All Utility Items in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Listed

Discover all the utility items that you can have in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, including their uses and how to get them.

10 best utility items in kingdom come deliverance 2

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 offers a wide variety of items that will assist Henry in performing practical tasks and interacting with the environment efficiently. There are different types of items and each one allows Henry to perform a certain category of tasks. For instance, the Lockpicks and Groschen are the usable items in KCD2. Lockpicks allow Henry to unlock the chests and doors around the world.

Furthermore, one of the essential types of items in the game is Utility Items. These items specifically help Henry enhance his chances of survival. In this guide, we will tell you all the Utility Items in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Utility Items Overview in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Utility items overview - Armourer's Kit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Utility Items are essential for survival in KCD2. It includes items like various Kits that help you fix a certain type of armour, weapons, or items, bandages that allow you to stop the bleeding, perfumes that increase Charisma, Soap that allows you to clean dirty clothes, and more. As you explore further and enhance the capabilities of Henry, you will get better variants of various Utility items. For instance, you can get Stronger and Henry’s version of the perfumes. These perfumes last for longer and provide a greater bonus effect than the regular and weak ones.

All of these items are essential in the adventure and will help you greatly throughout the playthrough. You can get most of the Utility Items from certain traders. A few of the best traders that will help you in getting the Kits and Perfumes are the Blacksmiths, Armourers, and Apothecaries. If you come across any of these traders, make sure to stop by them to restock on the essential items.

All Utility Items in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Explored

Here are all the Utility Items you can find and use in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Utility ItemDescriptionWeightUsesHow to Get
Armourer’s KitA set of tools for repairing metal parts of armour, chainmail and quilted armour pieces. Includes a hammer, pliers, twine and some replacement chainmail and oil.0.5Allows you to fix and repair armour pieces.You can purchase it from various Blacksmiths across the regions.
Blacksmith’s KitA set of tools for quickly repairing your weapons. Includes a hammer, whetstone, small pliers and mineral oil.0.5Allows you to fix and repair weapons.You can purchase it from various Blacksmiths across the regions.
Cobbler’s KitA set of tools for repairing boots and other leather items. Includes a cobber’s hammer, pliers, lard, wire, rivets and various small nails.0.3Allows you to repair leather items like boots and horse items.You can purchase it from various Merchants and the Saddlers.
Gunsmith’s KitA set of tools for maintaining firearms, mainly cleaning the barrel as there’s not much else you can do with it.0.3Allows you to fix and repair the hand cannons.You can purchase it from Master Prokop Eldris in Kuttenberg City.
Marksman’s KitA set of tools for keeping your bow or crossbow in good condition. Includes lubricant, replacement bowstrings, and tools to repair other minor damage.0.3Allows you to fix and repair the ranged weapons like the Bow and the Crossbow.You can purchase it from the Carpenter and various Huntsmen across the regions.
Tailor’s KitA set of tools for repairing clothing and quilted items. Includes fabric for patches, scissors, needles and various threads.0.3Allows you to fix and repair the clothing items.You can purchase it from various Tailors across the regions.
BandageA longer strip of clean cloth that can safely stop bleeding.0.1Allows you to stop the bleeding effect.You can purchase it from various Merchants across the region. Moreover, you can easily find it on the dead body of enemies.
Henry’s Lion PerfumeIncreases Charisma by 10 for 10 minutes. However, if you use it in combination with another perfume, it decreases Charisma by 7.0.2It allows you to greatly enhance the charisma temporarily for a short time.You can craft it on your own at the Alchemy station. Ingredients: 2x Mint and 2x Sage.
Henry’s Mintha PerfumeIncreases Charisma by 5 for 40 minutes. However, if you use it in combination with another perfume, it decreases Charisma by 5.0.2It allows you to increase the charisma temporarily for a long time.You can craft it on your own at the Alchemy station. Ingredients: 3x Dandelion, 1x Marigold, and 1x Mint.
Knight’s SoapSoap made according to a secret recipe from the musk of noble war horses, just like Sir Tobias used to sell at his stall in the old days. Cleansing for the mind and body, and great for when you don’t want people recognising you by scent.0.2Allows you to clean the clothes and remove any dirt or blood stains from them.You can find it in a chest in Kuttenberg City.
Lion PerfumeIncreases Charisma by 4 for 4 minutes. However, if you use it in combination with another perfume, it decreases Charisma by 7.0.2It allows you to increase your charisma temporarily for a short time.You can purchase it from bathhouse owners and various traders. Moreover, you can craft it yourself. Ingredients: 2x Mint and 2x Sage.
Mintha PerfumeIncreases Charisma by 2 for 20 minutes. However, if you use it in combination with another perfume, it decreases Charisma by 5.0.2It allows you to increase your charisma temporarily for a decent time.You can purchase it from bathhouse owners and various traders. Moreover, you can craft it yourself. Ingredients: 3x Dandelion, 1x Marigold, and 1x Mint.
SoapSoap, a mix of fat, ash, and who knows what else. Combined with water, it works miracles on dirty clothes.0.2Allows you to clean the clothes and remove any dirt or blood stains from them.You can purchase it from bathhouse owners and various traders. Moreover, you can craft it yourself. Ingredients: 1x Charcoal, 1x Dandelion, 2x Thistle.
Strong Lion PerfumeIncreases Charisma by 7 for 5 minutes. However, if you use it in combination with another perfume, it decreases Charisma by 7.0.2It allows you to highly increase the charisma stat temporarily for a short time.You can purchase it from Elbel Spangus trader. Moreover, you can craft it yourself.
Ingredients: 2x Mint and 2x Sage.
Strong Mintha PerfumeIncreases Charisma by 3 for 30 minutes. However, if you use it in combination with another perfume, it decreases Charisma by 5.0.2It allows you to increase the charisma stat temporarily for a great time.You can purchase it from the Merchant Jacob. Moreover, you can craft it yourself. Ingredients: 3x Dandelion, 1x Marigold, and 1x Mint.
Weak Lion PerfumeIncreases Charisma by 3 for 3 minutes. However, if you use it in combination with another perfume, it decreases Charisma by 7.0.2It allows you to increase the charisma stat temporarily for a short time.You can purchase it from Apothecaries and bathhouse owners. Moreover, you can craft it yourself.
Ingredients: 2x Mint and 2x Sage.
Weak Mintha PerfumeIncreases Charisma by 1 for 20 minutes. However, if you use it in combination with another perfume, it decreases Charisma by 5.0.2It allows you to increase the charisma stat temporarily for a long time.You can purchase it from Apothecaries and bathhouse owners. Moreover, you can craft it yourself.
Ingredients: 3x Dandelion, 1x Marigold, and 1x Mint.

Best tips and tricks for Utility Items in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Here are some of the best tips and tricks for Utility Items in KCD2.

  • Always stock on Armourer’s Kits and Blacksmith’s Kits. These will allow you to fix and repair your armour and weapons on the go.
  • Keep a decent amount of stock for the Tailor’s Kit. Your clothes take damage from each hit, which lowers the overall stats for the clothes. It is best to fix the clothes whenever they reach half of their durability.
  • Do not forget to wash the clothes at the laundry spots. It is best to clean the dirt and blood stains from the clothes to keep the Charisma stat high.
  • Visit the Bathhouse owner to easily purchase the Soap as it is an essential item for washing clothes.
  • Keep a couple of Marksmanship’s Kits on you to fix your ranged weapons like Bow and Crossbow.
  • Keeping a high number of Utility Items might fill your carrying capacity. Transfer some of them to the horse’s inventory to manage your overall capacity.
  • Gather the herbs and ingredients for the perfumes from time to time.
  • Craft the perfumes at the Alchemy to have a chance of crafting a higher version of the perfume.

FAQs about Utility Items in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Which are the best utility items to keep in KCD2?

The best 5 utility items that you should have at all times in your inventory include Armourer’s Kit, Blacksmith’s Kit, Bandages, Soap, and Perfume. The Armourer and Blacksmith’s Kits will help you fix your armour and weapons, Bandages will help stop the bleeding, soap will allow you to wash dirty clothes, and perfume will let you enhance your Charisma for a short period.

Where to Find Soap in KCD2?

You can purchase the soap easily from any bathhouse owner in the game. Simply speak with them and choose the trade option to get yourself some soap. Moreover, you can also brew soap by yourself at the Alchemy station.

Is Lockpick a Utility Item in KCD2?

No, Lockpick is a Usable item instead of a Utility item. Lockpicks and other keys are considered usable items, allowing you to use them on doors and chests.

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