In this guide, we shall go over Ancient Pal Manuscripts added as part of Palworld’s latest expansion, Palworld Feybreak.

Palworld’s latest expansion, Palworld Feybreak, brings in new Pals, new technologies, and new resources for you to scavenge and collect. The Ancient Pal Manuscripts are also a new addition to the game, a new resource for players to hunt for. They are worth scavenging too, as they help you unlock some of the best skills in the game.
Unfortunately, they can be a little tricky to find, and if you don’t know how to find them, you may hit a roadblock. If you happen to be in such a position or want to know what the new Ancient Pal Manuscripts are, our guide should have you covered. In this guide, we shall go over Ancient Pal Manuscripts added as part of Palworld’s latest expansion, Palworld Feybreak.
What Are Ancient Pal Manuscripts
Ancient Pal Manuscripts are a new resource added to Palworld as part of the Palworld Feybreak update. The Ancient Pal Manuscripts are used to upgrade and unlock skills in the Pal Labor Research Laboratory. The Manuscripts allow you to invest in and unlock skills under the various research trees, such as Kindling, Watering, Planting, and more.
These abilities improve your Pals’ ability to complete tasks at the base and make them more efficient. Take note that each skill requires varying amounts of Ancient Pal Manuscripts, so you have to stay stocked up accordingly.

How To Get Ancient Pal Manuscripts
Now that you know what the coveted Ancient Pal Manuscripts are used for, it is time to find them. You acquire the Ancient Pal Manuscripts through Pal Expeditions in the game. You need the Pal Expedition Station for this, which you unlock at Level 15. The Pal Expedition Station can then be constructed using 20x Wood, 20x Stone, and 5x Paldium Fragments.
Set up a Pal Expedition Station and interact with it. You will then be shown a menu displaying a variety of destinations that you can send your Pals out to for expeditions. On the right-hand side of this menu, you will see the rewards that each destination grants. Meet the conditions for each of the expeditions, assign your Pals, and complete the expeditions to obtain Ancient Pal Manuscripts.
Alternatively, you can also take on various Bounties given by NPCs. Complete the Bounties and return to the NPCs to claim the Ancient Pal Manuscripts. These Bounties are fairly challenging, so make sure you’re up for the challenge.
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