Top 10 Beginner Tips for Genshin Impact Players

New players might find it hard to journey through Teyvat. Fear not, here are some beginner tips for players new to Genshin Impact.

Version 5.3 Poster (Image via HoYoverse)
Version 5.3 Poster. (Image via HoYoverse)

Players new to Genshin Impact might find it somewhat hard to have a smooth experience. There are a lot of mechanics, systems, and activities to take note of within Genshin Impact.

So, we will be listing out some beginner tips for newer players in Genshin Impact. We will cover combat tips, exploration, and many others.

1. Finish Your Daily Activities

Daily Commissions (Image via HoYoverse)
Daily Commissions. (Image via HoYoverse)

They take a brief moment and reward you in the long run. Finishing up your daily commissions, spending your resin, and launching expeditions are all easy ways to gradually gain materials and funds for your account.

Additionally, finishing up these above activities will let you claim the battle pass rewards from completing certain missions as well. Lastly, you should also think about logging in daily on the HoYolab app. You will gain materials daily just for logging in, at no extra work.

2. Collect Everything

Collect anything you see (Image via HoYoverse)
Collect anything you see. (Image via HoYoverse)

Genshin Impact is an open-world exploration game. Naturally, this means that the entire world is waiting for you to come and explore every corner. While adventuring, you will notice various materials in different regions. Some are more rarer than others.

Collecting these resources whenever you see them is a good way to be prepared for the future when you might need them for cooking, ascending characters, or any other purpose.

3. Limited Time Events

Limited Time Events are an easy way to power up (Image via HoYoverse)
Limited Time Events are an easy way to power up. (Image via HoYoverse)

These are events which are only available for a few days at a time. After the set period has passed, the events will be gone and will not appear again. So, we advise you to complete these events as soon as possible.

Additionally, these events often give event exclusive weapons, which cannot be acquired by any other means. So, picking these up will help your account immensely, especially when you might be struggling to equip some characters with weapons.

4. Co-Op

You can always find a friend to help (Image via HoYoverse)
You can always find a friend to help. (Image via HoYoverse)

Try to make friends with other Genshin Impact players. If they are stronger than you, then they can join your world and help out with exploration. You do not have to worry about trolls within the game, as there is not much damage a player can do to another player’s world.

Others cannot open your treasure chests or advance the story for you. At max, they could collect a few natural resources without your permission, but that can easily be replenished in a few days. But normally, having a stronger player assist you in co-op will make life easier.

5. Level Up Your Artifacts

Leveling up Artifacts can boost your strength by a lot (Image via HoYoverse)
Leveling up Artifacts can boost your strength by a lot. (Image via HoYoverse)

Artifacts are the backbone of any character. If your character seems to be doing sub-par damage, chances are, the artifacts are the issue. The simple remedy to this would be to choose the optimal artifact sets possible at the current moment and level them up.

You should have your maximum level artifacts on your main damage dealer. Your supports are there to aid the damage dealer so they can work at a lesser level.

6. Level Up Your Character and Talents

Your character level matters (Image via HoYoverse)
Your character level matters. (Image via HoYoverse)

Other than your artifacts, your character level and talents also factor in while calculating your damage. Upgrading your character is an easy way to boost your damage. However, you should not invest in multiple characters, which you won’t be using later on.

Try to invest in fewer characters so you can save your resources for vertically investing into fewer characters.

7. Fight Weekly Bosses

Do the weekly bosses (Image via HoYoverse)
Do the weekly bosses. (Image via HoYoverse)

You can only claim Weekly boss materials once a week. Therefore, you should try to fight these bosses as early as possible. These weekly boss materials will be crucial in leveling up your character talent levels.

Furthermore, fighting these weekly bosses early on means that you hoard up on these upgrade materials. This is especially good, as many early characters need the starting weekly boss materials to upgrade.

8. Spiral Abyss

You can do the early Abyss floors for some good rewards (Image via HoYoverse)
You can do the early Abyss floors for some good rewards. (Image via HoYoverse)

Once you reach a certain level of strength, you should consider challenging the Spiral Abyss. Completing specific floors on the Spiral Abyss will reward you with free four-star units. Clearing floor 3, chamber 3 of the Spiral Abyss will let you claim a free Xiangling for your account.

Xiangling is a great four-star Pyro character. She provides great off-field Pyro application and great damage as well. This free Xiangling will take you a long way.

9. Team Building

Have a balanced team (Image via HoYoverse)
Have a balanced team. (Image via HoYoverse)

Building a proper team could be the key difference between an easy fight and an hour-long grind. You should prioritize having various roles on your team. These would mainly include having one main DPS unit, one healer or shielder, combined with a support and sub-DPS character.

Using a balanced team will let you breeze through many challenges in the game.

10. Elemental Reactions

Hyperbloom is easy to use, and has high damage (Image via HoYoverse)
Hyperbloom is easy to use, and has high damage. (Image via HoYoverse)

Genshin Impact’s combat features seven basic elements. Everything else is based on these seven elements. Understanding the various Elemental Reactions in the game will make your life easier.

Hyperbloom is a very strong reaction, which is very easy to build. All you need is a Dendro character (to apply Dendro on enemies) and a Hydro character (like Barbara or Xingqiu). These will produce Bloom Cores. Hitting these cores with Electro will start a Hyperbloom reaction, which does massive damage (scaling off of Elemental Mastery).

Elemental Reactions will also be the key to breaking various Abyss Mage shields (Hydro on Pyro, Pyro on Cryo, etc.). Thus, it is important to understand the way all these reactions work.

Those were all the beginner tips for players new to Genshin Impact. What other tip would you suggest for players?

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