How To Get Garchomp Emblem in Pokemon TCG Pocket

There are a ton of emblems to spice up your profile. However, to obtain the Garchomp emblem in Pokemon TCG Pocket, you must collect Cynthia’s team.

Collect Cynthia and her iconic team in Pokemon TCG Pocket
Collect Cynthia and her iconic team (Image via The Pokémon Company)

Pokemon TCG Pocket contains a bunch of hidden quests and objectives you need to finish from each pack of the game. These hidden objectives and collections can reward you with hourglasses and shop tickets. In some cases, you can also be rewarded with a secret emblem for your troubles.

The Garchomp emblem is one of many secret emblems you can obtain in the game. This was added along with the Space-Time Smackdown expansion for the game, and here’s how you can obtain it in Pokemon TCG Pocket.

Requirements To Get Garchomp Emblem in Pokemon TCG Pocket

Lucario and Gastrodon
Lucario and Gastrodon (Image via The Pokémon Company)

Getting the Garchomp emblem requires you to complete a hidden mission called Champion of the Sinnoh Region. ‘Hidden’ means that it will remain unseen until the mission is fully completed. Cynthia, who is the Champion of the Sinnoh region in the Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum games (alongside the anime) is the focus of the mission.

This mission requires you to collect Cynthia alongside various members of her champion team. Once you collect all these cards, head over to your Missions tab and check the ‘Themed Collections.’ Lastly, you can simply claim your Garchomp emblem to equip and brag about.

How To Complete the Champion of the Sinnoh Region Mission

Cynthia and Spiritomb
Cynthia and Spiritomb (Image via The Pokémon Company)

This mission requires you to collect Champion Cynthia and members of her iconic team. Here are the five cards needed to complete the collection:

  • Gastrodon – one star
  • Lucario – one star
  • Spiritomb – one star
  • Garchomp – one star
  • Cynthia – two stars

Cynthia will likely be the hardest of these to acquire, considering the fact that she’s a two-star card. Although the others are one-star rarity cards, they are fairly rare to obtain.

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