Looking for Sylkis Greens? You’ve come to the right place. Here is a guide on how to obtain all the Sylkis Greens in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

During Chapter 8 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, you will be given a mission to participate in a Chocobo race to prove Barrett’s innocence and free your captured party. However, Piko the Chocobo will be in no condition to participate. To get him in racing condition, you will have to find bundles of Sylkis Green to feed him.
How To Obtain Sylkis Greens in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

There are a total of six bundles of Sylkis Green you can find. In order to complete this mission, you will need to obtain three bundles of Sylkis Green. However, you can also collect the other three bundles to get all 6. The additional bundles can be traded in for customization gear for Piko at the Tack shop. All six can be acquired through a series of quests.
Swindling Seminar
Swindling Seminar is a side-quest located in the Southeast part of Corel Prison. In this quest, you will have to correctly guess who is telling the truth out of a group of five people. This can be made easier by investigating dustbowl to find out the truth of what the swindlers are saying. Guessing the correct answer will win you a bundle of Sylkis Green.
Peculiar Card Players

To start this quest, talk to the Card Collector at the House of Cards. He will send you to defeat three players at his casino who are scaring off customers. To complete this quest, challenge and defeat these three players at Queen’s Blood. Achieving this will get you another bundle of Sylkis Green.
Beast Battleground

The entrance to the Beast Battleground is through a giant pipe near the Swindling Seminar. Descend this pipe and participate in the matches by talking to the gatekeeper.
There are three rounds you have to go through to achieve victory. The rounds are, in order:
- 2 Ignilisks and 1 Grasslands Wolf
- 1 Bagnadrana
- The unique creature called Test 0
After you complete the gauntlet, you will receive a bundle of Sylkis Greens. This area is also related to the Swindling Seminar. The name of the creature – Test 0 – is one of the lies that can be told during that quest.
Desert Rush
Head to the Desert Rush booth in the West of Dustbowl and participate in a minigame. In this minigame, you will have to destroy as many boxes as possible within the time limit.
There are various types of boxes in this minigame. The smaller boxes can be destroyed in a single swing, while the larger ones take multiple attacks. Other boxes include clock boxes which increase your time limit on breaking; gear boxes which require electric shocks to break; and electric boxes which allow you to use electricity.
Accumulating 15,000 points in this game will reward you with a bundle of Sylkis Green.
Bartender’s Untended Garden

For this quest, talk to the bartender at the Bail Jumper bar and collect the keys to his garden. Before you reach there, you will have to defeat 2 Sandhog Pies. This battle can be avoided by taking a path to the right instead. Right as you reach the abandoned garden, a Cactuar will steal the last Sylkis Green.
We can’t have that, can we? Pursue the thieving creature to Bandit’s Bluff. Along the way, you will encounter:
- Another 2 Sandhog Pies
- 2 Death Claws
- 2 more Sandhog Pies
Finally, defeat the horde of Cactuars surrounding the Greens you need. After you win, pick up the bundle of Greens.
Right next to the three Queen’s Blood players, there are three men. Talk to them, and they will ask you to go through the alley on their right. Once you go through the path all the way, they will attack you. Defeat the three assailants, and they will hand you a bundle of Sylkis Greens for your trouble.
You will have now obtained all 6 Sylkis Greens for Piko, and he will now be in top condition for the race.
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