Quiet is a trader in Stalker 2 who can be a little tricky to find. Follow this guide if you are tired of looking for him.

Traders are scattered in different parts of The Zone in Stalker 2, and Quiet happens to be one of them. While you can come across some of the traders easily, Quiet is not an easy find. This is because nobody tells you his location directly.
For the most part, you will engage in conversations or overhear NPCs mention that he lives “not far from here.” If you still don’t find him, he will eventually call you. Even then, he won’t exactly mention where to find him. However, he is in the northwestern part of the Wild Islands region.
The Wild Islands base is home to some merchants, but they won’t be open to trading because of their prejudice against Stalkers. However, Quiet can be found south of this base. If you find the land bridge made out of wrecked trains, keep heading south, and you will find a Noontide Base a little to the right.
This is where you will find Quiet sitting on a counter inside. Unlike some other merchants in the region, he is open to trading. He might also be the first merchant from whom you can obtain AR416 and GP37 assault rifles. If you wish to open the other Wild Islands Base merchants for trading, you may have to complete several of their main and side quests first.
Quiet Plays an Important Role in Stalker 2

Back when you first visit here for the Just Like the Good Old Days main mission, you may feel like exploring the area for longer. However, if you fill up your inventory while doing so, it would be a task to visit the nearest merchant, who is far from here. To add to your problems, you don’t have a mount or vehicle.
So, it is absolutely essential that you meet up with Quiet in the location that we revealed above. If you are looking for a side quest, he has that available for you as well. If you chat with him and ask for a job, he will assign you A Light at the End of the Tunnel. There is also a reward waiting for you in the end if you don’t want to complete an unpaid favor.
But if you ask us, we would say helping him is worth it all because this NPC saves you a long trip back to Zalissya.
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