5 Best Linear Games To Try Out in 2025

Linear games offer tight narratives and compact gameplay experiences, and we shall help you pick out the five best to try in 2025. 

Resident Evil 4 (Source: Capcom)
Resident Evil 4 (Source: Capcom)

Over the past decade, AAA video games have increasingly shifted towards open-world gaming. Gamers have increasingly shifted towards the mentality of valuing gaming at a cost-per-hour basis and have inevitably pushed open-world games as the default for gaming. With so many open-world games around, exhaustion has crept in for us, and we’ve made a jump back to linear video games. 

Linear games always offered crisp experiences, running across several carefully designed levels that serve the story. While these sorts of games may not dominate conversations as much anymore, that’s not to say that we haven’t had some absolutely amazing linear games over the past decade. 

If you’re someone who’s into linear games, whether for their story or tight gameplay, we’re here to help you pick out some of the best. In this article, we shall go over the five best linear games to try out in 2025. 

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1) Uncharted 4

Uncharted 4 (Source: Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Uncharted 4 (Source: Sony Interactive Entertainment)

Starting off our list is one of the best linear games of all time, a game debated by many to be Naughty Dog’s magnum opus – Uncharted 4. Uncharted 4 is the final chapter of Nathan Drake’s story, yet it works just as well as a standalone narrative of a grizzled treasure hunter looking to dive in for that one last score.

The game features a diverse set of levels, ranging from auctions and orphanages to Madagascar markets and Scottish chapels. The game railroads you from level to level yet also offers you a choice in how you approach each level, adding to the replayability. 

2) Mafia Definitive Edition

Mafia Definitive Edition (Source: 2K Games)
Mafia Definitive Edition (Source: 2K Games)

Mafia Definitive Edition is one of the best linear games to play if you’re into stories involving mobs and syndicates. The game, while technically having a world you can drive around in, is linear in its progression. You move from chapter to chapter with no space for exploration and are only able to engage in the gameplay the mission intends for you.

The world is only a backdrop, intended to give you a better sense of the time period and add to the immersion. The levels are the real highlights and offer plenty of variety. In one mission, you infiltrate a party to assassinate a mole, while in another, you’re participating in a race to help your allies win a bet. The gameplay serves the story, which is fantastic in of itself. 

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3) Resident Evil 4 Remake

Resident Evil 4 (Source: Capcom)
Resident Evil 4 (Source: Capcom)

The original Resident Evil 4 is one of the greatest games of all time, and when a remake was announced, fans were as excited as they were nervous. Capcom, however, nailed the remake, somehow one-upping one of the greatest linear games of all time. RE4 Remake is a tighter narrative experience compared to the original.

The narrative is much better executed with the characters and motivations fleshed out. The levels are bigger but never drag on, and you always have enemies to kill and treasures to find. No location drags on, and the frequent change in aesthetics keeps things fresh. The combat is the real star of the show, and the weapon upgrades give you a sense of progression without ever feeling overpowered. 

4) Devil May Cry 5

Devil May Cry 5 (Source: Capcom)
Devil May Cry 5 (Source: Capcom)

The Devil May Cry franchise has always prided itself on its over-the-top bombastic stories, and DMC 5 is no different in that regard. The game is the hack-and-slash version of a corridor shooter, and we mean this in the best way possible. You move from hallway to hallway, slaying demons and collecting gems, which you then use to upgrade your powers and get stronger.

The story is about what you’d expect, with the combat and three playable characters (four if you have the special edition) being the main reason to play. All characters play out differently, incentivizing you to replay levels with different characters to get the full experience. 

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5) Alien Isolation

Give us more Aliens (Source: Sega, r/alienisolation)
Alien Isolation (Source: Sega, r/alienisolation)

The final game on this list is one of the best horror games of all time – Alien Isolation. As its name suggests, Alien Isolation throws you into the Alien universe. You’re Amanda Ripley, daughter of Ellen Ripley, and you’re stuck on the Sevastopol space station. A Xenomorph stalks this ship, and you have to use the tech you have, paired with a bit of wits, to survive and make your way out.

The level design is top-notch, faithfully recreating the atmosphere and feel of the original Alien film. You move from area to area and the game pushes against exploration by throwing the Xenomorph at you. Yet, if you dare to defy your fears and explore, there are a ton of secrets to uncover. 

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