Will Arkveld Be Available in Monster Hunter Wilds Open Beta?

Everything you need to know about Monster Hunter Wilds’ upcoming Open Beta Test and whether it will feature the flagship, Arkveld, or not.

Arkveld in Monster Hunter Wilds (Image via Capcom)
Arkveld in Monster Hunter Wilds (Image via Capcom)

Capcom recently released a brand new trailer for Monster Hunter Wilds, showcasing the icy region, Iceshard Cliffs, as well as a few new monsters. However, that’s not all that the trailer showcased. The new trailer also comes with the very first proper look at Arkveld, the game’s flagship monster.

Ever since its reveal back in September of last year, Arkveld has been one of the biggest mysteries surrounding MH Wilds. The monster, although sharing properties with Flying Wyverns and Elder Dragons, isn’t classified as either. Instead, based on Capcom’s own description of the behemoth, Arkveld is a monster of an “unknown” species. And despite being the flagship monster, Arkveld, up until now, never got a proper showcase.

Now that Capcom has finally unveiled its new flagship monster in its full glory, fans might be expecting to see it make an appearance in the upcoming Open Beta Test (OBT). Fortunately, Capcom planned precisely for that. Arkveld, much like the series’ previous flagships, will be available to fight in the upcoming Open Beta for Monster Hunter Wilds. Here’s everything you need to know about the MH Wilds’ Open Beta and the Arkveld hunt.

How To Unlock Arkveld Hunting Quest in Monster Hunter Wilds Open Beta Test?

The Open Beta Test for Monster Hunter Wilds is scheduled for February 6, 2025, to February 9, 2025. After that, the second session of the playtest will be held from February 13, 2025, to February 16, 2025. The contents of the OBT will be the same as last year’s Monster Hunter Wilds Beta, albeit with a few new quests.

For starters, the second OBT will feature the returning monster, Gypceros. And to give players a good feel of the kind of challenge the new title is going to offer, the upcoming Beta Test will also feature a hunting quest for Arkveld. However, to access these quests, you will first need to complete the Story Trial and the Chatacabra hunt.

Once you complete the Story Trial, you will be able to access the base hub at Windward Plains. Furthermore, you will also be able to access a few new quests as well as the Training Area. Among these new quests is the High Rank hunting quest for Arkveld. It should be noted that the Open Beta doesn’t carry over your progress to the full game. Furthermore, the crafting and upgrades will not be available in the OBT. Instead, you will be able to choose from a few preset armor sets and weapons to create a makeshift build for the hunting quests.

Being the flagship, Arkveld is a considerably more challenging monster compared to the rest in the OBT. Thankfully, it’s not a limited-time quest and can be tried multiple times as long as the OBT is live. Furthermore, fighting Arkveld will give you a good idea of the kind of challenge you can expect from Monster Hunter Wilds’ High Rank hunting quests.

Arkveld’s Abilities and Element

Arkveld in the new MH Wilds trailer (Image via Capcom)
Arkveld in the new MH Wilds trailer (Image via Capcom)

As of writing this article, Capcom has not revealed any key details regarding Arkveld. The monster is dubbed the White Wraith; Arkveld is a monster of “unknown” origin and species. It’s essentially built like a Flying Wyvern, albeit without actual wings. Instead, its forelimbs feature chain-like appendages, which it uses to attack its prey.

Furthermore, Arkveld also seems to be impervious to the harsh climate of the Windward Plains, which might be a hint at its origin. In addition to that, the monster is also responsible for driving the main story, akin to Zorah Magdaros and Nergigante from MH World. The official description of the monster reads –

“A monster known among the commission as the White Wraith, described as having unique chain-like appendages extending from its wings.
A species long thought to have been extinct, its ecology remains shrouded in mystery.”

Although Arkveld’s abilities are unknown, the new trailer did give us a glimpse at a few notable aspects of its physiology. One of the notable aspects of the monster seems to be its ability to strangle other Large Monsters using its chains. Furthermore, Arkveld also seems to possess an element that’s very similar to Dragon in the past games. At the end of the trailer, Arkveld seems to be entering its “enraged” state, where its chains start emitting red-colored lightning shrouded in a cloud of smoke. This looks eerily similar to the Dragon Element.

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