All Dice Badges in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Listed

Discover everything you need to know about all dice Badges in the Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, including their rarities and advantages.

All Dice Badges in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Listed
All Dice Badges in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Listed (Source: Plaion)

Dice badges in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 are the unique symbols or markings on the dice used in Farkle. Take turns rolling dice and banking points to reach a target score. Each badge comes with a unique feature that influences the rules of the game. Dice badges are found, earned, or purchased throughout the game. If you want to play the game without badges, then you need to select the type of game. You can either choose Beggars! (3), Wagoners! (10), Masters! (50), or Courtiers! (130). In this guide, we’ll discuss the dice badges in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 and the best tips & tricks for dice badges.

Dice Badges Overview in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

dice badges game kcd2

Dice Badges in Kingdom Come: Deliverance are secret perks that can be found in the game world.  Players can seek out these Badges to learn special abilities. Dice have different effects, such as the Devil’s head TAA 1, the Die of misfortune, the Even number die, and the Fer die. You can use the Perfect Throw ability to increase your chances of getting triplets or higher on dice rolls. The Badges play an important role in the minigame as different dice have unique abilities that can help you influence the outcome.

They represent effects or bonuses., altering the gameplay of the dice game. However, some dice have special Badges that increase your chances of winning. You can find the dice with special Badges from purchasing them from merchants or robbing them from chests or NPCs sitting around the dice table. These NPCs are known as “Townsmen” and they wear expensive clothing.

Using a Badge, you can make an ordinary dice game more interesting. If you and your opponents have a Badge of the same level, you can make use of them during your game. Each Badge has a different property that affects the rules of the game. You can find these properties in the Badge’s description in your inventory or read them at any time. If you want to play the game without Badges, then you need to select the type of game. You can either choose Beggars! (3), Wagoners! (10), Masters! (50), or Courtiers! (130). 

All Dice Badges in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

dice badges

Players get a few options when choose to play a dice game with a badge. The inventory will pop up on the screen from where you can choose your dice and badge. If you select the Novices option from the list, you will gamble money along with the badge you will select for the mini-game. You win an opponent’s badge when you win the game or lose your badge if you lose the game. You can see the opponent’s badge at the bottom of the screen while playing the dice game you choose.

Here are all the dice badges in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Dice: Tin Badges

Tin doppelganger’s BadgeDoubles the point of your last throw. You can use it once per game.
Tin Badge of HeadstartYou gain a small point headstart at the start of the game.
Tin Badge of DefenseCancels the effects of your opponent’s tin Badges.
Tin Badge of FortuneAllows you to roll one die again. You can use it once per game.
Tin Badge of mightAllows you to add one extra die to your throw. You can use it once per game.
Tin Badge of transmutationAfter your throw, change a die of your choosing to a 3. You can use it once per game.
Carpenter’s Badge of AdvantageThe combination 3+5 now counts as a new formation called the Cut. You can use it repeatedly in games.
Tin Warlord’s BadgeYou gain 25% more points for this turn. You can use it once per game.
Tin Badge of ResurrectionAfter an unlucky throw, it allows you to throw again. You can use it once per game.

Dice: Silver Badges

Silver doppelganger’s BadgeDoubles the points of your last throw. You can use it twice per game.
Silver Badge of HeadstartYou gain a moderate point headstart at the start of the game.
Silver Badge of DefenseCancels the effect of your opponent’s silver Badge
Silver Badge of exchangeAfter your throw, you can roll a die of your choosing again. You can use it once per game.
Silver Badge of FortuneYou can roll up to two dice again. You can use it once per game.
Silver Badge of mightAllows you to add an extra die to your throw. You can use it twice per game.
Silver Badge of transmutationAfter your throw, change a die of your choosing to a 5. You can use it once per game.
Executioner’s Badge of AdvantageThe combination 4+5+6 now counts as a new formation, called the Gallows. You can use it repeatedly in games.
Silver Warlord’s BadgeGain 50% more points this turn. You can use it once per game.
Silver Badge of ResurrectionAfter an unlucky throw, it allows you to throw again. You can use it twice per game.
Silver King’s BadgeThe Badge of the rightful king of the birds allows you to add an extra die to your throw. You can use it twice per game.

Dice: Golden Badges

Gold Doppelganger’s BadgeDoubles the points scored from your last throw.You can use it thrice per game.
Golden Badge of HeadstartYou gain a large-point headstart at the start of the game.
Golden Badge of DefenseCancels the effect of your opponent’s golden Badges.
Golden Badge of exchangeAfter your throw, you can throw two dice of the same value again. You can use it once per game.
Golden Badge of FortuneYou can roll up to three dice again. You can use it once per game.
Golden Badge of mightAllows you to add an extra die to your throw. Can be used thrice per game.
Golden Badge of TransmutationAfter your throw, change a die of your choosing to a 1. You can use it once per game.
Priest’s Badge of AdvantageThe combination 1+3+5 now counts as a new formation, called the Eye. Can be used repeatedly.
Golden Warlord’s BadgeGain double points for this turn. You can use it once per game.
Golden Badge of ResurrectionAfter an unlucky throw, it allows you to throw again. Can be used thrice per game.
Golden Emperor’s BadgeTriples the points gained for the formation 1+1+1. Can be used repeatedly.
Golden wedding BadgeA memento of Agnes and Olda’s big day. Allows you to throw up to three dice again. Can be used once per game.

Best tips and tricks for All Dice Badges in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

winning dice badges
winning dice badges

Here are all the tips & tricks for dice Badges in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

  • Find dice that have the advantage of weight to roll specific numbers more frequently, granting you an advantage.
  • Understand the point values to decide which dice to keep and which to re-roll.
  • You can pair double with each additional die. For example, four 4s are worth 800 points, five 4s are 1,600 points, and so on.
  • Keep an eye on your opponent’s score as you might need to take more risks when they’re winning.
  • The more you play, the better you’ll become and make strategic decisions.
  • You need to adapt your dice selection based on the stakes and your opponent’s style.
  • Calculate how many dice remain in play after each roll.
  • Push for high-value rolls if they’re scoring consistently.
  • Experiment with the combination as each dice sets have unique patterns.

How many Dice Badges are there in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

dice badges kcd2

In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, there are three different types of dice Badges and each one offers unique properties and abilities in the mini-game.

The Dice: Tin Badges include:

  • Tin doppelganger’s Badge
  • Tin Badge of Headstart
  • Tin Badge of Defense
  • Tin Badge of Fortune
  • Tin Badge of Might
  • Tin Badge of Transmutation
  • Carpenter’s Badge of Advantage
  • Tin Warlord’s Badge
  • Tin Badge of Resurrection

Dice: Silver Badges include:

  • Silver doppelganger’s Badge
  • Silver Badge of Headstart
  • Silver Badge of Defense
  • Silver Badge of Exchange
  • Silver Badge of Fortune
  • Silver Badge of Might
  • Silver Badge of Transmutation
  • Executioner’s Badge of Advantage
  • Silver Warlord’s Badge
  • Silver Badge of Resurrection
  • Silver King’s Badge.

Dice: Gold Badges include:

  • Golden wedding Badge.
  • Gold Doppelganger’s Badge
  • Golden Badge of Headstart
  • Golden Badge of Defense
  • Golden Badge of exchange
  • Golden Badge of Fortune
  • Golden Badge of might
  •  Golden Badge of Transmutation
  • Priest’s Badge of advantage
  • Golden Warlord’s Badge
  • Golden Badge of Resurrection
  • Golden Emperor’s Badge

FAQs About All Dice Badges in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

What is Dice Badge in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

Dice Badges in Kingdom Come: Deliverance are secret perks that you can find in the game world. Some dice have special Badges that increase your chances of winning.

How dice badge influence your game in KCD 2?

Dice badges influence gameplay by altering the probabilities of certain outcomes. They are game-changers depending on how you use them.

How to Get Dice in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

You can obtain dice in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 from purchasing traders in the towns. You can pickpocket NPCs from those sitting at the dice table. Gamblers often carry dice in their inventory.

Thank you for reading All Dice Badges in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Listed Guide. We provide the latest news and create guides for Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 (KCD2). Also, watch me play games on Twitch or visit my YouTube channel!