Discover everything you need to know about the Miscellaneous Items in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, including all the Miscellaneous Items and whether they are quest items.

Exploring the Kingdom of Bohemia in KCD2 will let you come across various types of items. It includes essential items like Utility Items and Usable Items that you can use on the go for survival. Moreover, you will also come across some unusual items that might not have a clear meaning. These are the Miscellaneous Items, or you can call them Junk. Unlike other essential items, you might not be able to use them in your adventure for survival or combat, but they do hold some value. Furthermore, various Misc. items might unlock some special dialogues for you, especially the ones that are quest items. In this guide, we will list all Miscellaneous Items that you can come across in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
Miscellaneous Items Overview in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

The Miscellaneous Items contain a large number of objects with no clear meaning in KCD2. Despite the items not being specified, they all hold some value and can be used in various ways. The best way to deal with the Miscellaneous Items is to sell them. As every item in the game holds some value, it is the same for all Misc. Items. There are several Miscellaneous Items that have a high value. Items like Minting Die and Astrolabe are the most valuable in the game, which can easily earn you thousands of Groschen.
Furthermore, you can use the Miscellaneous Items for completing certain quests. There are several quest items that you might come across in your adventure. Initially, they all will be labeled as Miscellaneous, but they have a special meaning. You can use them to complete certain quests. Lastly, you can use various Miscellaneous Items for crafting. Various recipes for ammo and potions will require certain Miscellaneous Items that you find randomly during exploration.
All Miscellaneous Items in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Explored
Here are all Miscellaneous Items that you can come across in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
Miscellaneous Item Name | Description | Required for Quest | Value |
Adam’s chambers’ key | The key to Adam’s sleeping quarters in the loft. | No | 0 |
Adult’s skull | A skull I dug up, from a grave under the walls of Kuttenberg. | No | 0 |
Alchemist’s key | A key I found on a weird alchemist hiding in the ruins of the Rabstein fortress. | No | 0 |
Alum | An excellent mineral suitable for stopping minor bleeding as well as tanning hides. | No | 0.8 |
Ambrose’s cross | A small wooden cross carved by the old hermit Ambrose. | Yes | 0.5 |
Apollonia skeleton’s key | A key I found on a weird alchemist hiding in the ruins of the Rabstein fortress. | No | 0 |
Astrolabe | An odd device full of cogs, dials and other mechanisms I know nothing about. I hear it’s called an astrolabe, but that doesn’t tell me much about what it’s used for. | Yes | 1,800 |
Bag of Holy nails | This bag allegedly contains nails from Saint Peter’s cross, and perhaps even Christ’s! | No | 50 |
Bag of nails | Half a pound of metal nails. Theresa would be very happy. | No | 12 |
Bandit’s key | This key belonged to one of the bandits from the camp above Vidlak pond. | No | 0 |
Barnabas’ ring | A silver ring from Captain Barnabas. | No | 25 |
Barrel chest key | Key to the chest with the explosive barrel. | No | 0 |
Basilisk egg | An egg laid by a black rooster and brooded by a frog. Perhaps it gained magical abilities, or maybe just a slime shell. | Yes | 10 |
Bathhouse bedchamber key | The key to the bedchamber shared by the bathwenches at Adam’s bathhouse. | No | 0 |
Beer tankard | A discarded tankard left at the baths after a great celebration. | No | 7 |
Black powder keg | A keg filled to the lid with black powder. I shouldn’t walk close to a fire with it. | Yes | 420 |
Blacksmith’s chest key | An old, dusty key. | No | 0 |
Blacksmith’s hammer | If a blacksmith doesn’t have a hammer, the first thing he must forge is a hammer, but… | No | 0.1 |
Bloodied broken arrow | I found this bloodied broken arrow near the place Natan told me about. Maybe Mutt can sniff out its owner. | Yes | 0 |
Bloodied wedding dress | A woman’s wedding dress full of dust with a dried bloodstain. The ruined dress has been lying here for a long time, but it’s still neatly folded. Interesting… | Yes | 1 |
Bloody stone | A bad omen and a witness to an evil deed. | No | 0 |
Boar hide | The hide of a sturdy wild boar. It is difficult and often dangerous to kill a wild boar, which is why it is a prized trophy, as well as a badge of a brave and skilled hunter. But if you’re caught with it by the custodian of the local woods or his subordinates, you’ll have a lot of explaining to do. | No | 120 |
Bone comb | Perhaps a beautiful maiden used it to comb her hair, or maybe some filthy beggar combed lice out of his beard with it. You never know. | No | 12 |
Bone rosary | One of the most common types of counting beads. It doesn’t count coin, but something quite different. | No | 38 |
Brabant’s chest key | The key to Brabant’s chest. | No | 0 |
Brocade | You won’t believe it, but brocade and broccoli have a common basis in the Latin word broccus – pointed. Why? Nobody really knows. | No | 180 |
Broken arrow | As long as it served, it had purpose. | No | 0 |
Broken bolt | Nothing can mend this irrepairable damage to the dignity of this once fine and dandy bolt. | No | 0 |
Broken pickaxe | Useless on its own, but the iron could be put back into circulation. | No | 4.2 |
Bull paint | A colour darker than the night itself. It will stand out very nicely on a white bull. And most importantly, it won’t wash off easily. | Yes | 5 |
Bull pen key | The key to Arnoshtek’s pen. | No | 0 |
Buresh’s safe conduct | A letter of safe conduts entitling the bearer to enter the smelters at Grund managed by Master Buresh. | Yes | 700 |
Candle | A candle made out of left over beef or mutton fat by a handy soapmaker or butcher. | No | 4 |
Capon’s poaching kit | Equipment of the poaching nobleman Hans Capon. Evidence for the gamekeeper Varel. | Yes | 50 |
Carefully wrapped handgonnes | A pair of hand cannons wrapped in waxed canvas. Something’s rattling, but it’s probably just ammunition. I have to bring them to Zizka at the agreed ambush site. | Yes | 0 |
Cellar door key | The key to the cellar door. | Yes | 0 |
Cellar key | I wonder what this opens? And why was it hidden? | No | 0 |
Chemise | A chemise that was left at the bathhouse after the celebrations. | No | 2 |
Chertan’s key | I wonder what it’s for? | No | 0 |
Chest key | The key to a chest in the rebels’ camp. | No | 0 |
Chicken coop key | Key hidden in a chicken coop in Mesoles. | No | 0 |
Child’s skull | A child’s skull I dug up in the Sedletz cemetary. | No | 0 |
Christian’s safe conduct | A letter of safe conduct entitling the bearer to move around in the royal mines near Horschan. | Yes | 0 |
Commemorative ring | A ring given to me by the refugees from the mill as a thank you for God’s blessing. | No | 450 |
Cooking scraps | Various leftovers from cooking all those delicacies for the wedding. It’s just enough as a beggar’s alms, but the Semine cook is saving it for leaner times. She’s definitely against letting it be eaten by the riffraff. | Yes | 0 |
Copper jug | Can be used in various manners in the morning, day, evening and night. It just needs to be washed thoroughly. | No | 32 |
Copper plate | Two out of three pieces of copper ware were made from copper mined in Falun, Sweden, where a large copper mountain is said to be located. | No | 45 |
Cracked skull | Dust you are and to dust you shall return. The skull serves as a reminder of the transience of human life. | No | 0 |
Crusader cloak | Brand new cloak with the Crusader’s Red Cross symbol. It was only recently buried in the ground, unlike the rest of the old papers. | No | 0.2 |
Csaba’s key | The key to Csaba’s private chest in the kitchen of the Italian Court. | Yes | 0 |
Cutlery knife | Part of the kit of every experienced cook and inexperienced killer. | No | 4.2 |
Dead child’s bone | A talisman made from the boiled finger bone of a dead unbaptized child protects against unwanted conception. -5 erection bonus. | No | 1.8 |
Dead child’s tooth powder | A talisman made from the teeth of an unfortunate dead child will protect a thief from capture. +3 luck bonus and -3 enemy speed. | No | 1.8 |
Dead dwarf’s thumb | A talisman made from the thumb of a dead dwarf is said to help a woman conceive a son. +2 erection bonus. | No | 1.4 |
Dead man’s ear | A talisman made from the head of a dead man, buried under a full moon. It’s said to protect a thief from dogs. +2 to howling at the moon. | No | 1.8 |
Dead man’s left shoe | Dead miner’s left boot. Boots for the grave are just for show, they don’t actually use them for walking. Hopefully. | No | 0.8 |
Dead man’s right boot | The right boot of a dead miner. Boots for burial are just for show, not for walking. One hopes. | No | 0.8 |
Dead rat | A rat carcass that barely resembles a rodent any more. | No | 1 |
Dead virgin’s hair | A talisman made from the hair of a dead virgin. It’s said to protect its wearer against venereal diseases. +8 gonorrhea resistance. | No | 1.2 |
Decorative pins | A pin here, a pin there… | No | 150 |
Deer antlers | A valuable trophy that will bring glory to any hunter and a noose to any poacher who acquires it. | No | 45 |
Deserting soldier’s key | A key from the Kopanina bandit. | No | 0 |
Dirty hood | A hood left at the bathhouse by a drunk. | No | 1 |
Dog skin | Pelt from a dog. If anyone ever wanted it, just don’t tell them how you got it. | No | 6 |
Dorothy’s laundry chest key | A key of the owner of the Zhelejov baths, which opens a chest containing washed and patched clothes. | No | 0.5 |
Dragon claw | Such a curved piece of a dragon must surely be his claw, right? | Yes | 0 |
Empty vial | An empty bottle with a foul smell coming from it. If someone drank this, it’s no wonder they ended up the way they did. | No | 25 |
Fake thunderstone | A smooth stone that Thomlin tried to pass off as the true thunderstone. Though it doesn’t have the same power as its authentic counterpart, maybe it will bring you some good luck anyway. | No | 0.1 |
Family heirloom | Wooden statue of an old man, symbolizing the connection with one’s ancestors. | Yes | 0 |
Finger bone relic | A tiny fragment of bone, which is said to have come from the hand of St. Maurice, is certainly a very precious holy relic. In ancient times, Saint Maurice was the commander of a Roman legion that was decimated by the Emperor for refusing to sacrifice to pagan gods before battle. The martyr is the patron saint of soldiers, weavers, armourers, and the protector of vine. This bone may indeed be genuine, as the entire arm was once brought back by the Czech King Vladislav II and later distributed to many Czech churches. | No | 55 |
Flea-ridden blanket | A dirty blanket full of fleas. Great for infesting a bathhouse. | Yes | 42 |
Florian’s silver ring | The silver ring of Knight Florian Lomnicz, which he received from a young lady as a token of her favour. | Yes | 1 |
Flute | I’d rather not whistle on it. I don’t want to be annoying like the fools I see on every corner. | No | 3 |
Foreign fragrant oil | A foreign oil that is added to baths to make the water smell nice. This one is particularly odorous. | Yes | 1,000 |
Forged documents about Anna of Waldstein | Forged documents covering up the questionable dealings of Lady Anna of Waldstein. | Yes | 0.6 |
Fork | Some still believe that the fork is the devil’s invention and stick to the old tried and tested spoons. | No | 4.2 |
Fresh milk | Fresh milk that farmer Fowl was hiding away. | No | 10 |
Freshly picked bouquet | Fresh fragrant flowers are always a rarity, as is true love. | Yes | 1.2 |
Frikadelle | An unsightly mixture of meat and lead. Inedible. | No | 0.1 |
Gemstone rosary | A rosary embedded with a precious gem. May God forgive me for my vanity. | Yes | 195 |
Glass container | A strange little bottle made of coloured glass, the kind that is definitely not made anywhere nowadays. It’s probably a very old object, but it’s hard to say where it came from. | No | 58 |
Godwin’s personal belongings | A bunch of Godwin’s stuff, I’d rather not open the bag. Who knows what I might find in there. | Yes | 0 |
Gold ring from Margaret | A gold ring that Margaret gave me as a pledge. It originally belonged to her mother. | No | 4.2 |
Golden chalice | I’ll just have one cup and go. | No | 580 |
Golden crucifix | Looking at his disciples, Jesus said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.” | No | 1,430 |
Golden cup | Even sour wine tastes good from a golden goblet. | No | 770 |
Goose quills | Geese were used to guard property. No wonder, since they’re always angry, as scribes are always plucking their feathers. | No | 4 |
Hair strand relic | These few strands of hair are said to have belonged to Saint Barbara, who was cruelly punished by her pagan father for accepting faith in Christ. As she fled from him, she hid in a rock crevice, which is why today she is the patron saint of all miners. Only a certain shepherd revealed her hiding place to her pursuers, and the young maiden was captured and cruelly tortured into renouncing her faith. Finally, after she was whipped and her breasts were cut off, she was led naked to the execution block where she was beheaded by her own father. | No | 42 |
Hairpin of bone | It would certainly adorn any hair, be it ravishing raven, velvety auburn, angelically fair or suspiciously red. | No | 50 |
Hangman’s hair | This talisman from the body of a hanged man is said to bring good luck to thieves. | No | 1.2 |
Hare pelt | A hare pelt. A common but useful material used for skirt hems, hats and coats. It’ll fetch a few groschen for sure. | No | 11 |
Hidden valuables | Valuables that someone from Bohunowitz hid in a pigeon coop. | No | 630 |
Horse collar | A discarded collar from a horse’s harness. With it, a dog might find a trace of the horse it belonged to. | No | 5 |
Horse hide | Horsehide is known for its good tensile strength yet considerable softness. It is commonly used to make halters, bridles, belts or even saddles and saddlebags. | No | 18 |
Huge dragon bone | This bone is really huge. Good thing what it belonged to is long dead. | Yes | 0 |
Human skull | Dust you are and to dust you shall return. The skull serves as a reminder of the transience of human life. | No | 9.5 |
Italian chalice | A golden chalice gifted to the vineyard by one Pippo Spano of Ozora. | No | 580 |
Jakesh’s compensation | Jakesh’s compensation for all the hardships he caused Bozhena and Pavlena. | Yes | 0 |
Jan’s letter | Charter with the seal of the Lords of Suchotlesky. | Yes | 0 |
Jasper beads | Stones the colour of blood are said to have a calming effect, help concentration and help women with their worries. | No | 50 |
Katherine’s shoe | I wonder where the other one is? | Yes | 42 |
Lady’s gemstone necklace | If the husband does not respect his wife, she can appeal to the law and then, along with her dowry and all the gifts she received during the marriage, remove herself from the household. | No | 150 |
Lambskin gloves | A pair of gloves made of fine lambskin. They’re not of much use as far as warmth and protection, but at least they look nice. | Yes | 4.2 |
Lambskin shoes | Shoes made of the finest lambskin leather, belonging to the wife of Captain Frenzl of Suchdol. | Yes | 50 |
Lamp | They say it’s darkest under a candlestick, but have you ever seen the shadow this lamp casts? | No | 82 |
Lavish rosary | One of the most common types of counting devices. It doesn’t count money, but something quite different. | No | 64 |
Laxative for Alshik | Some concoction that Olbram gave me. If I put it in Alshik’s food, it should really send him running… | Yes | 0 |
Letter for Markold | A letter for Markold of Louny. It might be of interest to a few other people… | Yes | 0 |
Letter for the Abbot | A letter addressed to the Abbot of the Sedletz monastery, written by the monk Slava. | Yes | 0 |
Linen | Every blank canvas should be filled. | No | 8.5 |
Lower Semine poacher’s kit | Equipment of a poaching bandit from the Lower Semine. Evidence for the huntsman. | Yes | 50 |
Lute | A lute perfect for a wandering bard. | Yes | 250 |
Lute strings | Lute strings made of sheep gut. | Yes | 0 |
Magic arrowhead | The magic arrowhead from Karel the Arrow’s head. | Yes | 0 |
Marble head | This head carved out marble must have fallen off a statue. Its strange features and remnants of old paint suggest it’s quite old. | No | 42 |
Margaret’s gold ring | The gold ring that Margaret gave me as a pledge. It originally belonged to her mother. | No | 45 |
Minter’s tools | Minter’s tools. Property of the Italian court. | No | 42 |
Minting die | Authentic die for minting the Prague groschen. | Yes | 4,200 |
Moravian schnaps | Some moonshine the Moravians brought to the Semine wedding. | Yes | 0 |
Nail fragment relic | A tiny fragment of St Catherine’s fingernail wrapped in embroidered linen. Princess Catherine of Egypt was martyred by the Roman Emperor for her unwavering faith in Christ. It was a terrible torture. The martyr was tied between two spiked wheels and torn alive. But God intervened and destroyed the hideous machine, and Catherine had to be beheaded with a sword. The pious Emperor Charles IV enforced the feast of this martyr in the Bohemian kingdom because he believed she had helped him turn the hopeless course of the Battle of San Felice into a glorious victory. | No | 28 |
Noose remnants | Remnants of a rope, likely a noose. | No | 1 |
Oakgall ink | Dark liquid made from crushed oak galls and gum Arabic, used for writing on parchment. | No | 14 |
Old bones | The old bones of Ambrose’s dead brother John. | Yes | 0 |
Old coins | Antique coins with latin writing bearing the resemblances of pagan emperors from ancient Rome. | No | 38 |
Old nail | The nail used many years ago by the Troskowitz bailiff to mark the border between Tachov and Zhelejov. Too bad he didn’t tell anyone about it. | Yes | 1 |
Old painted statuette | A small worn-down statuette of St Mary Magdalene. Beikovetz must have stolen it straight from some church or monastery. | Yes | 3 |
Old pointy spindle | It looks a bit dangerous. | No | 5 |
Ornate tin pitcher | Drinks served from pewter dishes taste a little strange, but the pitcher sparkles and that’s all that matters! | No | 36 |
Page with nursery rhyme | A page torn from a book. There’s an unusual rhyme written on it. | No | 1 |
Pepik’s old bridle | The old bridle of Vostatek’s horse Pepik. If I could teach Mutt to track and give him a sniff of the bridle, I’m sure he’d lead me to him. | Yes | 1.5 |
Pepper | Those who can’t afford it don’t need it; those who can likely pay handsomely for it. Pepper comes from far eastern countries and is brought over by merchants on their rickety ships. | No | 24 |
Player mark | A secret player mark to enter the lair of the All Saints. | No | 0 |
Poacher’s gear from Kopanina | Poacher’s kit found in the woods of Kopanina. My dog should be able to track down its owner. | Yes | 50 |
Poacher’s gear from Lower Semine | Equipment of the poachers from their camp in Lower Semine. Evidence for the huntsman. | Yes | 50 |
Poacher’s hunting knife | A hunting knife, which the poacher from Slatego had in his possession. Evidence for the huntsman. A dog may be able to sniff out its owner’s encampment. | Yes | 25 |
Poacher’s knife from Slatego | A poacher’s knife found in the Slatejov forests. Evidence for the huntsman. A dog should be able to sniff out its owner. | Yes | 50 |
Poacher’s squirrel tail | A squirrel’s tail, used to identify members of Mach of Marschowitz’s band of poachers. The local huntsman is sure to pay a bounty for these. | No | 2.5 |
Poet’s gut | Many songs sound more like the end result of a sheep’s digestive tract than a heavenly chorus. Finally I know why. | Yes | 0 |
Pomuk vicar’s needle | The needle used to sew vicar Jan of Pomuk into a bag, after which he was thrown into the Vltava river, all on the orders of Wenceslas IV. | No | 94 |
Rare fabrics | A bundle of rare dyed fabrics. | No | 50 |
Real documents about Anna of Waldstein | Documents proving the questionable dealings of Lady Anna of Waldstein. | Yes | 0.6 |
Relics of cloth scraps | A tiny fragment from the veil of Saint Ludmila is a piece of very fine batiste. Ludmila prayed sincerely to Christ and brought her grandson, Prince Wenceslas, the patron saint of the Bohemian Kingdom, to faith. But she stood in the way of her power-hungry daughter-in-law Drahomira, who sent two cruel Norsemen to kill her. It is said they did it to her with her own veil while the duchess was praying to God. | No | 31 |
Revenant’s coffin nail | A nail from the coffin of a revenant is said to protect its wearer from those who’ve returned from the dead. +3 damage to undead. | No | 2 |
Ripped hose | These miparti hose can’t be used anymore unless a tailor looks at them. They’re torn lengthwise. | No | 1 |
River pearl necklace | Captivating, velvety, shiny river clam pearls arranged nicely next to each other. Tempts the most virtuous woman to vanity. | No | 100 |
Rocktower Pond poacher’s kit | Poacher’s equipment found in a ruin near the Rocktower pond. Evidence for the huntsman. A dog may be able to track down its owner. | Yes | 50 |
Roe-deer hide | A roe-deer hide does not reach the strength and quality of deerskin and is not suitable for tanning. It is therefore mainly used as fur. | No | 70 |
Rooster’s egg | An egg laid by a rooster, or a very strange hen. | Yes | 10 |
Rounded pewter jug | Drinks served from pewter dishes taste a little strange, but the pitcher sparkles and that’s all that matters! | No | 34 |
Royal waiter’s certificate | A certificate proving eligibility of a waiter to serve His Majesty, King Sigismund of Luxembourg. | Yes | 50 |
Rusty axe | Useless for any job. But the iron could be put back into circulation. | No | 4.2 |
Rusty shackles | Shackles covered with rust. They don’t exactly serve their purpose anymore. | No | 4.2 |
Sacrifice to the demon | A handful of food for the mine demon. | Yes | 0 |
Saint Veronica’s veil | The veil that Saint Veronica used to wipe the blood and sweat off the forehead of Jesus Christ. | No | 45 |
Salt | A mineral suitable for flavouring dishes. To some it’s more precious than gold. | No | 12 |
Satin | Smooth fabric in satin weave. The nightmare of anyone who foots the bill for a wedding dress. | No | 120 |
Secret gambling den die | This die will not only secure me an easy win but also grant me entry into select circles. | Yes | 10 |
Sewing needle | A secondary product of hay drying. | No | 4.2 |
Shaft owner’s seal | Bronze seal of a rich mining magnate and shaft owner. | Yes | 5 |
Sheep ear | An ear from a lost sheep, which the shepherd Smoliek needs as proof that he did not sell it. | Yes | 0 |
Sheep guts | Freshly extracted sheep guts. Carrying something like that around is a bit… disgusting. | No | 0.1 |
Sheep remains | The remains of Siegfried’s sheep, which was torn apart by wolves. It may help Mutt to sniff them out. | Yes | 0 |
Sheepskin | A sheepskin. It’ll take some time before it’s processed into wool, then into broadcloth, but I’m sure it’ll make a fine hat or skirt one day. | No | 15 |
Sigismund’s orders | Orders from Sigismund, the sly fox, to his followers. Letter confidentiality is an important institution, but I’ll make an exception this time. | Yes | 0 |
Silver chalice | One day in the future, people with battle with sticks for such a trophy… maybe on ice! | No | 65 |
Silver cup | Essential equipment for every conscientious drinker. Silver, as is known, is good for your health! | No | 40 |
Silver nuggets | Small pieces of unprocessed silver. | No | 759 |
Silver scraps | Scraps of a silver plate or waste from the minting of groschen. I reckon it’s worth something. | No | 10 |
Silver-plated button | A silver-plated button from a dead miner’s clothing. | No | 0.4 |
Sixer’s braies | The very ripe braies of yacker Sixer. | Yes | 0.2 |
Skull fragment relic | A small fragment of flat bone said to come from the skull of Saint Margaret. In ancient times, the Roman Emperor persecuted all Christians and had many of them cruelly martyred. Margaret was reported by her spurned suitor to the prefect, accusing her of secretly professing faith in Christ. In prison, the devil himself appeared to the virtuous maiden in the form of a dragon and devoured her, but she overcame him with the help of the cross. She survived drowning and burning by fire, so they finally had to behead her. A few relics of this martyr were supposedly given to the Czech King Premysl Otakar by the Pope himself after his victory over the Hungarians. | No | 65 |
Small brass crucifix | The small brass cross is a symbol of Christian modesty, because no one takes any wealth with them to the next world. | No | 0.4 |
Soaked map | A soaked map, completely illegible. This won’t be leading me anywhere. | No | 0 |
Spiked horseshoe | It doesn’t seem magical, but the spikes on could prove useful when riding on rocky terrain. | No | 4.2 |
St. Apollonia’s tooth | The molar of the patron saint of all those afflicted by toothache – Saint Apollonia of Alexandria. Or maybe it’s just a polished pig’s tooth, it’s hard to tell. | No | 42 |
Statuette of St. Barbara | A wooden statuette of St. Barbara made by an unknown wood carver. | No | 420 |
Stinking shirt | Someone spilled something on this shirt while drinking at the baths. | No | 1 |
Stinky hat | A hat that smells really bad. I don’t know what happened to it at the celebration, and I don’t want to know. I’ll never put it on my head. | No | 1 |
Stolen cup | A finely decorated silver cup. No wonder it attracted the attention of a thief. | Yes | 4.2 |
Stolen shoe | Some write poems out of love, others steal shoes… | Yes | 42 |
Strange dragon bone | This is supposed to be a piece of a dragon, but I’m not sure which part this bone comes from. | Yes | 0 |
Sulphur wicks | Smells like Hell itself. | Yes | 0.5 |
Suspicious relic | A silver cross with a reliquary said to hold the foot bone of St. James. | No | 420 |
Tachov maypole | A wreath from the top of the Tachov maypole. It was the pride of the whole village up until recently, but now I have it. I reckon it’ll be used as decoration in Olbram’s cottage soon enough. | Yes | 40 |
Tavern drawing | According to a legend told by a merchant, this drawing was made years ago by the famous Master Theodoric himself at the King Charles Inn in order to pay his debt to the innkeeper. | No | 420 |
Thigh bone | A human thigh bone, or femur in latin. | No | 7.5 |
Three-legged cup | The three-legged cup is really hard to drink from, but it makes you look like you’re consuming a mystical elixir. | No | 96 |
Thunderstone | A finely smoothed stone of dark colour, endowed with magical powers, with a lightning hole in the middle. It’s pleasant to the touch and slightly warm in the hand. It will bring me good luck and protect me from all evil. | Yes | 30 |
Tin pitcher | For particularly thirsty drinkers. In an emergency, it can also be used to water the garden. | No | 28 |
Tin plate | “Plate armour” for a knight on a budget. (Disclaimer: Don’t actually use it as armour.) | No | 35 |
Torn piece of dress | A torn piece of cloth. Looks like the hem of a girl’s dress. A dog could probably find the owner by it. | Yes | 0.1 |
Trophies from victims | In the young gentleman’s chambers, I found a collection of locks of hair he had kept as trophies. If this doesn’t prove he’s the killer, I don’t know what will. | Yes | 0 |
Trosky armoury key | The bunch of keys of the Lord of Trosky Castle. One flew through a window and the other is somewhere behind the hills. So they are now in my custody. | Yes | 4 |
Turqoise rosary | A pretty turquoise rosary, which, God knows why, is the focus of attention of many in Trosky Castle. | Yes | 0 |
Undigested bone | A human bone chopped with an axe. | No | 0 |
Undigested skull | A skull pulled from a pig’s innards. It’s been chewed on a bit. | No | 0 |
Vejmola’s medallion | The Vejmola’s medallion. It flashes so brightly that no magpie can resist it. | Yes | 130 |
Victoria’s herbs | A bundle of dried herbs from Victoria’s house. | Yes | 0 |
Victoria’s scarf | A nicely decorated piece of good fabric. | No | 42 |
Vidlak poacher’s gear | The gear that the Vidlak poacher was carrying on him. Evidence for Gamekeeper Vostatek. | Yes | 50 |
Vidlak Pond poacher’s gear | Poacher’s kit found in a secret stash in the woods near the Vidlak pond. Proof for the gamekeeper – my dog should be able to track down its owner. | Yes | 50 |
Vostatek’s empty waterskin | Empty waterskin of the hunter Vostatek. It reeks of an undetermined alcohol. | Yes | 0.5 |
Vostatek’s waterskin | Vostatek the huntsman’s waterskin filled with pure spring water… or perhaps diluted with something. | Yes | 0.5 |
Water for Trosky devils | Interesting… and yet it looks like ordinary water from the well. | Yes | 42 |
White buck’s hide | A beautiful white hide taken from a buck. Found in the poachers’ camp in the forest near Suchdol. | Yes | 500 |
White roebuck’s hide | A white hide taken from a young roebuck. It’s sad, I reckon there aren’t many white roebucks in the region. | No | 400 |
Wolf ear | The least dangerous part of the wolf and the easiest to carry. | No | 2.5 |
Wolf pelt | Wolf hide. Rumour has it that if you sleep in the woods under a cloak of wolf fur when the moon is full, you’ll gain supernatural powers or transform into one. But you don’t know anyone who can confirm that. | No | 25 |
Wooden duck | A wooden dog toy. | No | 0.1 |
Wooden rosary | One of the most common types of counting devices. It doesn’t count money, but something quite different. | No | 18 |
Worn rosary | One of the most common types of counter. It doesn’t count money, but something quite different. | No | 6.5 |
Zdena’s ring | A ring I found on the deceased Zdena. I don’t recognise the family crest on it. | Yes | 0 |
Zdena’s scarf | The scarf that Zdena left to Pint to use as a distraction. Hopefully, it’ll be enough for Mutt to track her down. | Yes | 0 |
Zimburg reliquary | The mysterious chest that Posy and Tugbone had been searching for so long. I wonder what’s inside? | Yes | 5 |
Zizka’s chalice | A chalice from some sort of bandit expedition. It seems to have a sentimental value for Zizka. | No | 65 |
Zizka’s personal belongings | Zizka’s stuff. There’s a lot of rattling and ringing, so it’s probably not a butterfly collection. | Yes | 0 |
Best tips and tricks for Miscellaneous Items in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
Here are some of the best tips and tricks for Miscellaneous Items in KCD2.
- Always pick up cups and chalices as they are some of the valuable Miscellaneous Items in the game.
- Speak with the Innkeepers regarding anything new going around the town to gain some information on interesting happenings. It will help you get a few Miscellaneous Items from locals’ homes.
- Steal the Golden Crucifix and the Chalice from the church at the tower of the Trosky Castle.
- Most of the treasure locations will help you find interesting miscellaneous items.
- As all miscellaneous items have some weight, it is best to store them in the horse’s inventory.
- Keep the quest items in your inventory so that you can get the unique dialogue options by speaking with certain NPCs.
- Sell the miscellaneous items that are not related to any quest to earn some easy Groschen.
FAQs about Miscellaneous Items in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
What are Miscellaneous Items in KCD2?
Miscellaneous Items in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 are not specified like other essential items. They do not have clear meanings, but some of them are of great value. These items are primarily for selling. However, some items are related to quests.
What are the most valuable Miscellaneous Items in KCD2?
Items like Minting Die and Astrolabe are the most valuable in the game, which can easily earn you thousands of Groschen. The Minting Die has the default value of 4,200 Groschen and the Astrolabe has the default value of 1,800 Groschen.
Can you sell Miscellaneous Items in KCD2?
Yes, most of the Miscellaneous items are primarily for selling. It is because they do not have any clear meaning and most of them are not related to any quests. Some of the valuable miscellaneous items are cups and chalices. However, make sure not to sell the quest related miscellaneous items.
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