Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Permanently Increase Strength

Learn how to permanently increase your character’s strength by +2 with the Potion of Everlasting Vigour found in Act 2 of Baldur’s Gate 3!

BG3 How to Permanently Increase Strength

How to Permanently Increase Strength in Baldur’s Gate 3

To increase your strength by +2 permanent in Baldur’s Gate 3, bring Astarion to Araj Oblodra NPC located in Moonrise Tower during Act 2. Convince Astarion to share a sample of his blood, which then grants the user the Potion of Everlasting Vigour. Astarion doesn’t like being forced to donate his blood. This can result in Astarion’s disapproval and end a romance if one exists. However, depending on your build and party composition, this benefit can outweigh the cons.

Araj Oblodra Blood Donation

Your protagonist character can donate blood to Araj Oblorda, which will grant unique elixirs. This is advised because later in Act 3, Araj can grant you another permanent bonus, Unstable Blood. Below is a list of Araj Oblodra’s unique blood-draw elixirs, which grant individual bonuses until a long rest:

Black, Copper DragonbornElixir of Dragonborn Prowess: AcidAdvantage on Intimidation, Persuasion Checks, Resistance to Acid, and Cast Acid Arrow once.
Blue, Bronze DragonbornElixir of Dragonborn Prowess: LightningAdvantage on Intimidation, Persuasion Checks, Resistance to Lightning, and Cast Lightning Bolt.
Brass, Gold DragonbornElixir of Dragonborn Prowess: FireAdvantage on Intimidation, Persuasion Checks, Resistance to Fire, and Cast Fireball once.
Green DragonbornElixir of Dragonborn Prowess: PoisonAdvantage on Intimidation, Persuasion Checks, Resistance to Poison, and Cast Ray of Sickness once.
Silver, White DragonbornElixir of Dragonborn Prowess: FrostAdvantage on Intimidation, Persuasion Checks, Resistance to Cold Damage, and Cast Ice Storm once.
Drow, ElfElixir of Elven EleganceAdvantage on Intimidation, Persuasion Checks, Resistance to Cold Damage, and Cast Ice Storm once.
DwarfElixir of Dwarven ResilienceProficiency in Saving throws until it makes three successful Saving Throws.
GithyankiElixir of Githyanki ProvidenceCast Misty Step, Enhance Leap, and Blur once.
GnomeElixir of Gnomish IngenuityProficient in Sleight of Hand Checks and can cast Knock.
Half-elfElixir of Half-Elven HealingYou and surrounding allies regain hit points equal to your Constitution score.
Half-orcElixir of Half-Orcish FuryThe next time the affected entity is Downed, it instead drops to 1 hit point.
HalflingElixir of Halfling LuckAdvantage on Skill Checks.
HumanElixir of Human VersatilityProficiency in all skills.
TieflingElixir of Tiefling ViceGain one usage of Thaumaturgy, Hellish Rebuke, Burning Hands, and Flame Blade.
Blood-draw elixirs chart

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