All Characters in FragPunk and Their Abilities

FragPunk currently has 13 Lancers ach with different abilities. Find out what these abilities are for each character in the game

FragPunk Gameplay (Source: Bad Guitar Studio)
FragPunk Gameplay (Source: Bad Guitar Studio)

FragPunk’s competitive matches make it crucial for you to know the abilities of the characters or Lancers you choose to play each match as. Only when you are familiar with these abilities, you can make the right choice and ensure efficient use of a character’s strengths during head-on battles with other players. So, in this guide, we’ll outline the abilities of all characters currently in the title. This should make it easier for you to choose your favorite Lancer.

What Are the Different Characters in FragPunk and Their Abilities?

There are 13 different Lancers in the game at the moment. Here is a list of all of them.

  • Nitro
  • Broker
  • Hollowpoint
  • Jaguar
  • Sonar
  • Chum
  • Pathojen
  • Zephyr
  • Serket
  • Corona
  • Spider
  • Kismet
  • Axon

Now, let’s learn more about every character and their abilities.


Nitro (Source: The Gaming Merchant/Youtube and Bad Guitar Studio)

This Lancer is the perfect character to play if you intend to fortify the power positions—in both attack and defend scenarios. The Lancer also has a drone companion. Her abilities include:

  • The Wall: She can create a protective barrier, shielding any allies standing behind this wall from incoming damage. She can use it twice every life.
  • Chug Chug: She can deploy her combat drone and use it remotely against the enemy. The drone can keep dealing damage until it gets destroyed.
  • Mr. Pewpew: With this ability, Nitro can deploy a turret on the battlefield that will fire at any enemy combatants caught in its sight. Nitro can deploy the turret a maximum of twice every life.


Broker (Source: The Gaming Merchant/Youtube and Bad Guitar Studio)

This character is armed with a rocket launcher and is the best choice if you’d like to play as a fragger. If you know how to take advantage of his abilities, this Lancer deals devastating damage to the enemy.

  • Smokestack Lightning: Broker will throw a gadget that emits smoke, making it difficult for opponents to see through to the other side. You can use it once every life.
  • Goddard’s Vengeance: He will use his rocket launcher to cause immense damage and knock back opponents. You can use this twice every life.
  • Cherry Bomb: When thrown, this gadget turns into multiple explosive traps, waiting for enemies to come near them. This ability is limited to one use every life.


Hollowpoint (Source: The Gaming Merchant/Youtube and Bad Guitar Studio)

The Next character in FragPunk is Hollowpoint, who is a recon specialist and a sharpshooter.

  • Smoke Screen: This ability when triggered will create a wall of smoke that moves forward and reveals the positions of enemies that it touches. You can use it twice every life.
  • Meterora: Hollopoint will use her single-shot railgun to target enemies caught in her field of view. The ammunition for the gun replenishes over time.
  • Paparazzi: A trap ability, where the trap automatically attaches to nearby enemies and reveals their position. You can use this ability twice per life.


Jaguar (Source: The Gaming Merchant/Youtube and Bad Guitar Studio)

He is a born hunter and is best at laying traps and tracking his opponents.

  • Electric Avenue: He will summon an electric cage around an enemy. The trapped enemy will suffer from the effects of the Hunter’s Last Gift passive ability. This means that the enemy’s vision will be blocked. This ability has two uses in every life.
  • Live Wire: A special trap that applies electric damage to enemies caught in it. At the same time, they are slowed down, and their vision is obstructed, thanks to the Hunter’s Last Gift trait. This can be used twice every life.
  • I Can See For Miles: Jaguar can reveal the number of enemies and the direction they are facing. The ability will also reveal whether any enemies are afflicted by the Hunter’s Last Gift. By default, you can use this ability twice per life.


Sonar (Source: The Gaming Merchant/Youtube and Bad Guitar Studio)

Next is Sonar, who does a far better job at revealing enemy positions than anyone else on the roster. She can also reduce how far the sound of her and her team members’ footsteps will travel.

  • Sonic Surge: A sonic wave ability that knocks back enemies it hits and reveals their position. The character can use this ability twice every life.
  • Echolocation: She will deploy a gadget that will periodically reveal enemy locations whenever they move. Again, this ability has a limit of two uses per life.
  • Sound of Silence: Grants immunity against echolocation deployed by opponents. Reduces the sound of footsteps for both the Lancer herself and members of her team. You are allowed to make two uses of this ability every life.


Chum (Source: The Gaming Merchant/Youtube and Bad Guitar Studio)

This Lancer primarily focuses on dealing maximum damage to opponents. Comes with a companion, dubbed Chomper that you can summon for various uses. The following are the Lancer’s abilities:

  • Explosive Bait: This is an explosive trap that sticks to walls. When Chum feeds the trap to Chomper, the AI companion will rush in towards enemies and unleash a devastating explosion. This ability has three uses every life.
  • Chomper: Summon the AI companion to follow and bite enemies. After every use, the ability will have a recharge period, after which you can use it again.
  • Smoking Bait: Unleashes a smoke screen on the battlefield. If the bait is fed to Chomper, the companion will run around the battlefield, releasing plumes of smoke. Chum can use it twice per life.


Pathojen (Source: The Gaming Merchant/Youtube and Bad Guitar Studio)

She is the only Lancer that can heal allies. She can also lay down some traps and fortify positions.

  • Shroome Wall: Deploys a destructible wall that can provide temporary cover against enemy fire. She can use it twice, but the ability will recharge over time.
  • Emotional Rescue: Pathojen throws a gadget that creates a field of healing. Any allies in this field will recover their health. She can use the device twice, after which she will need to wait for it to recharge.
  • Chemical Romance: This passive ability makes Pathojen immune to poison attacks and damage.
  • Killer Queen: The Lancer can throw a poisonous trap that other players may trigger. Pathojen can trigger it remotely too. It has two uses after which the ability will need to recharge.

Also Read: Fragpunk System Requirements for PC Explored


Zephyr (Source: The Gaming Merchant/Youtube and Bad Guitar Studio)

If you want to be a stealthy ninja, Zephyr is the character you should play as. This Lancer can unleash stealth attacks on enemies, dealing great damage.

  • Fade Away: Select an area and this ability will allow Zephyr to become invisible in that region. He can stay invisible for as long as he wants, and receving damage also doesn’t cause the invisibility mode to turn off. The Lancer can use it once every life.
  • Midnight Rambler: Optical cloaking mode where Zephyr can only use melee weapons. This mode ends as soon as the Lancer is attacked by enemies. It also ends if Zephyr equips any weapon other than melee.
  • Get Back: Creates a beacon in the position where Zephyr is standing. After moving elsewhere, he can trigger the ability to teleport to this initial location. He can use it twice every life.


Serket (Source: The Gaming Merchant/Youtube and Bad Guitar Studio)

The next Lancer in FragPunk is Serket, a character that excels at laying traps that slow down opponents. Here are her abilities:

  • Gold Dust Woman: She releases a dust tornado that slows down any enemy caught in it. She can use the ability twice per life.
  • Station to Station: The ability hides Serket and allows her to place a beacon that she can teleport back to after a point. Any enemies near the beacon show up as sand storms. She can use this twice every life.
  • Dilemma: A throwable item that creates a vortex and pulls nearby enemies into it. The usage limit for this ability is twice every life.


Corona (Source: The Gaming Merchant/Youtube and Bad Guitar Studio)

He is the best option in FragPunk if you want to play as a flame-based fragger. The following are her abilities:

  • Ashes to Ashes: Throws an AOE flame-based trap that deals minor damage to enemies caught in its field. Corona will receive boosts to speed and damage reduction inside the trap’s area of effect. He can use it twice every life.
  • Fast Lance: Corona can dash forward a small distance, either horizontally or vertically. It can be used twice every life.
  • Hothead: Enemies looking directly at Corona will get blinded after a few seconds. You can use it twice every life.


Spider (Source: The Gaming Merchant/Youtube and Bad Guitar Studio)

This is a Lancer that specializes in teleportation. He can be highly useful in moving allies who are in danger out of harm’s way.

  • Spirited Away: Spider can create a trap that teleports enemies to a location where Spider used the ability originally. He can use this twice every life.
  • Teleporter: He can place two linked teleporters anywhere on the battlefield. Only two teleporter placements are allowed every life.
  • Spider Web: Spider lays a trap with this ability. Any enemy that triggers this trap will get slowed and blinded. Spider can use this twice every life.


Kismet (Source: The Gaming Merchant/Youtube and Bad Guitar Studio)

The character has a vast range of skills, including those of a fragger and an intel specialist.

  • Misery Angel: Throws an explosive item toward enemies that deal damage regardless of any barriers or shields in the way. He can use it twice every life.
  • Hello, Goodbye: With this ability, Kismet can scan and reveal enemies directly in front of him. He can use it two times per life.
  • Walk on the Wild Side: Kismet will become invulnerable and invisible for a short duration. However, he cannot see any traps or other Lancers when this effect is active. You can use this ability twice every life.


Axon's Shotgun Guitar
Axon’s Shotgun Guitar (Source: The Gaming Merchant/Youtube and Bad Guitar Studio)

The last name on this list of FragPunk characters is Axon. He is an aggressive Lancer armed with a shotgun that resembles a guitar.

  • Sticky Fingers: Throws a grenade that bounces off surfaces and sticks to enemies. Eventually, they will explode even if they fail to stick to a foe’s body. You can use the item ten times before it will need to recharge.
  • Electric Guitar: The shotgun guitar boasts 12 uses. However, each kill with the gun will replenish two additional uses immediately. Axon can also slide while using the guitar.
  • Super Freak: When this ability is active, Axon will be invulnerable to blinding effects. He can use it two times per life.

And, there you go. Those are all of the characters in FragPunk. You can choose from them depending on the playstyle you prefer and the needs of your team.

Also Read: Is Fragpunk Coming To Xbox Series X|S and PS5?

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