Top 7 Things You Might Have Missed in Black Ops 6 Campaign

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 campaign has multiple hidden details and Easter Eggs. Here are the top 7 things that you may have missed.

Details and Easter Eggs you may have missed while playing Black Ops 6 (Source: Activision)

Treyarch hid several details and Easter Eggs in the Black Ops 6 campaign for you to find. Chances are, some of you may have missed at least one of the things that we will mention on today’s long list. You can re-visit the mentioned missions to take note of these interesting details and references and experience them first-hand.

We will try to keep the list spoiler-free for those who have yet to experience the Black Ops 6 story in its full glory. There may be more details hiding in the background that we couldn’t find. Feel free to mention them in the comments for others to stumble upon!

Things You Might Have Missed While Playing Through the Black Ops 6 Campaign

1. An Impressive Dialogue Change

Bishop Takes Rook mission in Black Ops 6 (Source: Activision)

The campaign starts with a cutscene as Troy Marshall relives an extraction mission gone bad. We are put in the shoes of William “Case” Calderon for the first time. Bishop Takes Rook kicks off with you and your team heading towards the target’s truck. The enemies, in the beginning, are stunned because of the bomb that your air support dropped on them.

The first two enemies are right in front, and Jane Harrow and Troy Marshall take them out right away. Marshall spots the two tangos and Harrow says, “Got it” before shooting them. However, if you are a little trigger-happy in the game and shoot the injured enemies first, Harrow will say, “There’s that shooting I remember“. The dialogue is playful and its presence in the game shows how developers knew that some fans might try this.

2. A Subtle Reference or Mere Coincidence?

Diner Backside Black Ops 6 (Source: Activision)
Diner Backside Black Ops 6 (Source: Activision)

The Most Wanted mission in the game has a pretty open-ended start to it. No matter which path you choose to capture Senator McKenna’s retinas, you will always have to reach the back of the hall eventually. If you wish to explore it before following any objective(s), just head straight to the left from the entry, and the corridor guarded by the security on the right will eventually lead you to the back of the hall.

Head to the Gadget Station here. Go to the back of the shop and there will be a mini fridge by the backdoor with a note that says, “Stop stealing my yogurt!” The message is from Terry. In our heads, this could be a reference to Brooklyn 99’s character, Terry, who has a special fondness for yogurts.

3. A Reference to a Real-Life Rumor

Black Ops 6 Saddam Hussein's Palace Raid (Source: Activision)
Black Ops 6 Saddam Hussein’s Palace Raid (Source: Activision)

One of the rumors about Saddam Hussein was that he owned multiple gold toilets. Well, guess what? Treyarch made the rumor come to life in the game. The late dictator was known to have a gold toilet installed in his palace to show off his wealth. One of his ‘spare’ ones can be seen in the basement during The Cradle mission.

When you, Marshall, and Adler go down into the bunker in the back of the palace, you first find the treasure that Saddam has stored down there. The gold toilet is right there. While his having multiple of them was a rumor, that is exactly what Marshall and Adler wonder about in that scene.

4. A Horror Movie Reference in a Haunting Mission

Black Ops 6 Emergence Gathering Director Keycards (Source: Activision)
Black Ops 6 Emergence Gathering Director Keycards (Source: Activision)

In the mission Emergence, Case visits the ground zero for The Cradle experiment. The game suddenly turns into psychological horror, which in our opinion, was executed perfectly. The developers used a pop-culture reference to amp up the horror aspect. The carpet in the reception hall and surrounding areas resembles the carpet used in The Overlook Hotel in The Shining (1980).

Case also has a hatchet at the beginning of the mission which adds up to the reference because the ‘axe’ in the movie was a signature weapon used by Jack Torrance. Moreover, the protagonist is also on a killing spree and tapping into his deteriorating mental health.

5. Russell Adler Cares About His Image

Black Ops 6 Ground Control Russell Adler (Source: Activision)
Black Ops 6 Ground Control Russell Adler (Source: Activision)

The Black Ops 6 campaign channels the Black Ops lore during the Ground Control mission. You follow Adler and Sims as Case on this mission in Kuwait. The mission explores Adler’s loose morals, which you may have seen in the past entries as well.

When you reach a certain location where the enemies are already injured and unarmed, Sims announces the same and asks Adler and you to be cool and not hurt the unarmed and severely injured enemies. There is a safe located on the left when you are about to reach the next room. Pick its lock and you will spot Adler in the top right corner, shooting an unarmed and injured enemy. Sims will call him out on the same.

However, if you are looking at Adler, he will react differently. Stand behind him directly and he will then move on without shooting the enemy in despair. This shows that he cares about his image in front of his immediate team.

6. Burger Town Returns!

Sims and Adler discussing in the helicopter (Source: Activision)

In the same mission that we discussed above, there comes a time when the players have to drive a military tank while tearing through an entire airport terminal. If you don’t rush, you will be able to spot a Burger Town outlet in one of the corners.

The fictional burger chain made its first appearance in the original Modern Warfare 2 back in 2009. It’s cool to see recurring references from within the game’s universe.

7. Activision Feels Nostalgic

Black Ops 6 Solve Safe House Puzzles (Source: Activision)
Black Ops 6 Solve Safe House Puzzles (Source: Activision)

The Safe House in the Black Ops 6 campaign is ever-changing. Sometimes you are the one who makes changes, while other times, like near the end game, weather conditions can affect the overall look. Once everyone has settled down and a storm has hit the Rook, you will see Marshall and the team have installed blue sheets in several places to prevent water from reaching the ground floor.

If this phase has already occurred, visit the Piano room and look at the center table here. There will be a retro-style Activision console. This is purely fictional but there’s also a game disk besides it. The game is Pitfall, which Activision released in 1982 for Atari 2600.

These are the only cool details that we could find in our playthrough of the campaign. Feel free to explore the game and check every nook and corner for new references or details that we may have missed.

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