Discover everything you need to know about all stats in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and tips and tricks for Power Leveling Stats.

Stats are a core attribute in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 that determines your character’s abilities in various areas, including Strength, Agility, Vitality, and Speech. They gauge how well you can wield heavy weapons, evade attacks, endure combat, and persuade others during dialogue. It is essential to shape your playstyle based on how you allocate points to each stat throughout the game. Derived stats determine a character’s basic proficiencies. You can improve these through use and can be changed temporarily or permanently using alchemy, buffs, and debuffs. In this guide, we will discuss the primary stats, derived stats, dialogue stats, and states in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and how they influence your gameplay.
Stats Overview in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
Stas in Kingdom Come: Deliverance improves while progressing through the game. Press the P key to open the Players tab to see the stats. These improvements can take your stats to the maximum by playing the game. There are no hurdles that can stop these stats improvements of chosen abilities. You get a chance to choose the perks to improve an ability or modify it while leveling up the stats. Navigate to the player tab to select these perks. Your abilities improve or worsen due to the buffs and debuffs in the game. They are available in the Player panel (P) in the Buffs tab. Hunger, Tiredness, bleeding, drunkness, and overloading are the most debuffs that you can face.
All Stats and States Explained in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Here are all the stats and states available in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
- Strength- Defines how well you can handle physical challenges.
- Agility- A measure of speed, movement, and nimbleness.
- Vitality- Determines your stamina pool, fatigue resistance, and overall health.
- Speech- Affects your ability to persuade others in dialogue options and negotiate better deals.
- Stamina- Stamina depends on your Health and depletes whenever you do something physical.
- Health- Your health doesn’t increase or regenerate over time.
- Energy- It represents a measure of your character’s overall stamina and vitality.
- Nourishment- It refers to food and drink that characters consume.
- Charisma- It gauges how well you can impress people.
- Conspicuousness- It allows you to stand out in the usual environment.
- Visibility- It determines how easy you are to spot. You become invisible when it reaches zero.
- Noise- The more noise you make the more you will get attention from NPCs in the game.
- Speed- It determines how fast you can run, walk, or sprint.
- Persuasion- It allows you to convince people to do things for you.
- Coercion- Derived primarily from your Speech level.
- Impression- It refers to how NPCs perceive your character.
- Domination- using your Charisma to make a way in conversation.
- Presence- affirm yourself in conversations due to strength.
- Intimidation- using your strength of arms to get into a conversation.

Strength determines how well you can tackle physical objectives and challenges. High Strength means less stamina depletion and more powerful attacks while equipping heavy weapons. Your inventory capacity is also enhanced when you level up the Strength in the game. It also influences your movement speed with a heavy load or weapon. You can increase Strength by fighting enemies in combat.
Your inventory capacity increases by 4 with each level of Strength. Use the longswords, axes, and maces to gain more experience. Any type of combat will automatically level Strength. Your abilities improve with Strength which allows you to win combat by enhancing the damage output. You also lose a fight against the NPCs with much greater Strength. You also gain a window up to several seconds long against NPCs with much lower Strength. It is a basic stat influencing Henry’s combat ability and combat. Similar to the player character, NPCs also have their own Strength.
- Hard-Working Lad- If you carry a sack or even a dead or unconscious body, the weight only counts as a half. Therefore, they will hardly burden you, and carrying them will no longer cost you extra stamina. Additionally, your carrying capacity is permanently increased by 8 pounds.
- Train Hard, Fight Easy- The required Strength for all weapons will be 2 less for you. In general, if you have a lower strength than the weapon requires, you will do less damage with it. If your strength is higher, you’ll do more damage. With this perk, you’ll reach that state sooner.
- Pack Mule- It will increase your carrying capacity by 12 pounds.
- Wrestler- Your Strength will make it easier to win fights in the clinch because it will be harder for your opponent to react to your actions.
- Tight Grip- The higher your Strength skill, the easier it’ll be for you to knock someone out or kill them stealthily.
- Strong as a Bull- It will decrease your carrying capacity by 20 pounds.
- Vanguard- Shield blocks cost you 30% less stamina.
- Grand Slam- Blunt damage of all melee weapons will increase by 5%.
- Trasher- Charged attacks deal 5% more damage.
- Strong Arm- If you stay fully charged attack, your stamina will slowly recover.
- Grand Slam II- Blunt damage of all melee weapons will increase by an additional 5%.
- Heracles- For every 5 levels of Strength, your Charisma increases by 1.

Agility in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is a measure of speed, movement, and dexterity. An agile character has the capability to dodge enemies’ strikes and move faster. You can wield advanced weapons like a bow that is more skilled at archery. Archery, like other forms of combat, increases agility. You enhance your base speed with each level of agility. The fastest enhances are from levels 4-7.
Surviving combat boosts your agility level, and you gain more experience that is affected by using shortswords, hunting swords, sabers, and archery. This stat also speeds up your combat animation, making it a bit easier to bring combos in the fight. Each NPCs have its own Agility values and are largely affected similarly by the player. You can notice this with their different attack speed.
- Deft Hands– The required agility for all weapons will be 2 lower for you. In general, if you have a lower Agility than the weapon requires, you will find it more difficult to fight with. But if you have a higher Agility, the stamina consumption will drop. With this perk, you will reach that state sooner.
- Featherweight- Fall damage will reduce by 30%.
- Deft Hand II- The required agility for all weapons will be reduced by 5 overall. In general, if you have a lower Agility than the weapon requires, you will find it more difficult to fight with. But if you have a higher agility, the stamina difficulty will drop. With this perk, you will reach that state sooner.
- Dominant Hand- If you use a one-handed weapon without a shield, the attack will cost 20% less stamina. Blocking will also cost less stamina and be more effective. This effect works even with a torch in your offhand.
- Nimble Stance- Dodges cost you 40% less stamina.
- Ranger Man- After 10 seconds of fast sprinting, you will briefly get a big bonus for stamina recovery. When you slow down afterward, you will quickly regain your strength and can start running again.
- Creeping Phantom- When sneaking, your movement will be 15% faster.
- Totentanz- After performing a perfect dodge (a dodge in the window for a perfect block) you get a 15% weapon attack bonus. The effect lasts for 5 seconds.
- Finesse- The slashing damage of all melee weapons will increase by 5%.
- Viper- The piercing damage of all melee weapons will increase by 5%.
- Creeping Phantom II- When sneaking your movement is 35% faster.
- Finesse II- The slashing damage of all melee weapons will increase by an additional 5%.
- Viper II- The piercing damage of all melee weapons will increase by an additional 5%.

Vitality in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 determines how much a character lives and holds on. You will have more stamina and the capability to regenerate stamina when you have more stamina. This stat also determines how long the character can run. You can boost Vitality while running clearing obstacles, and surviving combat in the game. Your stamina increases by 5 to 6 with each level of Vitality.
However, you can expect it from levels 19-20 which only enhances stamina by 2. Your ability to resist wounding also increases by Vitality. More Wounding triggers continuous health loss and bleeding. NPCs in this RPG have Vitality values and are largely similar to the player character. NPCs equipped with heavy armor also take no health damage when their stamina is high.
- Ascetic- Your Nourishment will decrease 30% slower, in other words, you will last longer without food before hunger starts to bother you.
- Thick Blooded- You will bleed noticeably slower. Still, if you don’t bandage up, you’ll die eventually. You’ll just have more time.
- Balanced Diet- If you don’t overeat, get drunk, or starve for 3 consecutive days, your stamina will recover 20% faster and you will gain 10% more experience in the Vitality stat. If you overeat, get drunk, or starve, you will lose the perk effect and will need to reactivate it.
- Creative Soul- Your energy will slowly replenish while doing Alchemy, Sharpening, Blacksmithing, or playing Dice.
- Next to Godliness- Washing at a tub or pier or taking a bath in a bathhouse will cure 10 points of your health, Plus, if you go to bed clean, you will heal 25% faster while you sleep.
- Well Dressed- Your clothes and body will get dirty 20% slower, In addition, by washing in a tub you can get rid of all the dirt on your body, but you still have to go to a bathhouse or a pond with your clothes.
- Hermes’ Haste- You’ll be 20% faster when sprinting.
- Marathon Runner- When sprinting, you consume stamina 20% slower.
- Red Mist- When your health drops below 25 health points during combat, you gain a +3 bonus to strength and agility for a time, and your stamina regenerates 4 times faster.
- Revenant- Your health will gradually regenerate up to 50 health points. This effect does not apply if you are in combat or bleeding.
- Diehard- A wound that normally kills you won’t, and you’ll recover 25% of your health. Once used, there is a cooldown before the perk can be activated again.
- Never Surrender- If your health drops below 25 points during combat, you get a +25 bonus to your armor, increasing your chance of survival. The effect lasts until your health rises above 25 points again, or until combat is over.
- Revenant II- Your health will slowly recover up to 75 health points continuously. The effect does not apply if you are in combat or bleeding.

Speech in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 determines the character’s ability to talk his way out of situations and eloquence. The more you talk to people the more eloquent you become. You can neglect conflicts before they even start by becoming a better speaker. Your speech stat allows you to disarm someone by argument who you wouldn’t be able to beat in combat. Persuasion is a tutorial codex entry that is not determined by comparing your Speech level to that of NPCs.
- Polished Wares- When selling weapons, armor, or clothing that are in near-perfect or perfect condition (98-100%), you’ll gain 10% more money for them.
- Silver Tongue- You get a +4 Speech bonus when haggling, making it easier to negotiate better prices.
- Artisan- You can sell and buy weapons, armor, and clothing at a 10% better price.
- Jack of All Trades- You get a bonus of +2 to skill checks. You will also get twice the amount of experience from these skill checks.
- Adept of the Mystic Arts- You buy and sell options, herbs recipes, books, and alchemy-related items at 10% more prices.
- Hustler- It’s easier for you to sell stolen goods. If you succeed in doing so, you will gain some Stealth and Thievery experience.
- Battle Cry- If you use a Battle Cry during combat, you deal 10% more damage. The effect lasts for 20 seconds.
- Final Offer- When a merchant loses his patience while haggling, instead of calling off the deal altogether, he’ll give you one last chance to offer a fair price.
- Battle Cry II- If you use a Battle Cry during combat, you deal 15% more damage. The effect lasts for 20 seconds.
- Partner in Crime- You can now sell stolen goods to anyone without fear of detection.

States are also a type of active stats that change over the course of time and as you progress in the world of KCD2. These consist of Stamina, Health, Energy, and Nourishment. These depend upon your choices and how you take care of Henry throughout the game. You can maintain these States by consuming food, getting sleep, using bathhouses and more.
Whenever you do something physically demanding, your character’s Stamina depletes. You can’t do anything when it drops to zero. However, the Stamina will regenerate automatically when you pause to catch your breath. The immediate Stamina is directly proportional to your Health, Tiredness, and Hunger. Your Stamina also depletes by doing things like overeating, drunkenness, and poisoning. Your Horse’s Stamina depletes every time you gallop. You can’t do anything when it drops to zero.
Health in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is a fixed value. It doesn’t regenerate on its own and won’t increase over time. Your Health depletes While fighting an enemy in combat and if you get any damage you get the bleeding effect. The other ways where your Health is reduced is when you fall from a height, are poisoned, or eat spoiled food, as well as when you’re exhausted or starving. Use a healing potion or sleep if you want to heal your character. You need to bandage the wound if you’re bleeding. Similar to your character, the horse has health but it can never die if its health drops to zero, it will regenerate eventually.
Energy in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is depleted by combat, movement, and just by being awake. You get tired over time and then you need to rest. You will lose your stamina due to exhaustion, allowing you to faint. Protect it by drinking alcohol in good amounts but drinking too much has the opposite effect, as does eating heavy foods.
You need to eat and drink while making progress in the game and the type of food and drink will fill you up to a greater or lesser extent. However, overheating has a negative impact on your stats. Be careful of what you are eating and drinking. Take durable foods for long trips and take time for freshly cooked meals.
Derived Stats in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Derived stats in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 are secondary attributes that are calculated based on your character’s primary stats, equipment, and other factors. They influence various aspects of gameplay and are crucial for success in various aspects of the game including interaction with people and combat.
Charisma is a measure of how well a character can impress people. It represents how good you look. It plays a role when using skill checks and trading. Your total charisma is the average of the charisma value of the individual pieces of your clothing or armor that are visible. Layers hidden under others don’t count, so a man’s shirt under a beggar’s coat doesn’t help you. You must take good care of your clothing, as damaged stained, or bloodied clothing has a lower charisma value. Wash yourself from time to time, too, at the bathhouse or the vat or pier. You can also increase your charisma by using perfumes, which you can prepare in alchemy.
Conspicuousness is a measure of how much the player stands out in a normal environment. It indicates how distinctive your appearance is and affects how long it takes for people to recognize you when they see you. The lower your Conspicuousness, the longer it will take them to notice you. If your Conspicuousness is very low, for example, an enemy might notice you from a distance, but you can hide again before he realizes exactly what he saw. Distinctive fine clothing and expensive armor are typically very conspicuous.
Visibility is the opposite of camouflage and it tells the player how easy they are to spot. The lower your visibility, the closer the observer has to be to see you. This is crucial when you’re sneaking around. Visibility is calculated as the average of the visibility level of your outer layer of clothing. Shiny armor and brightly colored clothing are highly visible. Regardless of how you are dressed, you’re much easier to see in the light of day than when you’re sneaking through the shadows or at night.
Noise is a measure of how likely you will get some attention when you move. Your total Noise is the average of the noise level of the weapons, armor, and clothing you are wearing. The higher your Noise level, the louder it is when you move, and thus the more likely you are to be detected by foes. However, sneaking will mitigate your noise level and sprinting will do the opposite.
Speed determines how quickly a player can walk, run, and sprint. It is derived mainly from your Agility level and determines how fast you are when moving. Keep in mind that the weight of your armor also affects your speed. Wearing heavy armor increases the stamina cost of your combat actions along with movement. You can mitigate it by increasing your Agility and Strength levels.
Dialogue Stats

Dialogue stats are influenced by the main stats, weapons, and armor in the game. They determine your character’s ability to persuade or charm other characters. Focus on improving your Strength, Speech, and Charisma to enhance your effectiveness in dialogues.
A way to assert yourself in conversation using your eloquence and cleverness. A high reputation will help you succeed. The Persuasion stat is derived from your Speech level, and to a lesser extent Charisma.
A way to get your way in conversations using your Speech, but often using underhanded and unfair practices. It won’t make you many friends, though having a low reputation with them will help you succeed. This stat influences primarily your Speech level and to a lesser extent your Charisma.
The way you assert yourself in conversation is through your charisma and good manners. A high reputation will help you succeed. This stat is derived mainly from your Charisma level and to a lesser extent from your Speech level.
A way to get your way in conversations using your Charisma, often using threats and condescending behavior. People generally won’t like you for it, but on the other hand, having a low reputation with them will help you successfully Dominate them. The Domination stat is derived primarily from the Charisma level, and to a lesser extent your Speech level.
A way to assert yourself in conversations thanks to your strength of arms and chivalrous appearance. A high reputation will help you succeed. Status is derived from how good your armour and weapons are how physically fit you are, and to a lesser extent the amount of Strength, agility, and Vitality you have.
A way to get your way in conversations using your strength of arms and intimidating appearance. People will not like you much, but on the other hand, a low reputation with them will help you succeed. This stat is derived from how good your armor and weapons are and how physically fit you are.
Best tips and tricks for Power Leveling Stats
Power leveling your stats in Kingdom Come: Deliverance requires strategic actions for each attribute. Here are all the tips and tricks for power leveling stats in this new RPG.
- Using a bow to hit targets or enemies will help boost your agility.
- Use strength-based weapons like maces and axes while engaging in melee combat.
- Perform dodges during combat to gain agility experience.
- Persuading your character during interactions boosts your speech skills.
- Practice blocking and countering during combat to boost your defense skills, allowing you to survive intense combat.
- Using Strength’s perk like Stronghold for blocking an opponent’s blows will cost you 30% less Stamina.
- Engage in activities like running, jumping, and climbing obstacles to enhance Vitality.
- Choose new conversation options to gain speech experience and engage in dialogues with various characters.
- Wear clean and high-quality clothing to raise your charisma.
- Negotiating better prices with merchants also boosts speech.
FAQs About Stats in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
What are the Stats in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2?
Stats are the core attributes of your character, like Strength, Agility, Vitality, Speech, and Charisma, which determine your abilities in combat. Stats how well you can perform various actions in the game based on how you develop these stats through gameplay.
What is the Strength Stat in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2?
Strength determines how well you can tackle physical objectives and challenges. High Strength means less stamina depletion and more powerful attacks while equipping heavy weapons.
How to increase stats in Kingdom come Deliverance 2?
Engage in activities that utilize the specific stat you want to raise. You need to fight to increase strength and agility, run and jump to boost vitality, and use speech options to level up your speech skills.
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