This guide will explain the difference between JP and RP in GTA Online, as well as what they really mean in the game.

JP is short for Job Point, while RP means Reputation in GTA Online. Both of these two terms play a different role in the game’s progression system. Sometimes, these two can be a bit confusing, especially for new players.
Essentially, JP is only used during a job playlist to determine certain outcomes, like what jobs will be played in the next season. Meanwhile, RP is used to level up your character rank and unlock new content in the game.
This guide will break down what JP and RP are in GTA Online and what each of them does in the game.
What is JP in GTA Online?

JP in GTA Online is primarily used when playing job playlists. You gain points for completing various tasks during a job. The more difficult the task you accomplish, the bigger points you earn.
The point distribution is as follows:
- 1st Place: 15 Job Points
- 2nd Place: 12 Job Points
- 3rd Place: 10 Job Points
- 4th Place: 8 Job Points
- 5th Place: 7 Job Points
- 6th Place: 6 Job Points, etc.
Each player will get 15 bonus JP if the group successfully finishes a mission. If you did one of the main tasks during a mission, you will receive another 16 points. This works the same for Deathmatch game modes where the MVP will receive 16 points.
The player with the most JP gets to be at the top of the leaderboard for that session. Another function of this point system is to settle tiebreakers when players vote for the next job in a playlist. In the event of a tie, the group with the highest total JP wins the vote. The points reset when you switch to a new session or if you disconnect.
What is RP in GTA Online?

RP in GTA Online is far more important, serving as the game’s primary experience system. You earn RP by simply playing and participating in various activities, such as missions, collecting items, racing, and much more. As your rank increases, you unlock new features. This includes weapons, customization options, vehicles, and other valuable content.
Unlike JP, RP is a long-term measure of your overall progress and success in the game. This makes it essential for advancing your character and accessing higher-level content in Los Santos.
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