10 Worst Debuffs in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Ranked

Discover the 10 worst debuffs in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 that can affect your playthrough badly, including how to get rid of them.

10 worst debuffs in kingdom come deliverance 2
10 Worst Debuffs in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 brings some of the most realism ever seen in gaming before. The system mechanics, like getting a bath or doing laundry, are a great touch to living in medieval times. In addition to such realism, overall survival also becomes difficult. Players have to continuously teach Henry new techniques and improve his abilities to face the challenges. In addition to these challenges, there are several debuffs that Henry will catch on which can further disrupt the survival.

Debuffs are the negative effects in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 which mainly affect the stats of Henry. In result, they make Henry slower, weaker, and hindered. These debuffs apply through different circumstances and will pop up on the bottom of the screen, similar to the buffs. It is essential for players to see what debuffs they have under the “Buffs” category in the player tab. In this guide, we will tell you the 10 worst debuffs in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 and how you can get rid of them.

Top 10 Worst Debuffs in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Ranked

worst debuffs in kingdom come deliverance 2

There are numerous Debuffs that you can get in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. These can range from lowering a certain stat to making you sick, which can result in death. Every debuff is attained under certain circumstances. Most of these debuffs can be removed with certain proceedings, but some of them last until the effect timing. There is nothing much you can do for such debuffs but to be more careful for a temporary time.

Below are the worst debuffs in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 ranked from most dangerous to least.

  1. Freshly Branded: You are branded for your crimes. The reputation will temporarily reduce by 50%. However, if you commit another crime, you will be executed.
  2. Disgraced: The Charisma will reduce by 2 and Conspicuousness increase by 10 temporarily.
  3. Tortured: The Strength, Agility, and Vitality will reduce temporarily.
  4. Beaten Like a Dog: The strength, agility, and vitality will be reduced by 40%, and the stamina regeneration rate will be reduced by 20% temporarily.
  5. Bleeding: You will gradually lose health and die if not cure the bleeding.
  6. Food Poisoning: Your health, along with Strength, Agility, and Vitality, will gradually decrease, which can end in death.
  7. Overloaded: While carrying too much weight, you will not be able to sprint, mount on the horse, and fast travel. Moreover, your overall maximum speed will be lowered.
  8. Reeky: You stink and your smell can give away your location if you are hiding.
  9. Hungry: You are hungry, which will decrease your stamina and eventually health.
  10. Tiredness: The speech and charisma stats will reduce due to exhaustion.

10. Tiredness

tiredness debuff in kingdom come deliverance 2

You are exhausted. You cannot concentrate and your speech is not as persuasive as usual. Also, your charisma has taken a hit. Eventually, you will start fainting. Speech and Charisma are reduced in proportion to your tiredness. While tired, your ability to persuade NPCs will decrease drastically. To fix the tiredness, you must find a bed and sleep until your Energy fully replenishes. The best way to find a bed is by renting a room at the Tavern. If you are away from a town, try to find a roadside camp in the wild. These camps usually have a bed where you can sleep, but the overall replenishment of Energy will take more hours than a good bed.

9. Hungry

Staying long without eating or drinking anything will get you the Hungry debuff. It happens mainly due to a decrease in Nourishment. When you get the hungry debuff, your overall stamina will decrease. Henry will react to hunger from time to time and if not cured, you will start losing health points. To remove the hungry debuff, you must consume food items that increase Nourishment. Some of the best food items in the game are Honey, Cooked Boar Meat, Cooked Beef Tongue, etc. You can find Honey in the wild from the Beehives, outside of towns in Trosky. Moreover, you can purchase the food items directly from the traders and innkeepers.

8. Reeky

You stink. This is not only unpleasant for people around you, but your stench can even give you away if you’re trying to pass unnoticed. You can easily get rid of the smell by visiting the baths or washing yourself at a trough. Staying dirty for a long time or getting up after a hangover will leave a smell on Henry. Whenever you cross by a local or try to talk to them, they will react to you or avoid you. The best way to get rid of the smell is to take a bath at the bathhouse. Sometimes, washing at a trough might also get rid of the smell, but it is not always certain.

7. Overloaded

overloaded debuff in kcd2

You are carrying too much weight. Your maximum speed is lowered. You can’t sprint, your walk is slower, your attacks and dodges are slower, and your attacks cost you more stamina. Carrying weight over the carrying capacity will make you overloaded. It is best that you get rid of this buff instantly. To do so, try transferring some of the items to the horse’s inventory. Alternatively, you can drop the items that you don’t need on the ground to become lightweight. Furthermore, if you are near a trader, try to sell the items to become lightweight and earn some Groschen as well.

6. Food Poisoning

The food poisoning is one of the most common debuffs that you can get in your adventure across the Kingdom of Bohemia. As food is crucial to your survival, you might eat something bad that can give you food poisoning. These items are usually those which Freshment is close to red. Moreover, eating raw meat and body parts of animals will also get you food poisoning. During this debuff, your health and stats including Strength, Agility, and Vitality start decreasing gradually. If you don’t cure this poisoning in time, you will die.

The best way to cure the food poisoning debuff is to drink the Digestive Potion. Moreover, you can wait for the debuff to wear off. If you have plenty of health points, try and sleep it off. However, make sure not to eat any spoiled food while the food poisoning debuff is still active. It will further increase the duration of the debuff.

5. Bleeding

bleeding debuff in kingdom come deliverance 2

The bleeding is another one of the common debuffs that players will get during the combat. If you take hits without a decent armour in the fight, you are likely to get the bleeding effect. During the bleeding effect, the health will deplete gradually, which will make Henry overall weaker. If you don’t cure it in time, it can turn out as death. To cure the bleeding, you will have to either use the Bandages or get the curing wounds service from a bathhouse. Using the bandages is the primary way of curing the bleeding effect.

You can easily find the bandages from the dead bodies of enemies or purchase them from the traders. Simply use the bandages from the inventory and apply them to the body part you want to patch. For the second method, you will have to go to a bathhouse and ask for the curing wounds service. It will cost you anywhere from 30-45 Groschen, depending on the location. The only advantage to get a service from a bathmaid is that you will also get cleaned so that you don’t have to wash yourself and your clothes separately.

4. Beaten Like a Dog

You were caned for your crimes, leaving you injured and weakened. Your Strength, Agility, and Vitality are temporarily reduced by 40%. Your Stamina regeneration rate is also temporarily reduced by 20%. When you get caught by the guards and avoid paying them the fine, you will most likely take a beating. This will apply the Beaten Like a Dog debuff which drastically affects the main stats and stamina regeneration rate. Moreover, another reason why it is one of the worst debuffs is that you cannot do anything to remove it. You just have to wait until the debuff wears off.

3. Tortured

Tortured debuff in kcd2

The “Tortured” is only a one-time debuff that you will get only during The Storm quest. It will reduce all of the main stats of Henry, making him slower and weaker. Moreover, your overall carrying capacity will also drop. As you cannot do anything to avoid or cure this debuff, you just have to wait it out. The best way to cure it is to just play along the quest until you reach the Kuttenberg region.

2. Disgraced

You were put in the pillory for your crimes. Being publicly humiliated will have an effect on your reputation. You will temporarily be more noticeable and less charismatic. Your Charisma is temporarily decreased by 2. Your Conspicuousness is temporarily increased by 10. When you accept the punishment after getting caught, all of the stolen things get confiscated and you are sent to the pillory. After completing the punishment, the people will remember your face and your overall Charisma will drop. It will be harder for you to persuade the locals. Similar to the Beaten Like a Dog debuff, you just have to wait it out.

1. Freshly Branded

You’ve been branded for your crimes. Until your brand heals and people’s memories fade, you will be treated like an outcast. The worst effects of the brand will pass with time or after you make a penitential pilgrimage. Your positive reputation gain is temporarily reduced by 50%. If you commit another serious crime, you may be executed. After getting caught in a series of crimes, the guards will brand you. This will reduce your overall reputation by half, which will drastically impact persuasion. The locals will not trust you and you just have to spend a few days normally. However, if you commit any other crime and the guards catch you, you will be executed by hanging. Moreover, like other worst debuffs, there is nothing that you can do to remove this debuff. You just have to wait it out to become normal.

FAQs about the worst debuffs in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Which is the worst Debuff in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

The “Freshly Branded” is the worst debuff that you can get in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. It ruins your overall reputation, which greatly affects the persuasion ability of Henry. The locals will not believe you and they will point a finger at you if anything wrong happens in the town. Moreover, if you get caught again by the guards doing a crime while the branding is visible, you will get hanged. The worst part is that you cannot do anything to remove this debuff. You just have to wait until the debuff times out.

How to remove the Food Poisoning Debuff in KCD2?

The best way to cure the food poisoning debuff is to drink the Digestive Potion. Moreover, you can wait for the debuff to wear off. If you have plenty of health points, try and sleep it off. However, make sure not to eat any spoiled food while the food poisoning debuff is still active. It will further increase the duration of the debuff.

How to remove the Reeky Debuff in KCD2?

The best way to get rid of the smell is to take a bath at the bathhouse. Sometimes, washing at a trough might also get rid of the smell, but it is not always certain.

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