Confused about Pokemon TCG status effects? Our comprehensive guide explains everything you need to know to gain the upper hand.

If you are a longtime Pokemon fan, you already know about status effects and how they affect your opponent. However, if you are a beginner itching to try your hand at the Pokemon TCG Pocket game, our guide will familiarize you with all the status effects. But before that, you need to understand what Pokemon TCG status effects entail.
Simply put, status effects in the game are ways to induce negative ailments on you or your opponent. There are various status effects to learn and take advantage of to master the game.
Pokemon TCG Status Effects Explained

The following are the status effects in the game:
- Sleep
- Poison
- Paralysis
- Burn
- Confusion
Now, let’s take a detailed look at all of these status effects and what they entail.
1. Sleep

Sleep is a debilitating status effect that can have long-standing repercussions in the game. If an opponent afflicts one of your Pokemon with the Sleep status, the affected Pokemon can’t attack or retreat until it wakes up. After every turn, you will have to flip a coin. If it lands on tails, your Pokemon will remain in this asleep state. However, if the coin lands on heads, the affected Pokemon will be cured of the ailment.
2. Poison

The second status effect on this list is Poison. The Pokemon affected by this ailment will take 10 points of health damage every turn. While 10 damage is the lowest damage number possible in the game, it can add up over time as turns keep progressing. So, if your strategy is to slowly chip away at your opponent’s Pokemon health, afflicting them with Poison would be a great way to do it.
3. Paralysis

The Paralysis status effect is similar to Sleep but not as intense. With this affliction, affected Pokemon will be unable to attack or retreat. However, the effects will last only one turn, after which the Pokemon will be cured. So, this is the perfect ailment to inflict on opponents when you really don’t want one of their Pokemon to attack you in the next turn.
4. Burn

Burn is a status effect that inflicts 20 damage to the affected Pokemon every turn. After each turn, the player affected by the status ailment can toss a coin. If it lands on heads, the ailment ends. Otherwise, it continues for the next turn.
5. Confusion

The Confused Pokemon TCG status effect can be useful or debilitating, depending on the situation. Any Pokemon afflicted with this effect will need to toss a coin every time they try to attack. If the coin lands on heads, the attack occurs without complication. However, on tails, the attack gets canceled and the Pokemon takes 30 damage.
Curing Status Effects in Pokemon TCG

You may have noticed that coin tosses occur at the end of every turn only for Burn and Sleep afflictions. Depending on the outcome, these effects could end or continue. However, there are other ways you can use to cure Pokemon of all their status ailments.
- Evolving the Pokemon: If the status effect is on a Pokemon that you can evolve, going ahead with the evolution will end the ailment.
- Benching: Some status effects allow your Pokemon to retreat. So, taking them back to the bench will also cure the effects. Note that this method does not work in the case of Paralysis or Sleep ailments because it prohibits retreating.
- Lum Berry Tool: If you equip this tool, the status effect on your Pokemons will end.
Certain Pokemon will also have special abilities that allow you to negate the status effects. So, keep an eye out for these.
Also, read about all tradeable cards in Pokemon TCG.
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