WWE 2K25: How To Cash in the Money in the Bank

WWE 2K25 has returned with many legacy modes. Here’s how you can cash in the Money In The Bank in WWE 2K25.

Money in The Bank
The MITB (Image Via 2K)

WWE 2K25 has returned with many classical modes for the players to enjoy. However, the Money in the Bank mode cashing-in method is still as complex as ever in all its major modes.

The two major modes, Classical and Superstar, have different methods of cashing in. Here’s everything you need to know about the modes and how to cash in the Money in The Bank.

WWE 2K25 Classical Mode – How To Cash in the Money in the Bank

One on One Normal
Setting a One-on-One match (Image via 2K)

To cash in the MITB in classical mode, two wrestlers are required to be in rivalry. Here are every step in detail to cash in your MITB in this mode, as the method is quite puzzling.

  • In Tonight’s Show, edit one of the matches by deleting a match slot and setting up a one-on-one match.
  • Make sure it is a Title Match.
  • In the match settings, select Money in The Bank and save it.
  • Return to the menu and select the show where your MITB holder is on.
  • Edit the Championships and MITB to select the holder and change the required championship.
  • Save and return to the menu to create a one-on-one rivalry between the current champion and MITB holder.
  • Select the upcoming show with your MITB, and edit the options for a fair match or cash-in post-match.
  • Now, create a title match between your MITB holder and the current champion; don’t forget to change the battle to free mode.
  • Finalize your settings and start the show. Now you can see the events unfold.

WWE 2K25 Superstar Mode – How To Cash in the Money in the Bank

One on One Braun
Setting a Superstar One-on-One match (Image via 2K)

Cashing in The Money In The Bank in the Superstar Mode method is easier than the Classical Mode settings. However, it does require you to create an MITB holder and a one-on-one rivalry from the Classical Mode.

  • After creating the MITB holder in Classical Mode, return to the Superstar Mode.
  • End the current show and move on to the next.
  • Select and manage your selected Superstar so they can cash in the MITB at whatever time (post-match, ongoing match) you want.
  • Save and start the match.

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