All Blacksmithing Items in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Listed

Discover all the Blacksmithing Items in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 that are essential for smithing, including how to get them.

all blacksmithing items in kingdom come deliverance 2

Blacksmithing in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a crafting system allowing players to forge weapons or armor directly. Maintaining weapons and armor that contribute to your survival experience is crucial. The workpieces are heated at the right temperature to avoid overheating. Hammering is done precisely to give the final shape to the workpiece.

You can find several blacksmiths scattered all around the world. They all offer various recipes you can craft using the Blacksmithing Items at the smithy stations. It plays a vital role in making your character strong and earning money. The items, weapons, and armour you craft can be sold for more money. However, each item requires certain materials, so knowing all of them and how you can get them is essential. This guide will list down all the Blacksmithing Items in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Blacksmithing Items Overview in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Blacksmiths are important people in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 (Image via Deep Silver)

Blacksmithing in Kingdom Come: Deliverance is the skill of crafting weapons and other items. You can craft weapons like swords, polearms, axes, and more at the anvil. Almost every town in the game has at least one Smithy Station where you can forge items and weapons. Moreover, you can also repair your weapons using a Sharpening Wheel, which is usually nearby a smithy station. However, crafting each item or weapon in KCD2 will require certain Blacksmithing Items. The Blacksmithing Items are the essential materials required to craft items and weapons at the smithy station. Each recipe for weapon and item requires certain blacksmithing items. Without the necessary materials, you cannot craft that corresponding item.

Every recipe you will come upon will show you the different items they require for forging. There are over 20 different Blacksmithing Items in KCD2 that you can gather from different means. You can acquire all essential ones from the Blacksmiths themselves. They trade all major materials that you can use to forge weapons and horseshoes in the game. Alternatively, you can find the materials in chests all over the Kingdom of Bohemia. Lastly, there are some one-time materials that you can only find at a certain location.

All Blacksmithing Items in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Explored

Here are all the Blacksmithing Items in KCD2 that you can come across in your adventure and use for smithing skill.

Blacksmithing Item NameDescriptionWeightHow to Get
Ambrose’s Broken SwordAn old broken sword made of otherwise fine Damascene steel.0You can find it east of Trosky Castle in the Trosky region.
Broken AxeIt must have been a beautiful weapon once, but years underground have left an indelible mark on it.0You will find it during “The Axe from the Lake” side quest.
Broken Guild LongswordThe famous symbol of the Kuttenberg swordfighting hall is in two pieces due to disputes between Menhart and Jimram.0You can find it Kuttenberg City.
Charcoal WaterThrow into the cold water three coals of fire, three crumbs of bread and three pinches of salt. Wash thy forehead and thy shoulder with the water, that thou mayest wash away the evil from thee, and put it upon the water.0You will obtain it during “The Voivode’s Curse” side quest.
Coin Sword PommelThe end of the hilt of the sword. It is struck against an iron tang, which is then hammered and the pommel is thus fixed. It serves mainly to balance the whole weapon and as a counterweight to the long blade. In swordfighting, it prevents the weapon from slipping out of the hand, but it can also be used to grip and extend the hilt of the sword. Some swordfighting techniques use the pommel to deliver crushing blows to the opponent’s face.0.1You can purchase it from Blacksmiths in the Trosky and Kuttenberg regions.
Commemorative CoinA dirty and worn-out grosch that someone hid for luck in the foundations of the building.0You will find it during the “Warding Off Evil” side quest.
CopperIn ancient times, copper was a very rare metal for making jewellery and weapons. Today it is mainly used for the production of tinware and for the smelting of other metals.1You can purchase it from Blacksmiths in the Trosky and Kuttenberg regions.
Cow SkinThe tanned cowhide is the most common material for all shoemakers and saddlers. Cowhide is used to make good boots, belts, straps, bags and even large saddles. Work with it wisely so that not a single piece goes to waste!0.6You can purchase it from Traders in the Trosky region and armourers in the Kuttenberg region.
Decorated Sword PommelThe end of the hilt of the sword. It is struck against an iron tang, which is then hammered and the pommel is thus fixed. It serves mainly to balance the whole weapon and as a counterweight to the long blade. In swordfighting, it prevents the weapon from slipping out of the hand, but it can also be used to grip and extend the hilt of the sword. Some swordfighting techniques use the pommel to deliver crushing blows to the opponent’s face.0.1You can purchase it from the Blacksmiths in the Kuttenberg region.
Deer SkinA well tanned deer skin. Fine and highly prized leather, used for higher quality products and a wealthier clientele.0.6You can purchase it from Traders in the Trosky region and armourers in the Kuttenberg region.
Eight-sided Sword PommelThe end of the hilt of the sword. It is struck against an iron tang, which is then hammered and the pommel is thus fixed. It serves mainly to balance the whole weapon and as a counterweight to the long blade. In swordfighting, it prevents the weapon from slipping out of the hand, but it can also be used to grip and extend the hilt of the sword. Some swordfighting techniques use the pommel to deliver crushing blows to the opponent’s face.0.1You can purchase it from the Blacksmiths in the Kuttenberg region.
Exotic WoodEbony, Zebrano, Rosewood and other exotic woods have been valued since ancient times for their extraordinary hardness and beautiful colour palette. It is used to make fancy furniture, weapons or chess pieces.1You can purchase it from the Carpenter in Troskowitz and various Blacksmiths in Kuttenberg City.
Fastening MaterialA mixture of nails, rivets and wires. Everything a good blacksmith needs to hold his work together.0.25You can purchase it from Blacksmiths in the Trosky and Kuttenberg regions.
Found HorseshoeFinding a horseshoe on the ground is said to be a very lucky sign. Especially if I’ve lost it myself before.0
Frankfurt SteelSteel is an alloy of iron, carbon and other elements, and is the main raw material for the manufacture of weapons and armour. It is valued for its hardness and durability, but it is also very flexible, a quality that a good blacksmith must know how to work with.1You can purchase it from Blacksmiths in the Trosky and Kuttenberg regions.
Holy NailA nail brought back by workers as a souvenir from the renovation of the Sedletz monastery.0You will find it during the “Warding Off Evil” side quest.
Horned Sword GuardA cross guard, also known as quillon. It serves to protect the swordsman’s hands from the opponent’s blade. It can also be used to execute a grappling hold or strike to an unprotected face. In sword making, it is put on the blade’s tail before the hilt is made and the pommel is put on. In cheap weapons made by poor blacksmiths, it will loosen over time and begin to clink unpleasantly.0.1You can purchase it from the Blacksmiths and Weaponsmiths in Kuttenberg City.
IronGood quality malleable iron. The iron is soft, but nicely homogenous, so it can be used well for most blacksmithing products.1You can purchase it from Blacksmiths in the Trosky and Kuttenberg regions.
Ordinary Sword PommelA cross guard, also known as quillon. It serves to protect the swordsman’s hands from the opponent’s blade. It can also be used to execute a grappling hold or strike to an unprotected face. In sword making, it is put on the blade’s tail before the hilt is made and the pommel is put on. In cheap weapons made by poor blacksmiths, it will loosen over time and begin to clink unpleasantly.0.1You can purchase it from Blacksmiths in the Trosky and Kuttenberg regions.
Pear Sword PommelThe end of the hilt of the sword. It is struck against an iron tang, which is then hammered and the pommel is thus fixed. It serves mainly to balance the whole weapon and as a counterweight to the long blade. In swordfighting, it prevents the weapon from slipping out of the hand, but it can also be used to grip and extend the hilt of the sword. Some swordfighting techniques use the pommel to deliver crushing blows to the opponent’s face.0.1You can purchase it from the Traders and Blacksmiths in Kuttenberg City.
Pig SkinTanned pork leather. What it loses in natural strength it makes up for in durability and distinctive softness. That’s why tailors use it for lining, for finer cases and for book covers. That’s the only way it won’t tear.0.6You can purchase it from Traders in the Trosky region and armourers in the Kuttenberg region.
Reinforced Sword GuardA cross guard, also known as quillon. It serves to protect the swordsman’s hands from the opponent’s blade. It can also be used to execute a grappling hold or strike to an unprotected face. In sword making, it is put on the blade’s tail before the hilt is made and the pommel is put on. In cheap weapons made by poor blacksmiths, it will loosen over time and begin to clink unpleasantly.0.1You can purchase it from the Blacksmiths in Kuttenberg City.
Scrap MetalMalleable iron of questionable quality. It is a mixture of various scrap and waste iron. But as every blacksmith knows, no iron can go to waste.1You can purchase it from Blacksmiths in the Trosky and Kuttenberg regions.
SteelSteel is an alloy of iron, carbon and other elements, and is the main material for the manufacture of weapons and armour. It is valued for its hardness and durability, but it is also very flexible, a quality that a good blacksmith must know how to work with.1You can purchase it from Blacksmiths in the Trosky and Kuttenberg regions.
Straight Sword GuardA cross guard, also known as quillon. It serves to protect the swordsman’s hands from the opponent’s blade. It can also be used to execute a grappling hold or strike to an unprotected face. In sword making, it is put on the blade’s tail before the hilt is made and the pommel is put on. In cheap weapons made by poor blacksmiths, it will loosen over time and begin to clink unpleasantly.0.1You can purchase it from the Blacksmiths in the Kuttenberg region.
Toledo SteelToledo was already a city of blacksmiths and sword makers in the days of the ancient Holy Roman Empire. But the secrets of the local craft have been closely guarded by the local guilds for centuries. Toledo’s steel is considered to be some of the finest that can be found.1You can purchase it from Blacksmiths in the Trosky and Kuttenberg regions.
Winning HorseshoeThe memory of a great victory.0

Best tips and tricks for Blacksmithing Items in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Here are some of the best tips and tricks that you can use for Blacksmithing Items in KCD2.

  • Blacksmithing items can easily fill your carrying capacity. It is best to store them in the Horse’s inventory.
  • Visit different Blacksmiths around the region to find almost every blacksmithing item.
  • You can purchase various weapon and item recipes from the Blacksmiths.
  • If you have a higher Craftsmanship Skill, you will forge a higher quality weapon/item.

FAQs about Blacksmithing Items in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

What is Blacksmithing in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

Blacksmithing is the skill of crafting weapons and other items at the smithy station. You can craft a variety of weapons, such as swords, axes, polearms, and other items like horseshoes.

What are Blacksmithing Items in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

The Blacksmithing Items are the essential materials required to craft items and weapons at the smithy station. Each recipe for weapon and item requires certain blacksmithing items. Without the necessary materials, you will not be able to craft that corresponding item.

Where to find the Blacksmithing Items in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

You can easily get all the Blacksmithing Items from the Blacksmiths across the regions. Every Blacksmith will sell you various materials. However, some materials are unique and you can only find them at a certain location.

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