10 Mistakes Everyone Makes While Playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Learn about all the top mistakes that everyone makes while playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, and how you can counter them.

top 10 mistakes in KCD2
Mistakes that Players Make in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

The world map of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is huge as you will get to explore 2 big regions throughout your journey. These 2 regions are Trosky and Kuttenberg. You will start the main journey in the Trosky region including 8 different villages/towns and a Castle. However, the game will not free you into the open world until you complete the first few quests. Once you gain access to the open world, you can explore freely. While exploring and discovering new things, most players will make common mistakes that might not look important initially, but they can cause serious troubles for your playthrough.  In this guide, we will go over all the common mistakes that everyone makes while playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, and tell you how you can overcome them.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Game Overview

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is an open-world role-playing action video game that takes place in the 15th century in the Kingdom of Bohemia. It is a sequel to the first title, continuing Henry’s story. As you complete the first few main quests of the story, you will gain access to the open world which you can explore and roam freely. However, during your exploration, you will run into several problems that will make you do certain actions that will not seem to be mistakes initially. One of the best examples of this is stealing items.

For your survival, you will require food, weapons, armour which you can steal from main towns and villages or from killing the guards or bandits. If you steal from a town and equip those items, the guards of that town will identify you quickly and label you as a thief. When you get labeled as a thief, you will have to be a lot more careful, especially in that particular town. However, there are ways that you can handle such problems with care or without much loss, making you welcome once again.

Avoid These 10 Mistakes While Playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

avoid these mistakes in KCD2
Avoid these Mistakes in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Here are the top 10 mistakes that you should avoid while playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

  1. Do not get labeled as a Thief: If you get labeled as a thief, you will get caught by the guards right away. You will have to either pay for the items or get a punishment at the pillory.
  2. Do not Fight multiple enemies at a time: If you engage in a fight against multiple enemies, there is a high chance that you will lose the fight and die every time.
  3. Do not overuse Saviour Schnapps: Saviour Schnapps are one of the rare potions in the game and they are used for saving the game manually.
  4. Do not get overcumbered: Carrying unnecessary items will make over cumbered quickly, preventing you from sprinting, fast traveling, and mounting on a horse.
  5. Keeping low Charisma: Having a low Charisma will mostly fail the skill checks.
  6. Keeping the character dirty: If your character is dirty or covered in blood, people will judge you.
  7. Do not sleep on other people’s property: Sleeping on other people’s property will get you caught, putting you in a situation of paying them to get free.
  8. Do not wear stolen items right away: Wearing a stolen item will get you caught instantly by a guard.
  9. Do not over-attack during combat: Utilizing stamina is crucial, especially during combat. Do not attack repeatedly as it can empty your stamina and make you vulnerable to enemy attacks.
  10. Keeping low Reputation: Reputation plays a big part in passing the skill checks.

1. Do Not Get Labeled as a Thief

do not get labeled as a thief

When you enter the open-world, you will not have anything special in your inventory. You will ultimately go towards stealing items from houses which can put you in a position of thief. Getting labeled as a thief will get you caught instantly by the guards of the town/village. The initial choices that you will get will be surrender or run away. Running away will alert all the guards and they will chase you down. Surrendering will give you further options to pay, negotiate, accept punishment, or pass a skill check.

Passing a skill check or negotiating as a labeled thief is extremely difficult. Paying off the guards will cost you a lot of money, depending on the items that you have stolen. Lastly, you will have to accept the punishment which will remove all the stolen goods in your inventory and put you in the pillory.

Best Way to Remove the Labeled Thief

Remove the thief label kcd2

Now, the best way to remove the labeled thief in a town is to accept the punishment. It will not cost you any money, but only the stolen goods. Upon accepting your punishment, you will be taken to the pillory. After the punishment, you will have a debuff for a day (in-game) which keeps your Charisma at 0. However, you will no longer be a thief and the guards will not stop you.

NOTE: Even though you can remove theft by accepting the punishment, doing it often will mark you that ends as a Hanging punishment.

How to Steal Things Silently & Without Getting Labeled as a Thief

pickpocketing kcd2

Now, if you are someone who likes to play stealthily, then it is important for you to learn core thievery mechanics. First of all, you will have to wear an outfit that has lower noise and visibility. This will help you sneak into restricted areas without getting seen. The next step is to get lockpicks and learn how to rob people.

TIP: Complete the Materia Prima (side quest) for Miller to learn lock picking, pickpocketing, and silent takedowns.

Learning these mechanics will help you greatly in your thieving ventures. Another crucial tip for easy theft is to acquire keys to doors and chests from a corresponding NPC of whom house or property you are trying to break into. For instance, if you are trying to loot chests with hard or very hard locks in the Tavern, rob the innkeeper. The keys on the Innkeeper will unlock all chests.

2. Do not Fight multiple enemies at a time

do not fight multiple enemies at a time kcd2

Combat is one of the key aspects of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 and it offers a unique experience. Anyone who has played the original game will be somewhat familiar with its play style. However, the new players jumping into KCD2 will find themselves having a hard time winning the fights mostly if there are more than two enemies. In such a scenario, your best bet is to flee from the area. With multiple enemies attacking you, you will run out of stamina quickly making you vulnerable to the next attacks. You will not be able to block or dodge the attacks.

How to Flee from Enemies

The best way to flee from the enemies is to use the horse. Call your horse and mount it to get away easily. However, if you don’t have a horse, run away into the forest to have a chance of fleeing the enemies. The last option is to restart from a checkpoint and take an alternate route to dodge getting ambushed.

3. Do not overuse Saviour Schnapps

get saviour schnapp early kcd2 - fotuna quest

The Savious Schnapps is one of the rare potions in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 that specifically allows you to save your progress manually at any place. As a new player, you might get confused about why you cannot save the game even though you are not in a fight. It is because you do not have Saviour Schnapps in your inventory. Each Saviour Schnapp lets you save the progress manually for one time. It is best not to waste these potions for close checkpoints. There are several quests that take a long time to complete and only offer checkpoints after a certain point. You can use the Saviour Schnapp during these long quests to save your hours of progress.

How to Get Saviour Schnapps

You can find Saviour Schnapps all over the map. There is a high chance of finding some in the pubs and kitchens. Moreover, the best way to get a load of them is through alchemy. You can brew this potion by yourself at the Alchemy Station using the following materials.

  • Wine
  • 1x Nettle
  • 2x Belladonna
saviour schnapp recipe kcd2

If you don’t know and overlook this information, you actually get the recipe for brewing Saviour Schnapps at the end of the Fortuna quest. Make sure to read the recipe book and follow the formula to brew the potion correctly.

4. Do not get over cumbered

do not overcumbered yourself kcd2

Picking up all the items that you can find in an open-world game is one of the initial tactics of most players. It is true that most of the stuff like food, weapons, armour, and herbs are crucial for the adventure, but you cannot carry everything at a time due to the weight limit. Getting over cumbered will restrict you from doing multiple actions including sprinting, fast traveling, and even mounting on the horse.

How to Organize Inventory Space

During your initial hours of playthrough, you can find yourself pretty close to getting over cumbered. The best way to organize your inventory is to sell everything that you do not need. This way you can earn some money as well. Moreover, you can also drop things on the ground to lose some of the carrying weight.

move items to horse kcd2

As you make progress in the story, you will get your own quarters with a chest where you can store your items. Moreover, if you have a horse, you can directly send items from your inventory to the horse’s inventory.

5. Keeping low Charisma

Low Charisma kcd2

Charisma is one of the crucial skills of your character in KCD2 that helps you greatly in persuasion or passing a skill check. It derives from your character appearance and good reputation. If you are wearing good noble clothes, you will have high charisma. Moreover, keeping a good reputation within a town will help you pass skill checks with the townfolks. So, if you have low Charisma, you will mostly fail the skill checks which will make things difficult for you.

How to increase Charisma

As Henry is a nobleman, you practically should keep him like one. To do so, get better clothes that raise Charisma and help the townfolks to gain Reputation. If you behave oddly with them, you will lose your reputation which will impact the persuasion process.

6. Keeping the character dirty

dirty character in kcd2

In addition to the Charisma skill and putting on nice clothes/armour, your overall character appearance also makes a difference in the persuasion method. During your adventures, you will get dirty and have blood on your clothes if you engage in fights often. Roaming around the world being dirty will make people judge you and it will be harder for you to convince them of something.

How to Clean your character and remove blood from clothes/armour

There are multiple ways you can clean Henry in KCD2. The first and simple method is to wash yourself at the trough. Most of the time, washing at the trough will clean the blood off your clothes and armour. However, sometimes you will have to launder your clothes in a pool of water to remove the blood from the clothes. To launder the clothes, you will need soap which you can purchase from traders or find one near a laundry area.

clean yourself at a bathhouse kcd 2

The last method is getting a bath service. GO to a bathhouse and pay the owner for the service you wish to get. The bathhouse services will both clean you and your clothes. Moreover, you can also get a pleasant company at the bathhouse which will give you a “Time Well Spent” buff. This buff increases Strength, Agility, Vitality, and Speech stats by 1-2 points for a day (in-game).

7. Do not sleep on other people’s property

do not sleep in other people's property kcd2

During your early adventures, you will not have any personal quarters which will make sleeping very difficult. If you stay awake for a while, you will become restless which can put on various debuffs on your character. Usually, the players will find any bed in a town and sleep on it but it can get them in trouble when the owner returns to their property. This will lead to paying them a fine or even labelling them as a thief.

What are the best places to sleep in the early game

The best place to sleep in the early game is to rent an Inn. Sleeping in a proper bed will recover your restlessness more quickly than sleeping on a simple sheet. However, it will cost you money to rent a place to stay. If you have no money, then the best place to sleep where no one will disturb you is the roadside camps. You can find these camps through exploration. However, you cannot save by sleeping at the camps.

8. Do not wear stolen items right away

do not wear stolen items right away kcd2

One of the biggest mistakes that new players make is equipping the weapons and armour/clothing that they have just stolen. This gives them away right away as a guard will quickly stop you for a search. Moreover, if you are wearing armour or similar clothes as a guard, this will give away your theft instantly.

How to remove stolen symbol from items

Every item that you will steal in KCD2 will appear with a “Red Hand” symbol. This means that you stole this item and putting it on and going to an area from where you stole it will most likely get you in trouble. To remove the stolen symbol from any item, you just have to wait a couple of days (in-game). The stolen items that are more valuable will take a longer time. It is best to just wait it out a couple of days and keep on checking in your inventory whether you are safe to put it on or not.

9. Do not over-attack during combat

do not overattack during combat kcd2

The combat in KCD2 is certainly unique and difficult, especially for the new players. As most RPG players are used to mashing attacks, this technique will not help them in KCD2. If you attack repeatedly, your stamina will run out in a few seconds making you vulnerable to enemy attacks. You will not be able to dodge or block any attack until your stamina replenishes.

How to Attack Efficiently During Combat

attack efficiently in kcd2

As combat is a crucial aspect of KCD2, you must learn how to tackle enemies. The best way to attack and defeat enemies easily in the early game is to do counterattacks. Simply let the enemy attack first to do a perfect dodge when the green shield symbol appears and then quickly attack when the blue swords symbol appears to do a counterattack. The easier enemies will take a hit from counterattacks but harder enemies will counterattack you.

If you find yourself counterattacking an enemy repeatedly, simply do a dodge to catch some breath and replenish the stamina. Moreover, it is best to get Training Combat I and II in your early hours to learn some weapon combos and tricks.

10. Keeping a Low Reputation

increase reputation kcd2

Similar to the Charisma mistake, most new players do not take the reputation mechanic seriously. Reputation directly impacts the persuasion method as your current reputation appears at the moment of skill check. If you have a good reputation (Gold Smiley Face) and have good points in a skill that you are going to use, then you will highly pass the check. However, if your reputation is not good, it will be much harder to pass the skill check. Moreover, as we mentioned above, your Charisma also impacts persuasion so keeping your charisma high is crucial.

How to Increase Reputation

You can increase your reputation with NPCs and major towns by taking a step in their interest. Listen to NPCs and select the dialogue choices in their favor to gain a reputation. Moreover, completing quests for the NPCs will greatly increase the reputation. You can view all of your reputations with others under the Player tab.

FAQs about mistakes in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

Is Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 hard?

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 does not offer any difficulty options which might feel unfair for some players who find this game hard. KCD2 is certainly not easy because it requires players to be more cautious at every step of the journey. Combat is completely unique and requires players to learn all the mechanics. However, the game does an exceptional job of providing tutorials. It is all on players whether they read and understand the mechanics properly or not.

Can you mess up while playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

Yes, you can easily mess up while playing KCD2 because you have to be cautious of multiple things. If you are pursuing a quest with multiple outcomes, choosing dialogue options will be most crucial. You must select the dialogues that can shape the outcome, as the game will not give you a hint of any kind of what the dialogue’s outcome can be. The best way to handle mess-ups in KCD2 is to reload checkpoints.

How do you get better at Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

The best way to get better at Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is to learn the game and understand how it is meant to be played. You cannot rush this game like other RPGs. If you do so, you will always run into trouble. You must understand the consequences of your actions and build your character around the play style you want him to be.

Looking For More About Kingdom Come: Deliverance II (KCD2)?

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