Best Bard Spell Tier List in Baldur’s Gate 3

Discover everything you need to know about the Bard Spell Tier List in Baldur’s Gate 3 and why they’re the best to use.

Best Bard Spell Tier List in Baldur's Gate 3
Best Bard Spell Tier List in Baldur’s Gate 3 (Source: Xbox Game Studios)

Bard in Baldur’s Gate 3 is a versatile spellcaster who excels in combat, social interactions, and supporting their party. They channel their power through music, speech, or performance. Their primary ability score is Charisma, which is crucial for social skills like Persuasion and Intimidation. A unique feature of the Bard is Bardic Inspiration, allowing them to provide allies a bonus on ability checks, attack rolls, and damage rolls.

This unique class uses music to channel magic, and they have access to a variety of spells that can be used for healing, buffing, and debuffing. Choosing the best spells is crucial for the Bard as their gameplay heavily relies on them. So, we bring the best Bard Spell Tier list that helps you sort out which spell to use and which one to avoid. In this guide, we’ll discuss the best Bard spells in our tier list in BG3 and how they can influence your gameplay.

Bard Spell Overview in Baldur’s Gate 3

Bards are spellcasters who channel their power through song, speech, or performance, utilizing Charisma in Baldur’s Gate 3. They have access to a wide range of spells, including healing, utility, and offensive options. The characters from this class can use their spells to manipulate enemies and allies. Hold Monster is the best spell in our Bard Spell Tier list as it can render powerful beings helpless. Bards gain access to spell slots as they level up, allowing them to cast higher-level spells. Bards have the capability of turning a simple song into a magical effect that makes people more pliable in social situations. They can also turn simple words into real damage caused to someone. Bards are people who very specifically weave magic into their music and voice. As a spell focused, Bards typically use their own instruments and they are in fact full spell casters.


Bards don’t have to prepare their spells. They can simply use the ones that they know and they have available spell slots to do so. However, probably the main thing to know here is that while it is very much so possible to be an offensive spellcaster with a Bard. Many of their spells are more like Illusions, enchantments, general support, and utility. They do have a few offensive options but not nearly as much as say a Wizard or a Sorcerer. Much of their magic as you might imagine is typically based on sound-oriented spells things. This can affect language, your ability to talk to certain things, and spells that are just generally very loud like Thunderwave.

So, they make for the most part better support casters than a primary spellcaster or damaged spell casting. They can absolutely be offensive with their spells. They are best known for something like Vicious Mockery one of their cantrips. This uses the magic of their insults to both damage and enemy and also gives them this advantage on their attack roles. As they are full spell casters, you can absolutely make very good use of the mini spells available to them. Just don’t expect to be hurling Fireballs or shooting lightning from your fingertips in most cases.

Bardic Inspiration

In addition to whatever else they do that turns a Bard can use their music to inspire someone. This will give them an extra 1d6 on their next attack roll, ability check and saving throw. You throw a D6 and you add that as a bonus. However, in order to use this on someone they do have to be within range which is about 60 feet. They also need to be able to hear you. You’ll be able to do this a few times per day based on your charisma modifier and then it’s reset when you take a long rest.

As you level up, this becomes more effective at the fifth level it turns into a d8, and at the tenth, it turns into a d10. Remember, this is a bonus action so typically a Bard will be able to do something else. They also Inspire someone on their own turn. This inspiration ability is a huge part of what bards are all about. It naturally comes up a good bit here and there in other places as well for their subclasses.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Best Bard Spell Tier List

Here’s the best Bard spell tier list in Baldur’s Gate 3.

S-TierHold Monster, Glyph of Warding, Fear
A-TierConfusion, Freedom of Movement, Invisibility 
B-TierThunderwave, Mass Cure Wounds, Dominate Person 
C-TierOtto’s Irresistible Dance, Dimension Door, Cloud of Daggers 
D-TierSilence, Faerie Fire, Speak with Dead
Best Bard Spell Tier List in Baldur’s Gate 3

S-Tier Best Bard Spell

Hold Monster

BG3 Hold Monster Spell
  • Description: Paralyse a creature. It can’t move, act, or react. Attacks from within 3m are always Critical Hits.
  • School: Enchantment School
  • Cost: Action + Level 5 Spell Slot
  • Range: 18m / 60ft
  • Concentration: Yes
  • Upcast: Affects an additional target for each spell slot level above 5th.

Hold Monster is a powerful level 5 enchantment spell in Baldur’s Gate 3. It can paralyze a creature, preventing them from acting and making them vulnerable to attacks. However, this spell does not affect the undead. Hold Monster forces a target to make a Wisdom saving throw. They become paralyzed for the spell’s duration, unable to move, take actions, bonus actions, or reactions if they fail. If the attacker is within 3m / 10ft, then the attacks against a paralyzed target are always critical hits.

You can target one additional creature for each slot level above 5th when casting with a spell slot of 6th level or higher. The target can make another Wisdom saving throw to attempt to end the spell’s effect at the end of each turn. This is the best Bard spell that can turn the tide of a fight, especially while battling against tougher enemies. However, Hold Monster requires Concentration, so you can’t use other spells that also require concentration at the same time. 

Glyph Of Warding

BG3 Glyph of Warding Spell
  • Description: Inscribe a circle of arcane glyphs on the ground. When stepped on by an enemy, the selected magical effect will trigger.
  • School: Abjuration School
  • Cost: Action + Level 3 spell Slot
  • Range: 9m / 30ft
  • Concentration: No
  • Upcast: Casting this spell at a higher level deals extra damage.

Glyph Of Warding in Baldur’s Gate 3 allows you to inscribe a circle of arcane glyphs on the ground. This can trigger a magical effect when stepped on by an enemy, or when the glyph is triggered by a specific action. You need to decide what triggers the glyph when you cast the spell. It can either be stepping on it, removing a covering object, or approaching within a certain distance. You can store any spell up to the same level as the spell slot used for Glyph of Warding. 

The area is centered on the creature that triggered the glyph if the stored spell has an AoE. However, this spell requires a powdered diamond worth 200+ GP. You can store a damage spell like Thunderwave to deal massive damage to the enemies who step on Glyph. Glyph of Warding are hard to detect and disable. You can’t proc items that add effects on elemental damage as the damage is indirect.


  • Description: Project an image so frightening it makes targets drop their weapons and become Fearful. They will be easier to hit and cannot move. If the target ends their turn where they can’t see you, they can make another Saving Throw to shake off their fear.
  • School: Illusion School
  • Cost: Action + Level 3 Spell Slot
  • Range: 9m / 30ft
  • Concentration: Yes
  • Upcast: No

Fear is a level 3 Illusion spell in Baldur’s Gate 3. This spell projects a phantasmal image of a creature’s worst fears. This forces the targets to make a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened. As a result, they have to move away from the casters. The spell creates a 30-foot cone effect, forcing creatures within to make a Wisdom saving throw. Creatures become frightened and must take the Dash action on a failed save. However, this spell can make another Wisdom saving throw to end the spell if the frightened creature ends its turn where it doesn’t have a line of sight to the caster.

You can cast it on multiple enemies and watch them throw down their weapons and start running around. This makes it easier to escape or fight the remaining enemies in tough combat. Fearing an enemy surrounded by melee units can turn the spell into a powerful nuke spell. Fear is very useful against enemies that are immune to charm or incapacitation effects. The spell’s usefulness can vary greatly depending on the enemy’s composition. Target weapon-wielding enemies to effectively use this spell.

A-Tier Best Bard Spell


BG3 Confusion Spell
  • Description: Befuddle a group of creatures, causing them to attack at random, wander around aimlessly, and occasionally skip turns in the stupor.
  • School: Enchantment School
  • Cost: Action + Level 4 Spell Slot
  • Range: 18m / 60ft
  • Concentration: Yes
  • Upcast: Increases the radius of the affected area by 2 m / 7 ft per additional spell slot level.

Confusion is a level 4 enchantment spell in Baldur’s Gate 3. This spell can confuse a group of creatures, causing them to attack randomly. They wander aimlessly and skip the turns, reducing their effectiveness in combat. The spell targets a group of creatures within a specific area of effect, making it a powerful crowd-control option. Affected creatures must make a Wisdom saving throw to resist the spell’s effects. 

Confusion has a high chance of success against bosses, making it the best choice for players. Confusion places a 6-meter radius field of confusion which can set enemies off randomly taking actions. Combine Confusion with invisibility by sneaking near a stacked group and casting from stealth. Use this spell to disrupt enemy movement or to create opportunities for your party to escape or reposition. You can cast it without worrying about friendly fire, allowing you to dominate enemies pretty easily.

Freedom of Movement

BG3 Freedom of Movement Spell
  • Description: Snap an ally out of any Stun. Difficult Terrain can’t slow them down, and they can’t be magically Paralysed or Restrained. If the target is restrained by non-magical means, it can spend 1.5m of movement to free itself.
  • School: Abjuration School
  • Cost: Action + Level 4 Spell Slot
  • Range: 1.5m / 5ft
  • Concentration: No
  • Upcast: No

Freedom of Movement is a level 4 abjuration spell in Baldur’s Gate 3. This spell allows you to project a target from being restrained, paralyzed, or having their movement speed reduced. This is either done by difficult terrain, spells, or magical effects. It prevents the target’s movement speed from being reduced. The target can spend 5 feet of movement to automatically escape from nonmagical restraints.

Freedom of Movement allows the characters to move freely in difficult terrain, such as swamps or icy surfaces. It allows characters to fight freely underwater. It is a useful and good spell for protecting melee characters who often need to move around the battlefield. You can use this spell in difficult terrain like water, mud, or grease. However, it doesn’t negate the effects of AoE spells like Poison Cloud.


Baldur's Gate 3 Invisibility Spell
  • Description: Touch a creature to turn it Invisible. Attacks against it have Disadvantages. It attacks with an Advantage.
  • School: Illusion School
  • Cost: Action + Level 2 Spell Spot
  • Range: 1.5m / 5ft
  • Concentration: Yes
  • Upcast: Yes

Invisibility is a level 2 illusion spell, allowing the spellcasters to make a creature invisible to normal vision. This provides an advantage on attack rolls and imposes a disadvantage on enemy attack rolls. The duration of this spell remains until the spell is broken, dispelled, or 24 hours have passed. If the invisible entity attacks, casts another spell, interacts with an object, and takes an action or bonus action, then the spell breaks. Greater Invisibility is considered underwhelming in BG3. It breaks more easily and requires Stealth checks to maintain.

Enemies can use spells or abilities to see invisible creatures. You can even use Volo’s Ersatz Eye to see the invisibility. Items dropped or put down by the invisible creature become visible. This can be a powerful tool for stealth and flanking, but it has limitations. Invisibility potions offer a more convenient and immediate solution for becoming invisible. You may need to focus on characters with high Dexterity and Stealth proficiency to maximize the effectiveness of this spell. Equip the gear and abilities that enhance stealth and evasion. 

B-Tier Best Bard Spell


Baldur's Gate 3 Casting Thunderwave Spell
  • Description: Release a wave of thunderous force that pushes away all creatures and objects.
  • On Save: Targets still take half damage.
  • School: Evocation School
  • Cost: Action + Level 1 Spell Slot
  • Range: 1.5m / 5ft
  • Concentration: No
  • Upcast: Casting this spell at a higher level deals an extra 1d8 Thunder damage for each spell slot level above 1st.

Thunderwave is a level 1 evocation spell in Baldur’s Gate 3. This spell allows you to unleash a wave of thunderous energy that pushes creatures and objects away, dealing thunder damage. Creatures within the area must make a Constitution saving throw, with failure. This allows them to take damage and get pushed back. Thunderwave is a good choice for crowd control and in dealing with a cluster of enemies in tough encounters. It can disrupt their formations and create opportunities for your party to flank or reposition. You can use this spell to clear out a tight hallway and disengage from a dangerous fight. This is the best choice for players who seek reliable damage and control spells.  It deals an impressive 2d8 Thunder damage and can take half of the damage you rolled.

Mass Cure Wounds 

  • Description: Unleash a soothing hum of energy that heals you and nearby allies.
  • School: Evocation School
  • Cost: Action + Level 5 Spell Slot
  • Range: 18m / 60ft
  • Concentration: No
  • Upcast: Casting this spell at a higher level heals an extra 1d8 hit points for each spell slot level above 5th.

Mass Cure Wounds is a level 5 spell that heals a group of up to six creatures within a 30-foot radius. Each regains hit points equal to 3d8 plus your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has the potential to restore the highest amount of hit points. Mass Cure Wounds heals multiple allies within a range, allowing you to quickly restore a large portion of your party’s health. This spell shines in situations where multiple party members are taking damage, while other healing spells like Healing Word might be better in specific situations. However, it requires a main action to cast and does not provide any additional effects or benefits like other healing spells. 

Dominate Person 

  • Description: Make a humanoid fight alongside you. Every time the creature takes damage, it makes a Wisdom Saving Throw against your domination. Allies cannot be dominated.
  • School: Enchantment School
  • Cost: Action + Level 5 Spell slot
  • Range: 18m / 60ft
  • Concentration: Yes
  • Upcast: No

Dominate Person is a powerful spell that allows the caster to take complete control of a humanoid. This spell allows you to turn the enemies into an ally and grant telepathic control over their actions. This unique feature makes it a powerful tool while battling a group of enemies. The target becomes charmed by the caster for the duration of the spell. However, the target needs to make a Wisdom saving throw to resist the spell’s effects. 

Dominate Person can be used strategically to turn powerful enemies, allowing the team to gain a significant advantage in combat. Use this spell to control enemies and have them do their bidding. However, this spell is not always easily available to all characters. The effectiveness of this spell is based on the target’s Wisdom score and the caster’s ability to succeed on spell-saving throws. The spell is best used on enemies who are less likely to get hit in tough encounters. You can even use this spell to deal damage, create distractions, or complete objectives.

C-Tier Best Bard Spell

Otto’s Irresistible Dance 

  • Description: Cause Cause a creature to start dancing, making it unable to take action or move. Its attackers have an Advantage on Attack Rolls. Cause a creature to start dancing, making it unable to take action or move. Its attackers have an Advantage on Attack Rolls.
  • School: Enchantment School
  • Cost: Acton + Level 6 Spell Slot
  • Range: 9m / 30 ft
  • Concentration: Yes
  • Upcast: No

Otto’s Irresistible Dance is a level 6 enchantment spell in Baldur’s Gate 3. This spell forces a target to dance in place, shuffling, tapping its feet, and capering. It makes them unable to take action for the duration of the spell. A dancing creature can make a Wisdom saving throw to regain control of itself as an action. However, the spell ends on a successful save. Creatures that cannot be charmed are immune to this spell. This spell requires a level 6 spell slot. This makes it a costly choice for the players who want to make the enemies vulnerable. It’s not a high-damage spell and can be less useful against enemies that don’t rely on movement.

Dimension Door

  • Description: Teleport yourself and up to 1 adjacent ally to a place you can see. The ally cannot be larger than medium.
  • School: Conjuration School
  • Cost: Action + Level 4 Spell Slot
  • Range: 50m / 167ft
  • Concentration: No
  • Upcast: No

Dimension Door is a level 4 conjuration spell in Baldur’s Gate 3. It allows you to teleport and one adjacent, medium-sized ally to a place you can see. This makes it a powerful tool to escape tough encounters or reposition. However, the ally must be within 5 feet of you when you cast the spell and cannot be larger than medium size.

This works well when faced with bosses to take them out. This gives you more flexibility in where you can teleport. It can be used to explore areas that would otherwise be inaccessible. If you or an ally are in a sticky situation, then the Dimension Door can be used to escape. Dimension Door doesn’t require concentration. This means that you can use it while focusing on other spells.

Cloud of Daggers 

  • Description: Conjure a cloud of spinning daggers that attack anyone inside.
  • School: Conjuration school
  • Cost: Action + Level 2 Spell Slot
  • Range: 18m / 60ft
  • Concentration: Yes
  • Upcast: Yes

Cloud of Daggers is a level 2 conjuration spell in Baldur’s Gate 3. This spell allows you to create an area of daggers. Cloud of Daggers deals slashing damage to any creature that enters the area or starts its turn within it. However, this spell requires concentration. This means that the caster must maintain focus to keep it active. You can use this spell to control enemy movement and deal significant damage in a small area.

This spell is more effective when used in conjunction with Eldritch blasts or other spells to move enemies back into the cloud of daggers. It offers a good damage-per-spell-slot as a level 2 spell. Use the Cloud of Daggers in strategic locations to punish enemy positioning. However, the area of effect is relatively small compared to the AoE of other spells. The dark clouds created by this spell can inflict damage at the start and end of each round.

D-Tier Best Bard Spell


  • Description: Create a sound-proof sphere. All within are Silenced and Immune to Thunder damage.
  • School: Illusion School
  • Cost: Action + Level 2 Spell Slot
  • Range: 18m / 60ft
  • Concentration: Yes
  • Upcast: No

Silence is a level 2 spell that creates a sphere of absolute quietness in Baldur’s Gate 3. This spell prevents creatures within from casting spells with verbal components. It grants the spellcasters immunity to thunder damage. The spell can be used to silence enemies and stop them from calling for help. Use this spell to nullify enemy casters and resist them from casting the spells. Creatures inside the sphere cannot cast verbal spells.

This is useful against enemies who rely on such spells or abilities. However, using the Silence can turn targets hostile. The thief subclass can use Silence to destroy doors and chests without needing noise escape. You can even pair it with the rogue’s sneak attack to take out the sleeping enemies. Silence is also best for crowd control while facing off against enemy spellcasters.

Faerie Fire

  • Description: All targets within the light turn visible, and Attack Rolls against them have an Advantage.
  • School: Evocation School
  • Cost: Action + Level 1 Spell Slot
  • Range: 18m / 60ft
  • Concentration: Yes
  • Upcast: No

Faerie Fire is a level 1 spell in Baldur’s Gate 3 that illuminates objects and creatures within a 20-foot cube. This spell reveals invisible targets and grants a bonus on attack rolls against the enemies for a short duration. Creatures affected by Faerie Fire shed dim light. This works well with melee-focused parties with high AC and DEX. Faerie Fire is a concentration spell, so you need to maintain focus to keep the effect active. If you take damage and fail a Constitution saving throw, then the spell ends. Faerie Fire is a kind of spell that is useful against foes that depend on invisibility or to reveal hidden objects.

Speak With Dead

  • Description: Grant a semblance of life to a humanoid corpse, allowing it to answer up to 5 questions. Skeletons and creatures killed with Acid, Fire, Lightning, Necrotic, or Radiant damage no longer have a mouth and can’t be made to talk using this spell. Doesn’t work on Undead.
  • School: Necromancy School
  • Cost: Action + Level 3 Spell Slot
  • Range: 9m / 30 ft
  • Concentration: No
  • Upcast: No

Speak with Dead is a level 3 necromancy spell in Baldur’s Gate 3. This spell allows you to provide a semblance of life to a corpse, enabling them to ask questions and receive answers. The answers from the corpse are often limited and can be vague. The corpse appears lifeless and may not be willing to speak to its killer. You can use it to obtain information from deceased characters in the game. The spell can reveal secrets or clues, making it easy to progress. You can gather clues about quests and the world around you.

What methodology is used for the best Bard Spell tier list in Baldur’s Gate 3?

The best Bard spell tier list is based on factors like damage, utility, support, and control. Consider selecting the spells that debuff and crowd-control enemies. Prioritize the spells in the high tier that deal direct damage along with the elemental effects. Use spells like Cure Wounds, invisibility, and Hold Monster while playing as a Bard in Baldur’s Gate 3. Higher-tier spells that cost more spell slots but have a long duration or powerful effect are highly considered. Consider the spells that improve overall group performance, especially in boss fights. Consider the spells that are straightforward and effective in a wide range of situations.

FAQs about Bard Spell in Baldur’s Gate 3

Which is the best Bard spell in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Hold Monter is the best Bard spell in Baldur’s Gate 3 because it can paralyze a creature, preventing it from acting and making it vulnerable to attacks. It forces a target to make a Wisdom saving throw. 

Which is the worst Bard spell in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Speak With Dead is the worst spell in Baldur’s Gate 3 because it allows you to provide a semblance of life to a corpse, enabling them to ask questions and receive answers. The answers from the corpse are often limited and can be vague.

What is the Bard class in BG3?

Bard in Baldur’s Gate 3 is a versatile spellcaster who excels in combat, social interactions, and supporting their party. They channel their power through music, speech, or performance. They are proficient in a wide range of skills and able to fill various roles in a party, including spellcasting, support, and even melee combat.

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