All Survival Perks in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Survival is one of the most useful skills in the wilderness. Here is a list of all the Survival Perks in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Survival helps you survive out in the wilderness (Image via Deep Silver)
Survival helps you survive out in the wilderness (Image via Deep Silver)

Survival is one of the most crucial skills in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. These skills mostly prove useful in the wilderness, where you’re away from the comforts of human settlements. The Survival skill relates to numerous aspects of the game connected to survival.

These include cooking, exploration, hunting, gathering, and so on. Here are all the Survival Perks you can unlock in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2:

All Survival Perks in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Survival has a set of general perks, which will be useful in lots of activities (Image via Deep Silver)
Survival has a set of general perks, which will be useful in lots of activities (Image via Deep Silver)

The following is a list of all the Survival perks in the game:

Wanderer: The quality of beds increases proportionally to your Survival skill. The quality can increase by 50% at most. This does not affect higher-quality beds. Minimum level: 6.

On the Poacher’s Trail: You can sell herbs, games, hides, and trophies for double the price. Minimum level: 6.

Flower Power: If you have more than 30 fresh or dried herbs in your inventory, your Charisma counts as 2 more. Spoiled herbs do not count towards this perk. Minimum level: 8.

Master Cook: If you cook, dry, or smoke an unspoiled ingredient or food, after processing it will have a 100% condition. This does not apply to herbs. Minimum level: 8.

Bounty of the Wild: You can also get fur, trophies, selected cuts of meat, and offal from killed game. Minimum level: 10.

Leg Day: When collecting herbs, you’ll also gain a small amount of experience in the Strength skill. Minimum level: 10.

Lucky Find: When collecting herbs, you have a chance to find an additional herb or small treasure. Minimum level: 10.

Heartseeker: If you hit your target in the chest, your shot will do 10% more damage. This effect will also apply when hitting from behind. Minimum level: 12.

Survival includes a wide variety of perks which you will find useful (Image via Deep Silver)
Survival includes a wide variety of perks which you will find useful (Image via Deep Silver)

Leshy: While in the forest, your scent will be halved, your stamina will recover 15% faster, your Strength, Vitality, and Agility will be increased by 1 and your Stealth skill will be increased by 2. Minimum Level: 12.

Master Fletcher: Your arrows and bolts have better ballistic properties, so they fly faster, travel farther, and have more penetration. Minimum level: 14.

Wild Man: The effects of the Leshy and Leshy II perks will now apply not only in the forest but in any wilderness i.e. essentially anywhere outside of human settlements and lands directly adjacent to them. Minimum level: 16.

Level 18 Survival Perks

Heartseeker II: If you hit your target in the chest, your shot will deal a total of 25% more damage. Shots to the heart from behind will also trigger this effect.

Leshy II: You can move through the forest as if you were a forest spirit yourself. Your stamina will regenerate 25% faster, your Strength and Agility will count as 2 higher, and your Stealth skill will count as 4 higher. The rest of the effects remain the same as Leshy.

These were all the Survival Perks in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.

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