Learn about some of the best easter eggs in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, including references to the Fantastic Four, Doctor Strange, and more.

Most comic book-derived media, be it movies, novels, or even video games, thrive on easter eggs and references. It is how comic books end up building universes and establishing connections between different characters and storylines.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) laid the foundation of what is considered the golden standard for Easter eggs. And naturally, Marvel’s games had to follow suit. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, much like its predecessor, is filled to the brim with easter eggs. Some of these references are subtle, while others hint at future side stories and also events that might transpire in the inevitable third mainline entry.
From tying up loose ends between Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales, and the new title to hints at other superheroes from the Marvel universe, the game is chock full of these references. Here’s our pick for the 5 best Easter eggs in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.
Note: This article contains mild spoilers for Marvel’s Spider-Man and Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales.
Top Easter Eggs in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
Although Easter Eggs are easy to miss, the following entries give away the references’ location and explain them, just in case some fans aren’t aware of the context.
1) The Baxter Building (Fantastic Four)

The Baxter Building, which served as the stage for one of the most cinematic set pieces in the first Marvel’s Spider-Man game, now serves as a subtle reference to the Fantastic Four. The building is located at the southwestern end of Central Park. If you can manage to get high enough (which isn’t particularly challenging in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2), you will find a freshly painted Fantastic Four symbol at the top of the Baxter Building.
Spider-Man, in comics, had a very strong bond with Reed Richards and Johnny Storm. Furthermore, in the previous game, Insomniac Games added the Future Foundation Suit, which gave a small hint at the Fantastic Four.
However, the Fantastic Four are yet to make an appearance in the games. Hopefully, that’s something that changes with the next mainline title.
2) Spider-Verse Cameo

If you take the time to complete the Spider-Spy? side mission, which requires you to find all 43 hidden Spider-Bots, you’ll be rewarded with an incredibly cool easter egg. The Spider-Spy? quest itself is an easter egg hunt, as all 43 Spider-Bots are references to Peter’s and Miles’ different renditions from the comics.
However, if you do take the time to complete the entire quest, you will get a small cutscene. The cutscene shows a “portal” that you will find quite familiar if you’ve watched the Spider-Verse movies. Inside the “inter-dimensional” portal, you will find an NPC named Delilah, who shares some small tidbits of information with Peter or Miles before vanishing in thin air.
Delilah is a character from Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. However, she was later cut from the movie’s theatrical release. Luckily, Sony Pictures did end up finding some use for Delilah after all. Albeit, as a short and on-the-nose Easter egg.
3) The “Wolverine” Reference

Insomniac Games, before they even released Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, announced their next big project, Marvel’s Wolverine. Naturally, fans were expecting some form of a reference or easter egg in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 that hinted at Logan, aka the Wolverine. Luckily, Insomniac did not let fans down.
Instead of relegating the Wolverine reference to a one-off thing, Insomniac gave Miles a suit that’s identical to Wolverine’s classic outfit. The Best There Is suit is essentially an original design by Insomniac and is inspired by the Wolverine comic book issues with the same title. The suit also has three different Styles to choose from.
4) The Sanctum Sanctorum

Much like in the original Marvel’s Spider-Man, the Sanctum Sanctorum makes an appearance in the sequel. However, instead of being relegated to just a stationary reference, the Sanctum plays a major role in one of Miles’ side stories. The Make Your Own Choices mission essentially sees Miles track Black Cat (Felicia Hardy) through a series of events.
The quest ultimately leads to Miles and Black Cat using an artifact from the Sanctum to teleport the latter to France. Furthermore, the quest also sees Felicia using the artifact to open portals that take Miles to various parts of the globe. The mission is essentially Insomniac’s way of showcasing the PS5’s capabilities.
The quest ends with Felicia safely reaching Paris and the artifact returning to the Sanctum. The conclusion of the quest also hints at this universe’s Doctor Strange and Wong.
5) The Aftermath of Miles’ Story

A really cool detail in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is the aftermath of Miles’ story. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is set just a few short months after Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales. As such, you would expect some of the events that transpired in the previous title will be touched upon in the new game.
In most games, these details would often be relegated to text or audio logs, but not in Insomniac’s Spider-Man games. In the sequel, you can find remnants of things like the explosion at Roxxon Tower and the mural painted by Hailey at the end of the last game. Furthermore, you can also find Phin’s (Miles’ childhood friend and also the Tinkerer) grave at the Harlem cemetery.
Although there are several more easter eggs in the title, these five are our best picks. When exploring New York in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, players can take their time to explore the city to find more of such surprises.
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