Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Can You Eat Mid-Fight

Learn how to eat in the middle of a fight in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and survive a fight longer than expected.

Eat Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
Can Henry eat in the middle of a fight? (Source: Deep Silver, Plaion)

Eating is one of the ways that you can heal in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. Apart from that, you can also try sleeping to refill your HP. The irony, however, lies in the fact that none of these actions can be performed while in the middle of combat. So, if you are fighting a bunch of enemies or just one ferocious opponent, can you even heal yourself? The answer is yes! But how?

How To Heal During Combat in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

As an RPG, KCD 2 will let you explore most of the things on your own. It tells you how to make the Chamomile Decoction so you can heal yourself in sleep, but doesn’t directly inform you that eating or drinking will heal you. Most importantly, it doesn’t mention that it is possible during combat as well. If you are somebody like me who gets into trouble around the Bohemian Paradise a lot, you will find this trick pretty convenient.

Players can eat during a fight in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 with the help of a Pouch. There are ways of getting a Pouch that you may not know. However, the most common method is buying it from a Tailor or Merchant. This could be expensive but ensures that you get a Pouch without having to look around a lot. After buying it, equip it from the Inventory.

Now, enter your Inventory, select a food item, drink, or potion, and add it to your Pouch on the right side of your screen. You can then use the right D-pad button in the middle of a fight to select and consume a specific consumable. This trick can also save you time while you are on the go and don’t want to open your Inventory and hold the prompted button to consume something.

Remember that this is the only way to consume an item and restore your health during a fight, as the Inventory method won’t work in combat.

How To Get Consumables To Eat and Drink in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

food for the guard in the kitchen kcd2
Getting food in KCD 2 (Source: Deep Silver, Plaion)

There are many ways to get food in KCD 2, and the best part is that you can get creative! You will obtain some things to eat in the first few hours of the game itself. For example, when you are at Bozhena’s, she has a bunch of consumables lying about that you can pick up and keep for yourself. She won’t mind because she considers you her friend.

Once you are out of that forest area and into the harsh world, food is not that scarce either. You can visit a Tavern to talk to the Innkeeper and click on Trade. This will allow you to see their wares and then buy certain food items that you find affordable. Self-sustaining methods like Cooking and Alchemy are also pretty useful to always be stocked on Consumables.

Those who like saving Groschens and not spending them on food for the protagonist can also try looting dead bodies or even stealing or robbing NPCs. This is a pretty effective method because almost everyone is bound to have an apple or two on them to keep Henry’s belly from rumbling. Beware of this trick, though, because it is counted as a Crime that can deteriorate your Reputation pretty quickly.

Looking For More About Kingdom Come: Deliverance II (KCD2)?

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