5 Team Up Abilities Marvel Rivals Should Add

Let’s talk about some of the conceptual team-up abilities that can be added to Marvel Rivals in the upcoming updates.

Use team-ups to win matches (Source: NetEase Games)

Marvel Rivals have plenty of heroes, and each hero synergises with other heroes distinctively. These synergies are known as team-up abilities in the game, such as Symbiote Bond between Venom, Spider-Man, and Peni Parker; Plant x Pals between Groot, Rocket Raccoon, and Jeff; and so many others.

Each team-up ability offers a different skill and boost that helps in various ways depending on the situation. However, some of these heroes can pair up with others to create brand new abilities, and we are here to talk about some of these fictional yet powerful team-ups.

In this article, we will go over 5 team-up abilities the Marvel Rivals should add to the game.

Team Up Abilities Marvel Rivals Should Add

1) Iron Spider (Iron Man + Spider-Man)

The father-son duo (Source: NetEase Games)
The father-son duo (Source: NetEase Games)

This team-up ability will let Spider-Man use the Iron Spider suit as an extra team-up skill. This ability can make Spider-Man more dangerous when attacking the backline of opponents. Moreover, to spice it up, Iron Man will get a little bonus health every time Spidey eliminates an enemy using this skill. There are few duelist team-ups in the game, and the Iron Spider can shift the strategist and tank meta a little, if not too much.

2) Stealth Strike (Moon Knight + Black Panther)

The duo blessed by gods (Source: NetEase Games)
The duo blessed by gods (Source: NetEase Games)

Another concept of a Duelist team-up, this time with two heroes blessed by their individual gods. Stealth Strike makes Moon Knight a critical hit demon by increasing the crit damage. Black Panther gets a new ability thanks to Khonshu’s blessing. This ability can fully mask his footsteps for 12 seconds, making him the perfect tickle monster of Marvel Rivals. Black Panther can create an amazing amount of outplays by silently trespassing the enemy backline. Moreover, Moon Knight can finish them off with critical hits with almost every third ankh projection.

3) Mutant Gods (Magneto + Storm)

Unleash the power Omega mutants (Source: NetEase Games)
Unleash the power of Omega mutants (Source: NetEase Games)

This should have been an official team-up ability. Mutant Gods activates when Magneto and Storm are on the same team. Storm gets a buff for her elemental attacks that makes her a very formidable hero on the battlefield. On the other hand, Magneto gets a new ability that throws an electric fused metal, damaging and stunning the opponents hit. These two Omega-level mutants can create havoc on the field when paired together.

4) Magical Bond (Scarlet Witch + Doctor Strange)

Turn tides with magic and chaos (Source: NetEase Games)
Turn tides with magic and chaos (Source: NetEase Games)

The magicians are on the battleground. Scarlet Witch and Doctor Strange team up to create Magical Bond between them. Scarlet Witch gets damage resistance and amplification both at the same time. Doctor Strange gets a brand new ability by fusing Scarlet Witch’s chaos magic. This ability can cast a barrier that can give protection from enemy projectiles and damage boost to allies near the barrier. This ability can make Doctor Strange the best vanguard in the game.

5) Cosmic Defenders (Groot + Star-Lord)

The tree and the man (Source: NetEase Games)
The tree and the man (Source: NetEase Games)

The Guardians of the Galaxy are here with a massive team-up. Groot and Star-Lord shake hands and create the Cosmic Defenders ability. When activated, Groot gets a boost in health regeneration and damage reduction, both at the same time. On the flip side, Star-Lord gets a very aggressive ability that throws an elemental grenade that does AoE damage. Star-Lord has a very basic and strong kit, and this ability makes him more powerful, as he can finish off bigger enemies by using this extra ability.

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