What to Do With the Addled Frog in Baldur’s Gate 3?

The Addled Frog, affected by the hag Auntie Ethel, is found in the Sunlit Wetlands of Baldur’s Gate 3.

The Addled Frog (Source: Larian Studios)
The creature hops in the Sunlit Wetlands within the Wilderness (Source: Larian Studios)

The Addled Frog is found leaping in the Sunlit Wetlands in the Wilderness of Baldur’s Gate 3. You encounter this creature in Act 1 of the game, and there are several ways in which this encounter can play out.

In this guide, we shall go over how you may find the Addled Frog, possible interactions with it, and the rewards that you can obtain in the process.

Where is the Addled Frog?

Spawn near the Blighted Village and work your way south across the map. The beautiful landscape of the Sunlit Wetlands is a mere illusion, and the area is, in fact, the Putrid Bog, home to the hag Auntie Ethel. 

As you approach the marshes in these lands, you will find the frog, about a foot in height, hopping near the edge. 

What to Do With the Addled Frog

You can approach the frog and use Speak With Animal to gain some insight into its situation. “Green Leaves, Shallow Water,” the frog keeps on repeating, seemingly perturbed by something. 

As you cycle through the dialogue options to talk to the frog, it gets increasingly irritated. “Burn. Bleed. Kill,” the frog will say once on the edge. At this stage, drop out of the conversation. Any further talk will anger the frog and lead to a fight. 

Baldur's Gate 3 Auntie Ethel Hag thumbnail
Deal with Auntie Ethel and return to the Addled Frog (Source: Larian Studios)

Deal With Auntie Ethel

Now, head south across the marsh to a flight of stairs. Go up the stairs, take a right, and then walk till the next set of stairs. You will now reach the Gnarled Teahouse. 

Once inside the building, go into the chimney to find a staircase leading to the basement. Here, you will find Aunty Ethel, who is the one causing the Addled Frog’s pain. You can choose to kill the hag or force her out of the area. To kill the hag, use Fire Bolt and Thunderwave spells. 

Return to the Addled Frog

Return to the Addled Frog, and you will find it in a jolly mood. The frog will offer you a present. Follow it across the marsh to get your hands on the pouch.

Rewards for Helping the Addled Frog

You will find a pouch containing the Scroll Of Misty Step, which grants you the ability to teleport to any unoccupied space that you may see. The scroll is destroyed upon use, but Wizards may use it to learn the spell. 

The second reward you will get is the Scroll of False Life, which bolsters you with a necromantic facsimile of life and provides five temporary hit points. The pouch also contains 11 Gold. 

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