Genshin Impact: How To Get All Mondstadt Shrine of Depths Keys

Shrine of Depths are easy to unlock, as long as you have all the keys. Here is a guide on finding the Mondstadt Shrine of Depth Keys.

Mondstadt Shrine of Depths Key (Image via HoYoverse)
Mondstadt Shrine of Depths Key (Image via HoYoverse)

Shrine of Depths are an easy way to gain a bunch of Primogems and resources via the Luxury Chests they hide. These Shrine of Depths are easy to unlock in theory. Just use the key to remove the barrier between you and your treasure. However, getting these keys can be the challenging part.

These Shrine of Depths keys can be obtained via completing various quests and trials. Here is how you can obtain all the Mondstadt Shrine of Depth Keys in Genshin Impact.


Eagle's Gate (Image via HoYoverse)
Eagle’s Gate (Image via HoYoverse)

Mondstadt is considered to be the prologue chapter of Genshin Impact. It is where all players start their journey. Therefore, you will encounter various tutorials throughout this region. Some of these tutorials are in the form of various domains present throughout Mondstadt. You can obtain one Shrine of Depth Key via each of the following domains:

  • Temple of the Lion
  • Temple of the Falcon
  • Temple of the Wolf
  • Eagle’s Gate

Adventurer’s Handbook

You can get two keys from here (Image via HoYoverse)
You can get two keys from here (Image via HoYoverse)

The Adventurer’s Handbook is a handy way to check your account progression. Through this, you can see if your account is falling behind on any aspect of the game. There are some missions you can complete here, which reward you with a Mondstadt Shrine of Depths Key. You can obtain a total of 2 keys from this handbook.

Completing these tasks in the Adventurer’s Handbook will reward you with the Mondstadt Shrine of Depth Keys:

  • Chapter 4: Upgrade the Statues of The Seven in Mondstadt to Lv. 6.
  • Chapter 5: Open 100 chests.

As mentioned earlier, if you finish the above two tasks, you will gain a total of two keys for your efforts.


Complete the Ascension Trial at the Midsummer Courtyard (Image via HoYoverse)
Complete the Ascension Trial at the Midsummer Courtyard (Image via HoYoverse)

There are two quests which can reward you with a Shrine of Depths Key. First is the ‘New Horizons of Adventure’ which unlocks after completing the ‘For a Tomorrow Without Tears’ Act of the Prologue Chapter. This quest is simple, just take the letter from Katheryne in Mondstadt and deliver it to Katheryne in Liyue Harbour.

Completing the above quest will reward you with one key. Finally, three more keys can be obtained from one last quest.

This quest is ‘Adventure Rank Ascension 1’, which unlocks automatically upon reaching Adventure Rank 25. This quest requires you to go to the Midsummer Courtyard Domain and clear the ‘Ascend: Clear the Ruins’ trial. Finishing this trial will reward you with three Shrine of Depth Keys.

That adds up to a total of 10 Shrine of Depth Keys, for all 10 Shrine of Depths found throughout Mondstadt. That was the complete guide on how you can get all the Mondstadt Shrine of Depth Keys in Genshin Impact.

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