10 Best Dice in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Ranked

Discover the 10 best ranked Dice in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, their effect, and where you can find them.

10 best dice in kingdom come deliverance 2 ranked
10 best dice in kingdom come deliverance 2 ranked

Dice in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a mini-game where the goal is to score points by rolling specific combinations of six dice. Players take turns rolling dice and banking points to reach a target score. Points are scored based on certain dice combinations. This fun game collects or gambles for special dice that modify your rolls. There are numerous special dice that players can find in the Kingdom of Bohemia, and they can use them for their dice games to have an advantage in scoring high.

As each dice is weighted in a certain way, finding the best ones to use in your games is one of the crucial aspects of winning a game of Dice. Almost every opponent that you will face locally in KCD2 will have some kind of special dice. So, it is best that you have a few of yours as well when you go up against them. In this guide, we will be telling you the 10 best dice to use in a game of Dice in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Top 10 Best Dice in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Ranked

The game becomes more predictable and easier to win (Image via Deep Silver and YouTube/@QuickTipshow)

Special Dice that you select specifically before starting the Dice game have the characteristics of modifying rolls. Unlike regular dice, the special ones are weighted in a certain way, modifying the rolls to get you even/odd numbers, 1 and 5, 1 and 6, 3, 5, and so on. Players can select up to 6 dice in a game of Dice. Pairing up the special dice correctly will mitigate the chance of busting and allow you to score high and reach the target score first.

Below are the 10 best dice in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 ranked from best to worst.

  1. Saint Antiochus’ Die: It always rolls 3 and you can find multiple of these dice in the game.
  2. Weighted Die: It has the highest chance of rolling 1.
  3. Sad Greaser Die: It has the rolling values of 1 (Devil’s Face), 2, and 5.
  4. Devil’s Head Die: It has a Devil’s Face instead of 1, allowing you to extend for a combination.
  5. Favourable Die: It has a high chance of rolling 1 and 5, both of these numbers can score alone.
  6. Lucky Die: It has a high chance of rolling 1 and 6, but it is best to use it with another dice.
  7. Odd Die: It always rolls odd numbers (1, 3, and 5).
  8. Holy Trinity Die: It has a high chance of rolling 3.
  9. Strip Die: It has a high chance of rolling 1 and a decent chance of rolling 5 and 6.
  10. Shrinking Die: It has a high chance of rolling 6, best to use with Lucky Die.

10. Shrinking Die

Shrinking Die kcd2

The Shrinking Die has the highest chance of rolling 6 after Lu Die and Ci Die in KCD2. Moreover, it also has a decent chance of rolling 1 which you can pair with several other dies like Strip Die, Weighted Die, Lucky Die, and more. The main reason you want to use this die is because of making a combination of 6 like Three 6s or a Partial straight (2-6). These combinations can earn you 600 or 750 points which is better than Three 5s. However, there is a high chance of getting bust, if you do not have the correct pair with this die.

How to Get Shrinking Die in KCD2

You can get the Shrinking Die from numerous locations. Some of the best ones are as follows.

  • Purchase or loot it from the Innkeeper at Troskowitz (Trosky)
  • Purchase or Loot it from the bathhouse owner, Smolka at Devil’s Den (Kuttenberg)
  • Purchase or loot it from the Innkeeper at Grund (Kuttenberg)

9. Strip Die

The Strip Die has a high chance of rolling 1 which is very useful as it can score on its own. Moreover, this die also has a decent chance of rolling 5 and 6. Both 1 and 5 are safe numbers on their own as you can keep any to score in a turn. However, to stay on the safe side, it is always best to pair it with Lucky Die and Shrinking Die. As both of those dice also have a chance to roll 6, you can easily make the Three 6s combination.  Other than that, you can always score with 1 and 5 respectively.

How to Get Strip Die in KCD2

You can purchase the Strip Die from the Nomad Karol trader. He is occasionally found in roadside camps so, if you find any camp by the road, stop by it to see if Karol is there.

8. Holy Trinity Die

The Holy Trinity Die has the highest chance of rolling 3. As it is not the best number to roll and it cannot score alone, you must pair it with other dies. A few of the best dies to pair it with include Saint Antiochus’ Die, Three Die, and Unbalaned Die. All three of these have high chances of rolling three. So, if you choose to bring this die in your game, make sure to bring others as well to secure a Three 3s combination of 300 points.

How to Get Holy Trinity Die in KCD2

There are various ways to get Holy Trinity Die and some of the best ones are as follows.

  • Purchase or loot it from Gregorius at roadside camps.
  • Purchase or loot it from the bathhouse owner, Smolka at Devil’s Den (Kuttenberg).
  • Purchase or loot it from the Carpenter at Troskowitz (Trosky).

7. Odd Die

Odd die kingdom come deliverance 2

As the name suggests, the Odd Die has a high chance of rolling odd numbers. These numbers include 1, 3, and 5. Both 1 and 5 are safe numbers as they can score alone. Moreover, you can tackle the 3 number by pairing this die with the others that roll 3, similar to the Holy Trinity Die scenario. Furthermore, this die can help you score high points in a turn. Matching it with other dies that can roll 1 will easily get 1,000 points (Three 1s) in a turn.

How to Get Odd Die in KCD2

Here are some of the best ways to get Odd Die in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

  • Purchase or loot it from the Innkeeper Lawrence at Zhelejov (Trosky).
  • Purchase or loot it from the Karl von Unterbruck at Under the bridge (Trosky).
  • Purchase or loot it from the Tavern Staff at Bylany (Kuttenberg).

6. Lucky Die

The Lucky Die has a high chance of rolling 1 and 6. You can use it to pair with other dies that roll 1 and 6 respectively to create combinations. It is one of the most frequently used dies in the game and you can never go wrong with it. However, it is best to use it in the early turns for scoring as it can bust you in the later turns. The Odd Die, Strip Die, and Weighted Die are some of the best dies to use with the Lucky Die. They can help you score 1,000 points in the early turns.

How to Get Lucky Die in KCD2

You can purchase the Lucky Die from the Innkeeper Helga Schelm at Old Kutna in the Kuttenberg region. However, keep in mind that there is a randomness to the trader’s inventory.

5. Favourable Die

The Favourable Die is one of the best dies in the game as it has a high chance of rolling 1 and 5. As both of these numbers are safe and they can score alone, you can never go wrong with this die. To use this die efficiently, pair it with the Weighted Die and Odd Die to make the Three 1s combination. Moreover, you can also choose to stick with this die until the end of the game to reduce the chances of getting bust.

How to Get Favourable Die in KCD2

You can purchase the Favourable Die from the innkeeper at Secret Prayer Room in Kuttenberg City. It is on the north side of the city. However, the trader’s inventory might change from time to time.

4. Devil’s Head Die

The Devil’s Head Die is one of the unique dies in the game. It has a devil’s face instead of the number 1. Although there are not any high chances of rolling a specific number, it can extend a combination. If this die rolls 1 or the devil’s face, it will give you the opportunity to extend the combination. Moreover, using this die for the combination also doubles the points. So, this is one of the best dies to keep in inventory while playing a high stake game of Dice.

How to Get the Devil’s Head Die in KCD2

You can purchase the Devil’s Head Die from Balthazar Trader. He is occasionally found in roadside camps so, if you find any camp by the road, stop by it to see if Balthazar is there.

3. Sad Greaser Die

Sad greaser die kcd2

The Sad Greaser Die also contains the Devil’s Face along with the high chances of rolling 1, 2, and 5. This die gives a player more chances to roll a combination and score more points in a turn. It does require a careful selection of other dies to successfully roll a combination in a turn. However, it is a more viable choice than Devil’s Head Die as you get more chance to roll 2 and 5 for your combination.

How to Get the Sad Greaser Die in KCD2

You can find the Sad Greaser Die from a soldier at Maleshov in Kuttenberg region. During the main story, you will get to visit Maleshov to save Hans. Feel free to scout around and pickpocket the soldiers to get the die.

2. Weighted Die

Weighted Dice can rig the game in your favor (Image via Deep Silver and YouTube/@VideoGameDataBank)

The Weighted Die has the highest chance to roll 1, allowing you to be safe and not bust even in the final turns. However, it is best to use this die to score high in the early turns. Favourable Die, Lucky Die, Odd Die, and Strip Die are some of the best dies to pair them with. You can easily score 1,000 or 2,000 points with the set of correct dies with the Weighted Die. Moreover, there is a high chance that you get past the target score, allowing you to pass and end the game as victorious.

How to Get the Weighted Die in KCD2

You can find the Weighted Die inside a chest at the Rocktower Pond in the Trosky region. It is directly north of the Nomad Camp, other side of the river.

1. Saint Antiochus’ Die

The Saint Antiochus’ Die always roll 3 on every roll. It is the most overpowered dies in the game and the fact that you can get multiples of them, completely makes you unlosable in Dice. Yes, you can get six of Saint Antiochus’ Die in KCD2, allowing you to win every single game. If you get all of them which can take you some time, you can just go with the highest bid and turn out victorious every time.

How to Get Saint Antiochus’ Die in KCD2

Various roadside camp traders sell this die, but all of them have a very low chance of having it in their inventory. Some of the best traders from whom you can purchase it are Minstrel Roxanne and Master Bartholomew of Olomouc.

FAQs about the best Dice in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Which is the best dice to have for a Dice Game in KCD2?

There are several strong dies in KCD2 that you can use for a Dice game. The best one that you can have is the Saint Antiochus’ Die as it always rolls 3. Moreover, you can find multiple of these dies in the game and upon getting 6 of these, you will win every game.

How to Get Dice in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

You can obtain dice in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 from purchasing traders in the towns. You can pickpocket NPCs from those sitting at the dice table. Gamblers often carry dice in their inventory.

Do you need dice skills to play the game in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

No, you do not need dice skills to play the dice games in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. However, it does require you to remember the combinations to help score in your turns.

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