KaleidoHad Oksana alter attributes.
IndomitableInherited gear stats.
Danjin’s JarsFound one of Danjin’s jarlings.
ArtisanshipCrafted a special item.
A New PathEmbarked on the second journey.
PactFormed a pact with the Blade Phantom.
Countless TalesCompleted all bonus missions.
Origin of the MutationDefeated Aratra.
Slayer in the CitadelDefeated Rangkus.
Consumed by ChaosDefeated Maluca.
No Turning BackDefeated Elamein.
Linon’s BeastDefeated Shactuka.
Return of the WitchDefeated Trokka.
HermitDefeated Bellerian.
Bloodthirsty FiendDefeated Skalpel.
Tragedy of Pell LosDefeated Princess Ilyna.
Hismar the Berserk DragonDefeated Hismar.
Faded MemoriesDefeated Reese.
The Bard’s LamentationsLearned about Digor’s hidden past.
Jar EnthusiastFound all of Danjin’s jarlings.
Agent of the NetherworldDestroyed every Soulstone.
Ozma’s PastDiscovered the truth about Ozma.
The OrderDiscovered the fate of Princess Ilyna and Skalpel.
Traces of TwoLearned of Andell and Sona’s story.
The Hidden LaboratoryUnveiled the mysteries of El Ravaca’s laboratory.
Desperate EscapeRescued the wrongfully accused subordinates.
Reese’s PastDiscovered the secrets of Reese’s past.
Tool of the NetherworldObtained Charon’s Chains.
Trial of the SwordOvercame the trial of the sword.
Human XilenceAllowed Xilence to find peace at last.
Undying LoyaltyLearned of Yulian and Tristan’s story.

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