All Ammo in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Listed

Discover all ammo for all ranged weapons in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, including their types and how much damage they deal.

all ammo in kingdom come deliverance 2

Ranged Weapons like Bows, Crossbows, and Hand Cannons all require a specific type of ammo. Without the proper ammo, you cannot use the corresponding ranged weapons. So, if you like to play from a distance and prefer using a Bow or Crossbow, you must carry arrows or bolts in your inventory. There are numerous ammo options for each type in KCD2, so it is best to know all of them. It will help you understand which ammo to use on which occasions. In this guide, we will tell you all the ammo in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Ammo Overview in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

ammo overview in kingdom come deliverance 2

Ammo is a crucial resource for the ranged weapons in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Every ranged weapon in the game requires a certain type of ammo. The bows require Arrows, crossbows require bolts, and hand cannons require Shot/Ball. It is necessary for you to carry the ammo types corresponding to the ranged weapon you are using.  Moreover, you must equip the corresponding ammo type in the off-hand weapon slot next to the main hand weapon slot. For instance, if you are using a crossbow, you must equip some kind of bolt in the off-hand weapon slot.  

Without allocating an ammo for your weapon, Henry will not be able to load the weapon. You can freely change and alter the ammo type of the weapon by simply exchanging the one in the off-hand weapon slot. For instance, if you are dealing with an armoured enemy, it is best to switch to Piercing Arrows from the Ordinary Arrows. So, you will have to strategize and come prepared during your adventures in KCD2.

All Ammo in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Explored

As there are three different types of ammo in KCD2, we will list all of them in their respective category.

All Arrows in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Arrow is the main ammo type for the Bow weapons in KCD2. Here are all the Arrows that you can come across in KCD2.

Arrow NameDescriptionDamage
Arrow from Karel’s HeadA shaft with an arrowhead, which I pulled out of the head of the dead Karel, whom folk called Arrowhead. It’s supposed to be magical, but I have my doubts.Deals 120 Stab damage
Battle ArrowAn arrow made in large numbers ideal for military deployment in large numbers.Deals 50 Stab damage
Better Hunting ArrowA well-balanced arrow designed for hunting game, it is slightly more accurate and causes more bleeding.Deals 120 Stab damage
Better Piercing ArrowA well-balanced arrow with a heavy arrowhead designed to pierce armour.Deals 120 Stab damage
Black ArrowAn arrow with black crow feathers.Deals 180 Stab damage
Crude ArrowA cheap, homemade arrow. I’ve seen better.Deals 70 Stab damage
Enhanced Long-Range ArrowA well-balanced arrow with modified fletching designed for better accuracy at long range.Deals 125 Stab damage
Enhanced Wounding ArrowA well-balanced arrow with a serrated arrowhead to increase damage and bleeding.Deals 110 Stab damage
Hunting ArrowAn arrow designed for hunting game. It is extra accurate, and causes more damage.Deals 110 Stab damage
Long-Range ArrowAn arrow with modified fletching designed for better accuracy at long range.Deals 115 Stab damage
Ordinary ArrowA common arrow used to fire from a bow.Deals 100 Stab damage
Piercing ArrowAn arrow with a heavy arrowhead designed to pierce armour.Deals 115 Stab damage
Tournament ArrowAn arrow designed for tournament shooting, not suitable for combat.Deals 80 Stab damage
Wounding ArrowAn arrow with serrated arrowhead to increase damage and bleeding.Deals 100 Stab damage

All Bolts in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Bolt is the main ammo type for the Crossbow weapons in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Here are all the Bolts that you can come across in KCD2.

Bolt NameDescriptionDamage
Battle BoltA bolt made in large numbers ideal for military deployment in large numbers.Deals 50 Stab damage
Common BoltA regular crossbow bolt. It won’t fail or surprise.Deals 90 Stab damage
Crude BoltA cheap, homemade bolt. It’s unbalanced and veers off, but it’s hard to tell exactly where.Deals 80 Stab damage
Enhanced Hunting BoltA balanced bolt for hunting game.Deals 120 Stab damage
Enhanced Piercing BoltA balanced bolt with a piercing effect against a variety of armours.Deals 125 Stab damage
Enhanced Wounding BoltA balanced bolt with serrated tip to increase damage and bleeding.Deals 125 Stab damage
Fine BoltA bolt slightly better balanced than a regular bolt.Deals 130 Stab damage
Hunting BoltA bolt suitable for hunting game.Deals 100 Stab damage
Marksman’s BoltA bolt with great range and high accuracy.Deals 110 Stab damage
Piercing BoltA bolt capable of piercing a variety of armours.Deals 110 Stab damage
Sharpshooter’s BoltA balanced bolt with good range and high accuracy.Deals 125 Stab damage
Tournament BoltAn excellent bolt for practice shooting, but otherwise useless.Deals 100 Stab damage
Wounding BoltA bolt with a serrated tip to increase damage and bleeding.Deals 115 Stab damage

All Balls/Shots in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Ball/Shot is the main ammo type for the Hand Cannon weapons in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Here are all the Balls/Shots that you can come across in KCD2.

Ball/Shot NameDescriptionDamageCrafting Recipe
Battle ShotAmmunition for firearms, suitable for immediate use. The powder is faded and the ball is a little conical.Deals 50 Blunt damage
Lead BallA lead ball. It rattles a little in the barrel, but at least it’s easy to load. Even the best plate armour can’t stop it up close!Deals 250 Blunt damageRecipe Name: Recipe for Lead shot gunpowder.
Ingredients: 1x Charcoal, 1x Saltpetre, and 1x Sulphur
ScattershotA pile of scrap iron and rocks tied up in a small bag. It’ll shred anyone at close range, but at a distance it’s rather useless.Deals 200 Blunt damageRecipe Name: Recipe for Scattershot gunpowder.
Ingredients: 1x Leached coal, 1x Saltpetre, and 1x Sulphur

TIP: You can get the Recipes for Lead Ball and Scattershot from the Apothecary in Kuttenberg City.

Best tips and tricks for Ammo in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Here are some of the best tips and tricks that you can use for Ammo in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

  • Keep at least 40-50 ammo for the weapon you prefer using in the inventory. Transfer the rest of the ammo to the horse’s inventory.
  • Visit the traders and teachers to easily get the ammo for the weapons.
  • Learn the recipes for Lead Ball and Scattershot so that you can craft them on your own.
  • Sell the low-quality ammo when you get the better ammo that deals more damage.
  • If you are using a Bow or Crossbow, always keep Piercing and Wounding Arrows/Bolts with you.

FAQs about Ammo in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Which is the best ammo for Bows in KCD2?

The Black Arrow is the best ammo for Bow weapons in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. It deals 180 Stab damage on impact.

Which is the best ammo for Crossbows in KCD2?

The Fine Bolt is the best ammo for Crossbow weapons in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. It deals 130 Stab damage on impact.

Which is the best ammo for Hand Cannons in KCD2?

The Lead Ball is the best ammo for Hand Cannons in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. It deals 250 Blunt damage on impact.

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