Beginner Tips and Tricks for WWE 2K25

Explore the best tips and tricks for WWE 2K25 to navigate new game modes, features, and strategies effectively.

Tips and Tricks in WWE 2K25 (Image via 2K, EspacioNX/YouTube)
Tips and Tricks in WWE 2K25 (Image via 2K, EspacioNX/YouTube)

With the latest edition of WWE 2K, a lot of new features are introduced. These include the sandbox open-world element, new showcases, intergender matches, and much more. Here are a few helpful tips and tricks for WWE 2K25, which could help get you prepared.

Since WWE 2K22, the new reversal and block system was introduced in an attempt to make the game more unpredictable. Now players can either choose to reverse a move or block it. This allows the player to save up reversals for when needed the most. Along with that, a lot of different combos are available as well as match types you can implement these in.

How to Perform Attacks and Reversals in WWE 2K25

Grapples and Reverse in WWE 2K25 (Image via 2K, Smacktalks/YouTube)
Grapples and Reverse in WWE 2K25 (Image via 2K, Smacktalks/YouTube)


Performing frequent attacks on your opponent is crucial to leading the game to a point of victory. The more you inflict damage, the more you wear down your opponent. Once weakened enough, you can perform either a signature or a finisher to try and seal the deal. Here are some basic button prompts you can use to attack:

  1. Square + Left Stick on PlayStation or X + Left Stick on Xbox – Light Strike
  2. X + Left Stick or A + Left Stick – Heavy Strike
  3. Circle or B – Grapple
  4. R2 + Square or RT + X – Signature
  5. R2 + X or RT + A – Finisher


While attacks are important, it is important to note that not all hits would connect, putting you in a vulnerable position. It is important to reverse and block your opponent’s attacks to create an opportunity for you to once again be in control.

Timing is crucial as you have to observe when exactly the opponent is going to attack. If timed correctly, you would reverse the attack, putting you in a better position. If you reverse the opponent’s finisher, you get his finisher.

Using breakers is crucial to terminating your opponent’s combos or grapples. This can be performed by guessing and tapping the same button between the light strike button, heavy strike button, or grapple button as your opponent would. If the right button is clicked at the right time, the combo comes to a halt.

Dodges are another crucial move to avoid incoming attacks. Using the same button as your reversal combined with moving the left stick in any direction would dodge your opponent’s attacks. These are the lists of buttons you can use for reversing:

  1. Triangle on PlayStation or Y on Xbox – Reversal
  2. Hold Triangle or Hold Y – Block
  3. Square/X/Circle or B/A/X – Breaker

Also read: How To Get Five Star Matches In WWE 2K25

How to Use Weapons in WWE 2K25

Weapons in WWE 2K25 (Image via 2K, Smacktalks/YouTube)
Weapons in WWE 2K25 (Image via 2K, Smacktalks/YouTube)

Weapons are a means of inflicting more damage on your opponents at a faster pace. In a standard match with disqualification turned on, weapons are considered illegal. These could still be used, however, if your manager distracts the referee or you attack them. At this point, you get a small window to use a weapon on your opponent before the referee gets back up to their feet.

In non-disqualification matches such as extreme rules, you do not have to worry about the referee. You just simply slide under the ring, approach the apron, at any side of the ring, and stand at the center of it. Press L1 on PlayStation or LB on Xbox to draw a weapon. Considering which side you are standing on, you pick different weapons.

Once you have the weapon, you can approach your opponent and press either square or X on PlayStation or A or B on Xbox to perform different types of attacks.

Also read: WWE 2K25: All Weapons List

What are Badges and Payback points in WWE 2K25

WWE 2K25 Badges (Image via 2K, LexxExpress/YouTube)
WWE 2K25 Badges (Image via 2K, LexxExpress/YouTube)


Badges help enhance the fighting abilities of your wrestler. Different badges will provide your character with different benefits, considering which fighting style they have. There are a total of 45 badges, out of which some activate before the match begins and the others mid-match.

Also read: WWE 2K25 Badges Explained


Paybacks are similar to badges, but also help your wrestlers finish certain actions faster. You get to equip two paybacks at once. Timing is crucial to perform moves with the help of payback, but they definitely would prove to be a game changer. Wrestlers under the rating of 85 cannot use resiliency as a payback.

Also read: WWE 2K25: All Secret and Hidden Payback Moves

Types of Matches in WWE 2K25

Game types in WWE 2K25 (Image via 2K, EspacioNX/YouTube)
Game types in WWE 2K25 (Image via 2K, EspacioNX/YouTube)

Normal Matches / Special Matches

These are the standard types of matches in which the rules are set to default. This includes DQ, ring-out counts, and a pinfall or submission to end the match. Other popular match types include Royal Rumble, Steel Cage, Hell in a Cell, and TLC, among others. Along with these, a lot of new match types are now introduced to choose from.

The underground match is set in a unique premise without ring ropes or corner buckles. In this match type, you can only reign victorious by either knocking out your opponent or submitting them. During this match, other wrestlers will be standing ringside.

Bloodline Rules Match is another new match type where the players are provided with up to three allies. You have three payback points, each being used once you call an ally. These matches also lead up to potential all-out brawls.

Tag Team Match

Tag-team matches involve teams of players competing against each other, be it 2v2 or 3v3. These are further divided into two types: the tornado tag team and the classic tag team. In tornado tag-team, the system of tagging your teammate is disabled, making all the players legal fighters. In the classic tag team setting, you can now instruct your non-legal teammate to perform certain actions to aid you.

These are the set of inputs and actions you can perform:

  1. L1 + D-Pad Up on PlayStation or LB + D-Pad Up on Xbox: Remove Turnbuckle Pad
  2. L1 + D-Pad Down or LB + D-Pad Down: Retrieve a weapon and pass it in the ring
  3. L1 + D-Pad Left or LB + D-Pad Left: Retrieve a table and set it up
  4. L1 + D-Pad Right or LB + D-Pad Right: Attacks the non-legal members of the opponent’s team
WWE 2K25 The Island (Image via 2K, WWE 2K/YouTube)
WWE 2K25 The Island (Image via 2K, WWE 2K/YouTube)

New Game Modes

WWE 2K25 comes with some of the popular game modes from the previous editions as well as newly integrated matches. The new game modes include The Island and the Bloodline Showcase Mode. The Bloodline Showcase mode is hosted by Paul Heyman and hosts a series of competitions against one of the most decorated families in sports entertainment, the Samoan Dynasty.

The island, on the other hand, is a new mini open-world element in the game. Players can create their custom characters and venture out into this grand-looking paradise. You get to compete with other players in different arenas and compete to be the best.

Another significantly new feature is the intergender matches. Players can now play matches between male and female wrestlers in all the different match types. The only exception to this match type is the lack of blood. The other game modes include MyFaction, MyRise, Universe Mode, and Creation Suite.

Also read: WWE 2K25: All New Match Types and What They Are

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