All NPCs in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Listed

Discover all NPCs that you can find, meet, and interact with in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, including all the traders.

all npcs in kingdom come deliverance 2

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is an expansive open-world action-adventure video game set in 1403 in the Kingdom of Bohemia. Players will get to explore two massive regions of Bohemia, including Trosky and Kuttenberg. Each region is unique in its own offering vast meadows, hills, mountains, towns, villages, and cities. There is much to explore in every region of Bohemia and during your exploration, you will meet tons of NPCs. They can be local and major characters that play a huge part in the main story. In this guide, we will list all the NPCs in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

NPCs Overview in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

npcs overview in kingdom come deliverance 2

NPCs are the non-playable characters in KCD2 that you can meet and interact with during your journey. Every NPC in KCD2 has a role to play. Whether it is daily life routine, offering services, or playing a major role in the story. Players will meet all types of NPCs in both Trosky and Kuttenberg regions. Some of the NPCs will offer you tasks that come under side quests. Completing the quests for them improves the overall reputation of that town. Some NPCs or locals will fill you up on the interesting things going on around the town. Speaking to them will reveal new points of interest around the regions.

Some NPCs play a vital role in the overall story of the game. Engaging in conversation with them will let you fill on optional tasks for the main quests. Moreover, it is essential to keep a good reputation with those NPCs. Some NPCs can teach you viable skills. These NPCs are teachers from whom you can learn skills and combos for different weapons. Lastly, some NPCs are traders. There are various types of traders in KCD2, including Grocers, Bathhouse owners, Blacksmiths, Tailors, Armourers, Weapon smiths, Apothecary, Merchants, Innkeepers, and more.

All NPCs in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Explored

As there are different types of NPCs in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, we will list them respectively. You can find all the traders in the Traders section below.

All NPCs in KCD2

Here are all the NPCs you will come across in KCD2.

NPC NameRegion
Adleta MannlicherKuttenberg
Administrator JeromeKuttenberg
Arne the GermanKuttenberg
Bailiff Andreas PlumelKuttenberg
Barber FialaTrosky
Bard WilliamKuttenberg
Bathhouse Madam BeataKuttenberg
Bathwench AnnaTrosky
Beggar DamianKuttenberg
Bibrek the ArcherTrosky
Captain GnarlyTrosky
Casper RudolfKuttenberg
Drunkard JezhekTrosky
Drunkard ZavishKuttenberg
Else JohlinKuttenberg
Foreman VlachKuttenberg
Frederick of SkalaTrosky
GodwinTrosky & Kuttenberg
Gravedigger IgnatiusTrosky
Groom HannaKuttenberg
Groom HannikerKuttenberg
Groom HashtalKuttenberg
Handsome CharlieTrosky
Hanka from PragueKuttenberg
Hannes the MusicianTrosky
Hans CaponTrosky & Kuttenberg
Harry the HopheadKuttenberg
Herbwoman BozhenaTrosky
Herbwoman VlastaKuttenberg
Herdsboy NatanTrosky
Herdsboy SiegfriedTrosky
Hired Hand BohunekTrosky
Hired Hand HenselTrosky
Hired Hand OtaTrosky
Hired Hand PavelKuttenberg
Hired Hand StrawTrosky
Hired Hand VentzaTrosky
Hired Hand Zdenyek The MouthTrosky
Hogherd HugoTrosky
Hugo MannlicherKuttenberg
Huntsman VostatekTrosky
Innkeeper BeikovetzKuttenberg
Innkeeper Franz GeldstuckKuttenberg
Innkeeper HavelKuttenberg
Innkeeper MoleKuttenberg
Innkeeper WeighmanKuttenberg
Jan ZizkaTrosky & Kuttenberg
Janek the ScribblerKuttenberg
Jarda the GreatTrosky
Jarda’s FriendTrosky
Johann ParlerKuttenberg
John of LiechtensteinKuttenberg
Jurg ThomelKuttenberg
KatherineTrosky & Kuttenberg
Kreyzel’s MiladaTrosky
Little LidaKuttenberg
Lousy MaryKuttenberg
Lucas the Half-FriarKuttenberg
Master TomcatTrosky
Meaty MaryKuttenberg
Miner FranziKuttenberg
Miner LazarKuttenberg
Nicholas of RattayTrosky
Old OlbramTrosky
Shepherd SmoliekTrosky
Sir Jan SemineTrosky
Tov Ho-IrKuttenberg
Udo von TauberbischofsheimKuttenberg
Widow MargaretTrosky
Woodcutter DushkoTrosky
Young VejmolaKuttenberg

All Skill Teachers and Traders in KCD2

all traders in kingdom come deliverance 2

Here are all the Skill Teachers and Traders that you will come across in KCD2.

Skill Teacher/Trader NameLocation & RegionPurse
ApothecaryKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg413 Groschen
ApothecaryPschitoky, Kuttenberg214 Groschen
ApothecaryKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg202 Groschen
Apothecary EmmerichTroskowitz, Trosky332 Groschen
Apprentice BullNebakov Fortress, Trosky153 Groschen
ArankaNomads’ Camp, Trosky154 Groschen
ArmourerKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg825 Groschen
ArmourerSigismund’s Camp Kuttenberg755 Groschen
ArmourerKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg490 Groschen
BakerKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg52 Groschen
BakerPschitoky, Kuttenberg35 Groschen
BakerMiskowitz, Kuttenberg35 Groschen
BakerKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg35 Groschen
Baker LepekBylany, Kuttenberg35 Groschen
Bathhouse Madam BeataKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg280 Groschen
Bathhouse owner DorothyZhelejov, Trosky110 Groschen
Bathhouse owner MagdaTrosky Castle, Trosky35 Groschen
Bathhouse owner MiladaSigismund’s Camp, Kuttenberg110 Groschen
Bathhouse Owner SmolkaDevil’s Den, Kuttenberg153 Groschen
BlacksmithSigismund’s Camp Kuttenberg483 Groschen
BlacksmithMiskowitz, Kuttenberg445 Groschen
BlacksmithKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg361 Groschen
BlacksmithKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg352 Groschen
BlacksmithKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg348 Groschen
BlacksmithSuchdol, Kuttenberg51 Groschen
Blacksmith OsinaTrosky Castle, Trosky380 Groschen
Blacksmith RadovanTachov, Trosky361 Groschen
Blacksmith SebastianOld Lhota, Kuttenberg382 Groschen
Blacksmith ZdimirGrund, Kuttenberg442 Groschen
BohumirTrosky Castle, Trosky210 Groschen
Boyar Stoia of MondraOld Kutna, Kuttenberg1,145 Groschen
ButcherPschitoky, Kuttenberg150 Groschen
ButcherMiskowitz, Kuttenberg150 Groschen
ButcherBylany, Kuttenberg150 Groschen
ButcherKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg150 Groschen
Butcher BashkaTroskowitz, Trosky150 Groschen
Butcher EmmeramKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg150 Groschen
CarpenterTroskowitz, Trosky180 Groschen
Cobbler LinhartKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg320 Groschen
Fence WhitebeardNomads’ Camp, Trosky242 Groschen
FishermanKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg75 Groschen
Gamekeeper BohunyekOpatowitz, Kuttenberg334 Groschen
Greengrocer VeisarSlatego, Trosky75 Groschen
GrocerTachov, Trosky75 Groschen
GrocerSemine, Trosky75 Groschen
GrocerByklany, Kuttenberg75 Groschen
GrocerKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg75 Groschen
GrocerMiskowitz, Kuttenberg75 Groschen
GrocerPschitoky, Kuttenberg75 Groschen
GrocerKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg75 Groschen
GrocerGrund, Kuttenberg75 Groschen
Groom BallataySemine, Trosky220 Groschen
Groom HannaGrund, Kuttenberg420 Groschen
Groom HannikerKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg545 Groschen
Groom HashtalOld Lhota, Kuttenberg420 Groschen
Herbalist BarnabyTrosky Castle, Trosky210 Groschen
Herbwoman VlastaMiskowitz, Kuttenberg182 Groschen
Hired hand JakeshNebakov Mill, Trosky241 Groschen
Hired Hand KabatTrosky Castle, Trosky259 Groschen
Horse handler MikolaiNomads’ Camp, Trosky355 Groschen
Huntsman’s son VitekVidlak Pond, Trosky235 Groschen
InnkeeperDevil’s Den Kuttenberg452 Groschen
InnkeeperKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg253 Groschen
InnkeeperKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg199 Groschen
InnkeeperMaleshov, Kuttenberg126 Groschen
Innkeeper GroschGrund, Kuttenberg183 Groschen
Innkeeper Helga SchelmOld Kutna, Kuttenberg138 Groschen
Innkeeper LawrenceZhelejov, Trosky155 Groschen
Innkeeper SlivkaSuchdol, Kuttenberg121 Groschen
Innkeeper VoykaTachov, Trosky172 Groschen
Innkeeper WeighmanKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg189 Groschen
Innkeeper YarkaKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg242 Groschen
Innkeeper ZdeslavMiskowitz, Kuttenberg136 Groschen
Janek the ScribblerKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg481 Groschen
Karl von UnterbruckKerchak Pond, Trosky75 Groschen
KvyetoslavaVidlak Pond, Trosky35 Groschen
MaidDevil’s Den, Kuttenberg254 Groschen
MaidMaleshov, Kuttenberg35 Groschen
Master Boris of BrodKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg859 Groschen
Master Bushek the ElderKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg890 Groschen
Master EnderlinKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg715 Groschen
Master Gottfried aus SteyrKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg755 Groschen
Master JohlinKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg382 Groschen
Master Klaus EichnerKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg623 Groschen
Master Mathias von SaazKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg615 Groschen
Master Nicholas KrondelKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg808 Groschen
Master PerkoltKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg150 Groschen
Master Peter MannlicherKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg624 Groschen
Master Prokop EldrisKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg666 Groschen
Master TuchmacherKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg622 Groschen
Master WenceslasKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg471 Groschen
MerchantKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg423 Groschen
MerchantMaleshov, Kuttenberg367 Groschen
MerchantPschitoky, Kuttenberg359 Groschen
MerchantBylany, Kuttenberg348 Groschen
Merchant Jurg ThömelTroskowitz, Trosky378 Groschen
Miller KreyzlLower Semine, Trosky339 Groschen
Mordecai HaimNomads’ Camp Trosky293 Groschen
PavlenaZhelejov, Trosky150 Groschen
SaddlerSemine, Trosky282 Groschen
SaddlerKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg437 Groschen
SaddlerKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg424 Groschen
Saddler MatthewTrosky Castle, Trosky232 Groschen
Scribe GaiblTroskowitz, Trosky381 Groschen
Scribe Tietz VetterKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg481 Groschen
Shooting master BesongaSigismund’s Camp Kuttenberg432 Groschen
TailorMiskowitz, Kuttenberg423 Groschen
TailorMiskowitz, Kuttenberg423 Groschen
TailorKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg350 Groschen
TailorKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg303 Groschen
Tailor BartoshekTroskowitz, Trosky320 Groschen
Tailor LatsekKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg580 Groschen
Tailor MikushBylany, Kuttenberg221 Groschen
Tavern staffDevil’s Den, Kuttenberg253 Groschen
Tavern staffKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg234 Groschen
Tavern staffKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg229 Groschen
Tavern staffKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg213 Groschen
Tavern staffBylany, Kuttenberg84 Groschen
TraderNebakov Mill, Trosky75 Groschen
TraderSchdiar – West Farm, Trosky75 Groschen
TraderKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg452 Groschen
TraderSigismund’s Camp Kuttenberg431 Groschen
TraderOld Lhota, Kuttenberg335 Groschen
TraderKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg212 Groschen
TraderRaborsch, Kuttenberg182 Groschen
TraderMaleshov, Kuttenberg169 Groschen
TraderGrund, Kuttenberg150 Groschen
TraderRaborsch, Kuttenberg150 Groschen
TraderKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg150 Groschen
TraderPschitoky, Kuttenberg149 Groschen
TraderKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg75 Groschen
TraderKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg75 Groschen
TraderKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg75 Groschen
TraderKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg75 Groschen
TraderKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg75 Groschen
TraderKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg75 Groschen
TraderKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg75 Groschen
TraderSuchdol, Kuttenberg75 Groschen
TraderSuchdol, Kuttenberg75 Groschen
TraderKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg75 Groschen
TraderRaborsch, Kuttenberg75 Groschen
TraderKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg68 Groschen
TraderKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg35 Groschen
TraderKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg35 Groschen
TraderKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg35 Groschen
TraderKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg35 Groschen
TraderKuttenberg City, Kuttenberg35 Groschen
TraderPschitoky, Kuttenberg35 Groschen
Young VejmolaWysoka, Kuttenberg340 Groschen

Best tips and tricks for NPCs in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Here are some of the best tips and tricks for NPCs in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

  • Explore every major town, village, and city to find the viable NPCs. It will help you discover locals, quest-givers, and traders.
  • Speak with every NPC you come across to gain experience points for the Speech stat.
  • Speak with the Innkeepers to learn about the interesting happenings around the area.
  • Discover the traders in every possible place to learn the best ones with heavy purses.
  • Sell the valuable items to traders with heavy purses.
  • Speak to the quest-givers in the town to pursue side quests. Side quests offer additional rewards.
  • Keep an eye out for the Skill Teachers. Speak with them to learn new skills and combos for the weapons.

FAQs about NPCs in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

What are NPCs in KCD2?

NPCs are the non-playable characters in KCD2 that you can meet and interact with during your journey. Every NPC in KCD2 has a role to play. Whether it is daily life routine, offering services, or playing a major role in the story. Players will meet all types of NPCs in both Trosky and Kuttenberg regions.

How many types of NPCs are there in KCD2?

You will come across various types of NPCs in KCD2. Every area on both regions is filled with numerous NPCs with daily life routines. You can meet and interact with them freely. Moreover, you can meet various traders, offering all sorts of items and services for the adventure. Furthermore, you can find and meet the Skill Teachers who can teach you new combos for the weapons.

Can I kill all NPCs in KCD2?

Yes, you can attack any NPC or character during your adventure in KCD2. Every NPC will react differently to your attack. If you attack allies, they will turn against you which affects the Reputation drastically. However, attacking any NPC will alert the local authorities, making you a wanted man.

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