Genshin Impact: Yumemizuki Mizuki Ascension and Talent Materials

Here’s a list of all the Ascension and Talent upgrade materials you need for Yumemizuki Mizuki in Genshin Impact.

Yumemizuki Mizuki in Genshin Impact (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)
Yumemizuki Mizuki in Genshin Impact (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)

Yumemikuzi Mizuki is a playable character added to Genshin Impact in their 5.4 banner. She is an Anemo Catalyst who focuses on healing party members and inflicting Swirl elemental reactions on enemies. Her skill allows her to passively generate snacks that either heal or buff attacks based on party members’ health. 

Additionally, Mizuki is the most recent 5-Star who is going to get added to the Wanderlust Invocation, which makes her a standard character. This increases the chance of obtaining her when wishing for any characters. At Level 1, she is of little to no use when it comes to her efficiency in battles. Therefore, we recommend you level her up to Level 90 and upgrade her talents. 

In this guide, we have listed every material you will need to fully max out Mizuki’s Ascension and Talent in Genshin Impact.

Mizuki Ascension Materials

Mizuki is a cheerful therapist (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)
Mizuki is a cheerful therapist (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)

To reach Level 90, you need to invest quite a large amount of materials in Mizuki. The list of materials can get quite long and difficult to keep track of. To help you with that, we have listed everything you will need for Mizuki’s Ascension. Here is the list of materials:

LevelMora RequiredBoss DropsOther Materials
2020,000Not Needed1x Vayuda Turquoise Sliver
3x Old Handguard
3x Sea Ganoderma
4040,0002x Talisman of the Enigmatic Land
3x Vayuda Turquoise Fragment
15x Old Handguard
10x Sea Ganoderma
5060,0004x Talisman of the Enigmatic Land
6x Vayuda Turquoise Fragment
12x Kageuchi Handguard
20x Sea Ganoderma
6080,0008x Talisman of the Enigmatic Land
3x Vayuda Turquoise Chunk
18x Kageuchi Handguard
30x Sea Ganoderma
70100,00012x Talisman of the Enigmatic Land
6x Vayuda Turquoise Chunk
12x Famed Handguard
45x Sea Ganoderma
80120,00020x Talisman of the Enigmatic Land
6x Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone
24x Famed Handguard
60x Sea Ganoderma
TOTAL420,00046x Talisman of the Enigmatic Land
1x Vayuda Turquoise Sliver
9x Vayuda Turquoise Fragment
9x Vayuda Turquoise Chunk
6x Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone
18x Old Handguard
30x Kageuchi Handguard
36x Famed Handguard
168x Sea Ganoderma

Also Read: Genshin Impact: Electric Lamp Puzzle Guide

Mizuki Talent Materials

Upgrade her burst first (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)
Upgrade her burst first (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)

Like every other character in Genshin Impact, Mizuki has three battle talents you can upgrade. Moreover, each talent can go up to a maximum of Level 10. Upgrading talents is necessary as most of Mizuki’s damage and healing come from upgrading these. 

Here are all the materials you need to upgrade all three of Mizuki’s combat talents:

  • 18x Old Handguard
  • 66x Kageuchi Handguard
  • 93x Famed Handguard
  • 9x Teachings of Transience
  • 63x Guide to Transience
  • 114x Philosophies of Transience
  • 18x Fading Candle
  • 3x Crown of Insight
  • 4,957,500 Mora

Upgrading all the talents is no joke due to the required material amounts. Therefore, you should first focus on Mizuki’s useful talents. We recommend upgrading her Elemental Skill followed by her Elemental Burst. These two are the main damage-dealing components of Mizuki’s skill set that you should focus on. Her basic attack should be upgraded only when you can due to its less usage in combat.

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